
61. Chameleon

"Good morning, everybody!" Angel said just as her guests emerged from their respective bedrooms. She then snapped her fingers to put the still-restrained Lila back in her seat.

"Well, now it is. Now that we've seen Rossi's utterly messy bedhead!" Chloe taunted as soon as she saw Lila, whose hair is more messed up than usual. Everyone else chuckled in agreement while Lila gritted her teeth with an evil furious look.

"OK, we're gonna get started with the third season where things get more dramatic and complicated," Angel said, making the others feel kind of nervous. "But on the bright side, more heroes!" Everyone started getting excited after that.

"How many more temporary heroes are there again?" Mylene asked as she had lost count as well as most others.

"There's four more: Pegasus the Horse Hero, Viperion the Snake Hero, Ryuko the Dragon Heroine, and King Monkey the Monkey Hero," Marinette answered as she tried to remember.

"I think we're missing one. The one from the future? Bunnyx!" Adrien reminded his girlfriend.

"Well, yeah, I guess I did forget that. But technically, she's not a temporary hero, you know," Marinette reminded Adrien herself, leaving the others (except for Alix) confused.

"Uh, girl? Kind of lost here. Who is Bunnyx?!" Alya asked her best friend, curious as well as everyone else.

"Bunnyx is a Miraculous superhero from like ten years into the future. She's got the Rabbit Miraculous which gives her the power of time travel. She travels back to our present when a supervillain from the future arrives or something happens in our present that causes a disastrous future," Marinette explained, but once she said the last thing, she suddenly remembered Cat Blanc which got her looking sad. "Something I wanna tell you tonight before bed, kitty."

"Do you know her identity?" Ivan asked.

"Yes, we both know. She's one of you guys as an adult," Marinette answered, not wanting to give any more spoilers. But that hint got all the teens excited to see which one among them as an adult they'll get to see.

"Anyway, the first episode we'll watch is Chameleon, which was the second akuma form of Messy Bedhead over there," Angel said as she pointed to Lila. "Caution: you all might wanna bang your heads against the wall during this one." That got everyone a bit confused as the episode started to play.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, courtyard.

Marinette: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

Scene: Miss Bustier's classroom.

Marinette: (sees everyone in the class is sitting next to someone except for Adrien, who has an empty seat beside him, much to Marinette's excitement. She runs around the desks, towards Alya) How'd you pull this off, Alya? You're the best. I can't believe you got everyone to swap seats so I can sit next to Adrien. Then again, it might not be the best idea. It could keep me from paying attention in class, and if I fail it'd be a total disaster because then Adrien and I would never have our own house, the three kids, the hamster named–

Everyone in the audience started chuckling as Marinette on-screen started ranting about the cons of sitting next to Adrien in class while the girl in question facepalmed in embarrassment.

Alya: (interrupts Marinette) Whoa girl, what are you talking about? You're not sitting next to Adrien. Your seat's over there.

Marinette: At the back? Why? What's going on?

Nino: Well, since she's got a hearing issue, there's no way she can sit at the back of the class, right? Which means she needed a place up in the front.

Alya: So to make it work Ivan sat next to Mylène, Nate sat next to Alix, besides she came up with the idea of moving Nino here, so now we get to spend more time together.

"Life lesson, everybody: just because people are nice doesn't mean that they're pushovers. You shouldn't assume anything of them. If you want something from them, you should've asked them first," Angel gently reprimanded Miss Bustier's class for swapping seats and making Marinette sit in the back without asking her first. The class started to look very guilty as they started to remember that day.

"Plus, this is ridiculous. If someone needs a place in the front row, only one person already seated in the front row has to give up his or her seat. Having most of everyone change seats was really unnecessary," Kagami pointed out to the others who blushed in embarrassment and shame.

Marinette: Who is this "she"? (Miss Bustier enters the classroom)

Miss Bustier: Good morning, students. I'm sure you've all heard by now, but Lila's home from her trip to Achu and she's back in school with us again.

Lila: (enters classroom) Hi, everyone.

"UGH!" Everyone then started to groan in disgust at seeing Lila back in school again, in contrast to what they felt before.

"If it were up to me, I would add thunder-and-lightning effects to her arriving," Angel commented and everyone else (except for Lila) murmured in agreement.

Class: Hi, Lila.

Lila: Oh, a seat in the front row! You all remembered my hearing issue! You're such sweethearts, all of you. (blows kisses)

Marinette: You have a hearing problem, Lila?

"Two words, Miss Bustier: Doctor's. Note." Angel said in exasperation towards the young teacher who looked down in sadness and shame.

Lila: Yes, I suffer from tinnitus, a constant ringing in my left ear. I've had it ever since the sound of an airplane engine burst my eardrum on the runway when I was saving Jagged Stone's lost kitten.

"OK, that is one of the worst lies I've ever heard in my life. Jagged Stone never had a kitten, no one is allowed on a plane runway, and a plane engine would make you deaf. No one is stupid enough to believe that," Luka commented and Kagami nodded in agreement.

"Wanna bet?" Marinette and Adrien deadpanned in annoyance towards most of their classmates who started facepalming themselves. Meanwhile, Lila just lightly chuckled at the fact that most of her classmates fell for her every word.

Marinette: Isn't Jagged Stone's pet a crocodile?

Lila: Now it is, yes. But he had a kitten until he found out he was allergic to it. The best part is, since you're such an excellent student, Adrien, you'll be able to help me catch up with all the schoolwork I missed while I was traveling with my parents. Would you do that for me?

Adrien: Sure, Lila.

Marinette: Miss Bustier, why do I have to sit in the back now?

Miss Bustier: Do you have any trouble hearing or seeing, Marinette?

Marinette: Uh, I… I…

Adrien: My eyesight and hearing are good. I'll sit in the back of the class and you two can sit up front. I don't mind.

Marinette and Lila: No! (Adrien looks at Marinette and Lila)

Lila: My return is causing so much trouble, maybe I should have just stayed on the other side of the world. If Marinette has an issue too, then I should be the one to go and sit in the back. It's okay. (The class gasps and glares at Marinette with an angry expression.)

"And now you all are getting angry at Marinette for no valid reason," Kagami said with a sour expression towards the class' glares towards Marinette.

"We're so sorry, M. We thought you were being mean to Lila for no good reason," Alix said as she looked down in shame as well as most of everyone else.

"Marinette? Mean for no good reason? Do you guys know her at all?!" Adrien asked in exasperation as well as the people who never believed Lila while everyone else just shrugged nervously.

Marinette: I don't actually have any trouble seeing or hearing. I mean…

Miss Bustier: Good, so there's no problem then. You sit here, Lila, Adrien, you stay where you are and, Marinette, you sit in the back row. (Marinette and Lila go and sit in their seats; Lila laughs; Marinette growls)

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair. Hawk Moth's window opens.

Hawk Moth: Ah, high school, the arena of teenage angst, where emotions are so intense. A perfect stadium for my dear akumas. Being separated from your friends, becoming isolated: (turns a butterfly into an akuma.) just what devastating anger is made of. Fly away and evilize this angry high school girl. (The akuma flies out into Paris.)

"Another akuma after you, girl?!" Alya asked in shock about the akuma targeting Marinette on-screen as well as everyone else.

"Yeah, but it got closer to me than the one in Zombizou," Marinette confessed to her near-akumatization. "You'll see."

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. The akuma flies towards the school. Marinette is still growling at Lila's actions. The akuma slips through the window.

Miss Bustier: (claps in her hands) Open your books to page 23. (Marinette takes a deep breath and calms down just before the akuma reaches her; the akuma leaves, unseen.)

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair.

Hawk Moth: Strange, I feel the fury dying down, but the wheels are in motion. It's only a matter of time, be patient now my akuma.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, cafeteria. Marinette, Alya and Nino are grabbing food, Lila is sitting at a table full of food with the rest of the class around her.

Sabrina: That's for you, Lila!

Lila: Thank you. You're so sweet!

Max: Here's your appetizer, Lila!

Mylène: And I've got your main course!

Kim: I'll fetch your dessert!

Lila: I'm sorry I can't carry my own tray. It's almost impossible with this sprained wrist.

"Wow! Not only are you a liar. You're lazy!" Marinette criticized the lying sociopath who growled in anger in response. "Plus, faking disabilities and injuries. Kind of insulting people who actually do have them!" Everyone else grumbled in agreement as they have friends that actually do have disabilities and long-term injuries.

"Yeah! You're becoming more and more pathetic, Rossi!" Chloe said in disgust towards the Italian girl.

"Oh, shut up, you stupid blonde! Like you don't treat people like servants!" Lila retorted towards the blonde girl.

"OK, maybe I do. But I don't fake disabilities to do it. That's lower than my standards. Plus being Queen Bee has taught me to do more things for myself!" Chloe retorted back in anger.

"That's true! Chloe doesn't ask so much from me as much as she used to!" Sabrina said, defending her best friend and everyone else agreed that Chloe has definitely mellowed since becoming Queen Bee.

Kim: (reaches for a plate between Marinette and Alya) Sorry.

Marinette: Lila's totally lying. She made up that whole tinnitus story just so she could sit next to Adrien, and her sprained wrist's completely bogus, too.

"Yes. Wouldn't Lila have some gauze or a cast on her wrist if it is really sprained?" Kagami asked in disbelief that most of everyone bought that.

Alya: I don't get it, Marinette. You barely know Lila. Why all the hate?

Marinette: Fine, I'll tell you everything. (drags Alya and Nino to a separate table away from the others and sits down across from them) You remember Lila when she first came to school right after the summer break? She was only here for one day and then she left on that 'round-the-world trip. Everyone was captivated by her. Something just felt off to me. So I followed her.

Alya and Nino: What?

Lila: (in flashback) Not only did Ladybug save my life, we've become very close friends.

Marinette: She lies with every breath.

Nino: Wait. You eavesdropped on Lila and Adrien? That's not cool.

Alya: A good reporter always verifies her sources. Can you prove she doesn't actually know Ladybug?

"In a way, Alya, Marinette does have proof. The fact that there's no proof whatsoever backing up Lila's claims. Maybe it's not solid proof that ultimately proves Lila's lying, but it's enough to push you to do more research like a REAL journalist," Angel reprimanded the bespectacled girl who had her face buried in her hands in shame for not following her own advice.

Marinette: Well I–uh… I… I… Okay! You want proof she's lying? Hey Lila! You forgot your napkin! (Marinette throws a napkin at Lila and she catches it with her supposedly sprained right hand.) Ha, ha! See that? It's obvious she doesn't have a sprained wrist. (the class gasps and stares at Lila)

Lila: (drops napkin) Uh, ow! Once when I was in India, I witnessed someone getting their eye gouged out by the corner of a napkin. If I hadn't caught it, this napkin could've injured Max. I didn't have a choice. Ow!

Max: Lila, you saved my eye! You sacrificed yourself for me.

Lila: Why wouldn't I, Max? Ouch. You're my friend.

Sabrina: We'll take you to the nurse's office.

Mylène: (to Marinette) Are you proud of yourself?

Kim: Lila's in even more pain now, all because of you.

"SERIOUSLY?!" Adrien shouted over to his classmates about the napkin incident, starting a chain from everyone else who never believed Lila. Meanwhile, the others keep hitting themselves in the head in shame of their stupidity.

"SERIOUSLY?!" (Chloe)

"SERIOUSLY?!" (Luka and Kagami together)

"SERIOUSLY?!" (Tom and Sabine together)

Lila: No, no, don't blame Marinette. She was just trying to give me a napkin. Right? (Marinette becomes furious and stomps away angrily as everyone watches her in shocked and bewildered expression.)

"You weren't kidding, Dupain-Cheng! If I were you, I would tell everyone there to get their brains checked!" Chloe said sounding like her old self, similarly frustrated as Marinette on-screen. They all wanna retort against Chloe's mean comment, but they didn't as they can't argue and they feel that they deserved to be shamed for their stupidity.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, bathroom. Marinette continues to growl, Lila enters.

Lila: Marinette? Oh, are you crying?

Marinette: No, I'm not!

Lila: I can sense that you don't like me, but I don't understand why. We barely know each other.

Ladybug: (in flashback) Miss Show-Off here was trying to impress you.

Lila: Don't tell me it's because of this new seating arrangement in class! (Marinette turns away from Lila) It is! Of course, you're jealous because I'm sitting next to Adrien, because you would've given anything to sit there yourself. You know what? It's really not worth fighting over a boy. You and I could be friends, and who knows, I might even be able to help you with Adrien.

"That is the biggest load of crud I've ever heard from you, Lila! You honestly think I don't see how you behave around Adrien?!" Marinette asked in disbelief towards her enemy who frowned in response.

Marinette: You and I will only be friends the day you stop lying, Lila! (Lila gasps) I can't prove it, but I know for a fact that you don't have tinnitus, that your wrist is just fine, that you don't know Prince Ali because you've never even stepped foot in Achu, and despite what you got Alya to write on her Ladyblog, Ladybug has never saved your life!

Lila: I only tell people what they want to hear.

"That is true," Lila taunted towards everyone else, then turned towards Marinette. "But, you cannot let that go, can you?"

"You know, Lila. I could easily tune out and ignore your lies if they're just about meeting celebrities or your travels. But, when you fake stuff to take advantage of my friends' kind and helpful nature and you keep hitting on Adrien when he's clearly not interested. That's called harassment by the way. That's where I draw the line!" Marinette replied back in anger while everyone else looked at her in admiration as they murmured in agreement.

"Whatever!" Lila said, uninterested in what her enemy just said as the others look at the girl in disbelief and anger.

Marinette: It's called lying!

Lila: There's nothing you can do about it, anyway. People can't resist when they hear what they like to hear. If you don't want to be my friend, fine! But soon you won't have any friends left at all. And trust me, I'll make sure you never get close to Adrien in class or anywhere. You seem a little less dumb than the others, so I'll give you one last chance. You are either with me or against me. You don't have to answer right away. I'll give you 'till the end of class today. (Lila leaves the bathroom; Marinette enters one of the bathroom stalls; Tikki flies out.)

Everyone then just started boiling with rage towards Lila for threatening Marinette on-screen, especially the people very close to her (Adrien, Alya, and her parents).

Marinette: I thought Chloé was evil, but Lila really takes the whole cake! She's like a supervillain who doesn't even need a costume!

"TRUE THAT!" All the teens said in anger towards Lila who just frowned and looked away.

Tikki: You mustn't let her get to you, Marinette.

Marinette: If I don't manage to expose her lies, she'll ruin my life, Tikki. She'll turn my friends against me, including Adrien! (screams in frustration and punches the side of the stall)

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair.

Hawk Moth: Yes! I can feel it. The anger's about to emerge!

Scene: The bathroom. Marinette begins to cry.

Tikki: (sees the akuma) Marinette, look out! (The akuma approaches Marinette)

Marinette: Aah! an akuma!

"You threatened my BFF and almost got her akumatized?! YOU FOUL, LOATHSOME, EVIL, LYING LITTLE COCKROACH!" (AN: Harry Potter reference) Alya screamed in rage towards the Italian girl and rushed over to beat her up, but was restrained by Adrien and Nino. Meanwhile, everyone else showed furious expressions with the more-sensitive ones like Rose and Mylene having tears dripping on their faces.

"That is low, Rossi! Even by my standards!" Chloe said in anger, once again acknowledging that she was a mean girl in the past.

"That is horrendous, Miss Rossi! Your mother and I are going to have a long talk about your despicable actions!" Mr. Damocles promised in anger, feeling angry and guilty about the whole expulsion incident between the two girls.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, locker room. Lila is walking to the exit when suddenly Adrien barges in.

Adrien: Hey, Lila.

Lila: Adrien, we'll have to figure when you're gonna help me catch up on all the schoolwork I missed. I also heard you play piano, my uncle's the great pianist Chuck Boroughchuck. He wanted to teach me when I was little, but I had to stop playing because of arthritis. But when my wrist gets better, I'd love for you to give me some lessons.

"Now, you have arthritis. You really can't stop, can you, young lady?!" Sabine asked in disbelief, still angry that Lila's been bullying her daughter along with everyone else.

Adrien: Lila, I'm perfectly happy being friends with you, and I'll gladly help you catch up on your schoolwork, but please don't lie to me like you did last time with Ladybug.

Adrien: (in flashback) So I'm guessing you're not a descendant of a superhero, either.

Ladybug: (in flashback) She's more like a super liar.

Lila: Ladybug's the liar.

"Ugh, really?! Not this again!" Marinette groaned in frustration along with everyone else that Lila once again blames her for what happened in the park during Volpina.

"Yes again, you meddling insect! It's your fault!" Lila shouted over to her enemy, once again bringing groans of frustrations among the audience.

"YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE LIED!" Everyone else shouted over to the Italian girl in Marinette's defense.

"I was offering to help you, Lila! Is that so much to ask for you to be honest?!" Adrien asked Lila in the most frustrated manner he has ever been in.

"You mean degrade myself into admitting I'm a liar and try to be like Little Miss Sunshine over there?! YES! I'd rather kill myself!" Lila answered in a hateful manner with her head pointed towards Marinette, causing more growling from everyone else.

Adrien: I'm not judging you, Lila, but instead of making friends you're going to turn everyone against you. You can tell me if there's something bothering you. I can help. But you need to be honest with me.

Lila: Are you trying to be some superhero lecturing me just like Ladybug did? Well thanks, but no thanks. Ugh. (storms off)

Adrien: I'm still here if you need help catching up with your schoolwork. (walks away in a dejected manner)

"This is kind of why I made the mistake of asking you to take the high road with Lila's lies," Adrien explained quietly to Marinette. "I thought that I really upset her into being akumatized. I'm so sorry for giving you that advice."

"Well, you did upset her, but it's her own fault, not hers. Plus I didn't tell you that she threatened me. And I understand why you gave me that advice. I admit it did hurt at first, but now I see you just wanted to see the best in everybody which I really love you for. But, now you realize your mistake, so I forgive you, kitty," Marinette said quietly back to Adrien and gave him a kiss on the cheek, making him blush.

Scene: The bathroom.

Tikki: You can resist it, Marinette. Hawk Moth's power only affects people who think there's no solution to their problems, and you always find a solution.

Marinette: You're right! You won't get me, I'm proud, I'm confident, I'm Marinette! (The akuma flies away.)

Everyone (except for Lila of course) cheered and applauded for Marinette resisting the akuma on-screen and Adrien even gave her a congratulatory kiss on the cheek.

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair.

Hawk Moth: What's happened? The anger has disappeared. Hmm, but I can feel something new arising.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, second floor.

Lila: I can't stand those super goody-two-shoes. (sees the akuma) Yes, here's my chance!

What did she mean by that?! Everyone in the audience thought in their heads as they all looked at Lila.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, bathroom.

Marinette: We can't let this akuma run loose.

[Transformation Sequence]

Marinette: Tikki, spots on! Ha! (looks unhappy; Marinette transforms into Ladybug)

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, second floor.

Lila: (grabs the akuma) Come here, akuma. (puts the akuma in her earring) Hawk Moth, I am Lila. I know you want to destroy Ladybug and so do I.

Hawk Moth: (from his lair) Yes, I remember you.

Lila: Give me supervillain powers and I'll give you her and Cat Noir's Miraculous.

Hawk Moth: (from his lair) With pleasure. I have some new powers for you, Chameleon. (Black-purple magic engulfs Lila.)

Everyone sharply gasped and started growling in anger towards the Italian girl, especially the two heroes.

"You chased after and grabbed an akuma for yourself?! You've officially hit rock bottom, Rossi!" Chloe said in disgust and everyone grumbled in disgusted agreement as well.

"Yeah, you're such a freak!" Sabrina said in angry agreement with her best friend, causing Lila to gasp in offense.

"I'M NOT A FREAK! SHE HUMILIATED ME AND RUINED MY CHANCES WITH ADRIEN! PLUS SHE'S FREAKING WORSHIPPED BY THE ENTIRE CITY?! SHE MUST DIE!" Lila said in a very loud and furious outburst while her head is pointing to Marinette, causing more sharp angry gasps from the audience.

"Only because you lied to us, Lila! Take some responsibility!" Adrien said, more angry than he's ever been.

"No! I did nothing wrong! My actions were totally justified!" Lila huffed in anger causing the audience to get angrier and angrier. It's a good thing there are no akumas around!

"You know, Lila, I'm millions of years old. So, I've seen a lot of people like you over the years. They always end up in prisons or in mental institutions, or they were even murdered because they hurt a lot of innocent people. Which is lucky compared to during the ancient era where you'd be sentenced to death for your behavior! You really wanna go down that path?!" Tikki angrily asked in protective defense of her holder.

"Oh, shut up, you stupid red bug! You don't know anything as well as you morons!" Lila retorted back to the kwami and everybody else. "OW!" Lila screamed when she was hit by an apple, courtesy of Alix. "MY NOSE!"

"You're welcome," Alix sarcastically growled as everyone else praised her for that.

"You broke my nose! I'm gonna sue you!" Lila said in anger, pointing to Alix.

"I don't think so, Lila. Just you wait. Now, let's get back to the episode," Angel said with a sly grin, confusing everyone.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, locker room. Ladybug runs out of the bathroom, but shrieks and runs back when she sees Adrien.

Ladybug: I gotta find another way. (looks up and sees an air duct cover)

Adrien: (sees Lila) Hey. (Chameleon pushes Adrien into the locker room.)

Chameleon (as Lila): Adrien, I wanted to apologize for what just happened. I've thought about it and you're right. I want us to be friends, so I'll never tell another lie again. Will you make peace with me? (kisses Adrien on the cheek, turning into Adrien and making the real Adrien collapse onto the ground, sound asleep; in Lila's voice) Whoops, I lied. (puts Adrien into a locker and leaves)

Plagg: (floats out) Adrien, Adrien!

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, roof. Ladybug looks down to see Chameleon (Adrien) approaching Nino and Alya, who are just leaving a classroom.

Chameleon (as Adrien): Nino, I have something to tell you. You don't deserve my friendship or your girlfriend or your cap. (takes Nino's cap and puts it on herself)

Alya: Hey!

"That explains why Adrien was acting weird! It was Lila as Chameleon all along!" Alya pointed out in anger along with Nino for stealing the latter's cap.

Chameleon (as Adrien): You should see your faces, don't miss my performance at the Eiffel Tower. You're gonna love it.

Ladybug: What? Not Adrien.

Scene: Parisian streets, rooftops. Ladybug follows Chameleon throughout Paris. Chameleon jumps in front of the bus, causing the driver to swerve and almost hit someone. Ladybug saves the person and stops the bus just in time.

Bus Driver: Hey, thank you Ladybug. (At the Eiffel Tower; Chameleon is popping Ladybug balloons.)

Civilian: My balloon. Mommy! (Chameleon laughs and pops more Ladybug balloons, then takes a couple Cat Noir balloons.)

"Why am I not surprised?!" Marinette rhetorically asked in reaction to Chameleon popping Ladybug balloons.

Chameleon: Thank you. (jumps up the Eiffel Tower)

Civilian 2: Oh no, he's gonna fall.

Chameleon: La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la whoa. (pretends to lose her balance) This is so easy, as soon as someone needs saving that stupid Ladybug shows up. La, la, la, la, la, la, la.

"Great! She made me look like a total freak up there," Adrien groaned in reaction to how Lila was acting like him on-screen.

Ladybug: Adrien, stop!

Chameleon: Ah, help me. I'm losing my balance, I'm gonna fa– (falls; Ladybug jumps and rescues her)

Nadja: Yeah, woo-hoo!

Chameleon: My princess charming, you saved my life. (attempts to kiss Ladybug)

Ladybug: You are not Adrien!

Chameleon: You're right, I'm Chameleon. You're getting better at this, Ladybug. Which is a good thing. It'll make this fight all the more interesting. (Chameleon and Ladybug fight until the latter pins Chameleon onto the ground)

Ladybug: I know where your akuma is, Chameleon. Time to de-evil– (rips Nino's cap) uh, but the akuma.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, locker room, inside a locker. Adrien is still asleep, Plagg is hovering over him.

Plagg: If this an enchanted sleep, what can possibly wake him up? (Adrien snores) Oh no, not an enchanted kiss! Please! Nobody will ever know. (prepares to kiss Adrien, but Adrien wakes up)

Adrien: Plagg, what happened? And what are you doing?

"Um, Plagg? I appreciate that you're willing to go this far to wake me up, but turns out it's not necessary. Maybe wave your stinky cheese towards my nose instead," Adrien said with a giggle along with everybody else while Plagg just nodded and blushed in embarrassment.

Plagg: Oh, me? Nothing I, uh… your friend Lila put you to sleep with an evil kiss. You should be more careful picking your friends.

Adrien: Lila must've been re-akumatized. Quick Plagg, claws out! (From outside the locker, a flash of green light can be seen. Cat Noir walks out.)

Scene: Trocadéro.

Quentin's mother: Quentin! Quentin!

Chameleon (as Quentin): Ladybug, I saw the supervillain running away. (points to the merry-go-round)

Ladybug: Thanks! Don't stay here, okay? It's dangerous. (approaches the merry-go-round) Come out of there, Chameleon! (the real Quentin can be seen snoring inside one of the carts)

Quentin's mother: My Quentin! You found him, Ladybug.

Ladybug: Found him? (Chameleon jumps and tries to kiss Ladybug)

Cat Noir: Ladybug, look out! (intercepts the kiss and gets kissed instead; Chameleon tries to take the Miraculous from the now-sleeping Cat Noir, but Ladybug intervenes)

Chameleon (as Cat Noir): It's down to the two of us, Ladybug. Cataclysm!

Ladybug: I'm gonna find out who you really are, Chameleon!

Chameleon: I'll find out who you are first, don't you worry. (attacks Ladybug) Too bad Cat Noir's power is gonna destroy you. (tries kissing Ladybug again.)

Ladybug: If you manage to touch me! (leaps to the Eiffel Tower)

Hawk Moth: (from his lair) Get me his Miraculous, now!

Chameleon: No! I wanna get hers first! (They jump to the top of the Eiffel Tower) Nowhere to run now, Ladybug.

"Never thought I'd say this, but you should've listened to my father, Lila. My Miraculous was practically free to take, but you go after Ladybug instead?! What a dumb move!" Adrien teased Lila along with everyone else while the girl huffed and looked away in anger.

Ladybug: I don't intend to. Lucky Charm! (gets a T-shirt) A T-shirt?

Chameleon: (laughs) That's your plan to defeat me, Ladybug? Make me dress like you? On second thought, such horrible fashion might actually do me in. (Ladybug tries breaking Chameleon's staff.) Failed again. (they fight more) Cataclysm! (tries to kiss Ladybug)

Hawk Moth: (from his lair) Good job Chameleon, become Ladybug, then once you put her to sleep you can simply give me her Miraculous. (Ladybug uses her Lucky Vision and sees in order: the waitress of a nearby fish stall; a device used for opening clams and a clam. She lets go of Chameleon's cataclysm-activated hand and redirects it to the metal floor paneling. Ladybug and Chameleon fall down, the debris scares the aforementioned waitress off, Ladybug and Chameleon fall where she once stood. Ladybug looks around for a clam, Chameleon stands up and tries to kiss Ladybug, but Ladybug shoves a clam in her face. Chameleon turns into a clam.)

Everyone (except for Lila of course) burst into raucous laughter at Lila being turned into a clam, courtesy of Ladybug.

"Too bad my Miraculous cure puts everything back to normal. That's a much better look on her! That way, she'll shut up for good!" Marinette said as she laughed and everyone else laughed harder in agreement.

"Shut up, you stupid bug! I'll get you for this! Ow!" Lila retorted back to Marinette in anger while also groaning in pain because of her broken nose.

Cat Noir: (wakes up) Ladybug!

Ladybug: (picks up Chameleon (as a clam)) We should be friends, not anemones.

Cat Noir: Wow, you certainly got that supervillain to clam up, m'lady. But we're still not out of the woods yet. Where's the akumatized object?

Ladybug: I think I might have an idea. Waiter?

Waitress: Ahem.

Ladybug: If you wouldn't mind. (hands the waitress Chameleon and the T-shirt)

Waitress: Yes, Ladybug, at your service. (opens the clam) Mademoiselle.

Ladybug: Thank you. We're about to find out what you really look like, Chameleon.

Cat Noir: You'll see, it's an old acquaintance.

Ladybug: (breaks the akumatized object; the akuma flutters out) No more evildoing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize! (captures the akuma with her yo-yo) Gotcha! (releases the purified butterfly) Bye, bye, little butterfly. (throws the T-shirt into the air) Miraculous Ladybug!

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, second floor.

Alya: Don't worry, you look good even without your cap. (The Miraculous Cure returns Nino's cap.)

Nino: Hey! (Nino looks way happier; Alya giggles)

Scene: Eiffel Tower. The Miraculous Cure fixes the hole in the Eiffel Tower, the mess in and around the stall and turns Chameleon back into Lila.

Ladybug: Lila?

Lila: Ladybug?

Ladybug: At least now you can say I saved your life for real. Truce? (holds out her hand)

Lila: Thanks, Ladybug. (shakes her hand) I'd be honored to call you my friend.

Ladybug: Yeah, I'm happy to hear that. Hey, some advice. You don't have to lie and pretend to be something you're not. People will like you just for being yourself.

Lila: You have my word, Ladybug.

"Spoiler alert: she lied!" Angel quickly said in a sardonic manner.

"Of course!" Everyone else deadpanned while also groaning in frustration and frowning at the Italian girl.

Ladybug: Bug out! (leaves with Cat Noir)

Lila: Bye! (begins seething)

"UGH!" Everyone groaned in creepy disgust at Lila's evil facial expression on-screen.

"Ew! That look on your face is hideous, Rossi! It's gonna get boys like Adrikins running away and screaming!" Chloe teased the Italian girl and everyone else chuckled in agreement.

"She's not wrong. That face is creeping me out!" Adrien honestly said as he still winced in disgust at her facial expression on-screen.

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair.

Hawk Moth: I sense a talent like no other in this young Lila. I'm sure that her feelings about Ladybug will serve my purposes well in the end. One way or another. (The window in his lair closes.)

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, courtyard. Lila is sitting on a bench, the class is standing around her.

Lila: Of course Ladybug saved my life. She never misses an opportunity to rescue her best friends.

Max: Didn't your tinnitus give you vertigo when you went up the Eiffel Tower?

Lila: Oh no. Ladybug knows me so well that she brought me an earplug to stick in my right ear.

Marinette: (standing at a distance) Right ear?! Did she say right ear?! This morning she said that the ringing was in her left ear! I've got her this time! (prepares to walk up to the group but is stopped by Adrien)

Adrien: Are you going to tell everyone?

Marinette: 'Course I am. Lila is—

Adrien: (interrupting) A liar. Yes, I know. But do you really think exposing her will make things better? If you humiliate her, she'll just be hurt more. Making a bad guy suffer has never turned them into a good guy.

Lila: Ladybug and I are like two peas in a pod.

Marinette: So we just stand by and let her lie?

Adrien: As long as you and I both know the truth, does it really matter?

Marinette: You're right, maybe it's not such a big deal. (The school bell rings.)

"Sorry I gave Marinette that advice, everybody. I didn't know better!" Adrien quickly apologized to everyone else. Even though they frowned at him at first, they gave looks of understanding and forgiveness after some serious thought.

Scene: Miss Bustier's classroom.

Miss Bustier: Good afternoon, everyone.

Class: Good afternoon, Miss Bustier. (Everyone sits down in their seats; Adrien sits besides Marinette at the back of the class.)

"There goes Loverboy's loving eyes towards my girl again, everybody!" Alya excitedly teased Adrien along with everyone else (except for Lila) while Adrien gave a blushing smile after seeing Marinette smile at him.

Adrien: Good for you for taking the high road, Marinette. Hey, it's pretty cool back here. (Marinette giggles)

Miss Bustier: Lila?

"Did any of you see Lila's face, everybody?! She's all like "why is Adrien sitting next to HER?!", right?" Angel pointed out and everybody else chuckled in agreement while Lila just gritted her teeth and growled in anger.

Lila: Here.

Miss Bustier: Adrien?

Adrien: Present.

Miss Bustier: Max?

Max: Present.

Marinette: (thinking) Stay focused now Marinette.

Miss Bustier: (muffled) Marinette?

Marinette: (thinking) Don't get distracted.

Miss Bustier: (muffled) Marinette?

Marinette: Otherwise you'll flunk school. And then how are you and Adrien—

Miss Bustier: (muffled) Marinette?

Marinette: —gonna get that house, and have three kids and a hamster named—

Adrien: (interrupting her thoughts) Marinette, Miss Bustier's called your name three times already.

Marinette: Oh. (looks sheepishly at Miss Bustier)

"Wow! I really do distract you, huh, m'lady?" Adrien said to his girlfriend with a teasing smirk along with everyone else (except for Lila of course).

"Oh, shut up!" Marinette said with a blush as she playfully shoved her boyfriend in response, making everybody else laugh harder.

Miss Bustier: Looks like you have trouble hearing after all, Marinette. Why don't you come sit up here in the front row next to Lila? (Marinette gets up dejectedly and saunters off to the front row.)

Lila: Miss Bustier, this is incredible. My tinnitus, I don't feel it anymore. It's gone. it's a miracle. It must be Ladybug's doing, I can sit in the back now. (Lila stands up and walks to the back.)

"Oh, come on!" Everyone once again groaned in frustration at how so easily most of them bought Lila's lies like that one.

"I should've realized. Tinnitus cannot actually be cured! Why was I so stupid to believe that back then?!" Max pointed out in exasperation with himself and others who believed Lila.

Alya: Excuse me, Miss Bustier, can I go and sit next to Marinette? Nino and I can't stop chatting it up. (Miss Bustier nods and Alya goes to sit next to Marinette) You didn't think I'd let my BFF sit all by herself, did you?

"Thanks," Marinette said to her best friend with a smile.

"No problem, girl," Alya said back as the two girls shared a hi-five.

Adrien: Excuse me Miss Bustier, can I move, too, please? I'd like to sit next to Nino again. (Nino looks ecstatic) Sorry Lila, he's my best friend.

"Yeah, I cannot get away from Lila fast enough!" Adrien pointed out and everyone else laughed in agreement, except for Lila of course who growled in offense.

Ivan: Can I have my old seat back, too, please?

Alix: Can I go back to where I was?

Rose, Max and others: Me too! (Everyone moves back to their original seats)

"Lila sure does not look happy," Marinette said with an amused smirk.

"Good!" Everyone else simultaneously said while Lila once again growled in anger.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, entrance.

Nino: Catch you later, Marinette. Bye. (He takes off with Alya. Marinette walks off but bumps into Lila)

Lila: I see you've made your decision Marinette. (leans into her ear) From now on, you and I are at war. You will lose your friends and wind up all alone and Adrien will soon be mine. (leans back)

Marinette: We'll see about that, Lila, we'll see. (walks away while Lila gapes surprised at her for a moment before taking off with a huff)

"But, she didn't even do anything! She was trying to take the high road!" Rose said in anger towards Lila for declaring war on Marinette even though the latter didn't do anything else to expose her.

"Isn't it obvious?! She's jealous that Adrikins prefers to be with Marinette over her any day!" Chloe said as if it were totally obvious.

"I think so too. Let's just say in fairy tale terms, Marinette is Snow White, Adrien is the Magic Mirror and the Prince combined, and Lila is the Evil Queen who cannot stand the fact that Marinette's fairer than she is," Angel spoke of her opinion about the feud between the two girls.

"Interesting analogy, Angel," Max said, impressed with Angel's metaphor along with everyone else, except for Lila of course.

"Oh, shut up, you stupid angel! OK, I was jealous! But it doesn't make any sense for Adrien to like her better than me! I'm prettier, I'm more popular, and I'm so much better than she is! In fact…" Lila once again tried to start an angry outburst until being interrupted by an unexpected source.

"Oh, shut up! Venom!" The usually submissive Pollen shouted as she lost her patience and stung Lila, making her paralyzed and frozen like Queen Bee's power does.

"POLLEN!" Master Fu and the other kwamis shouted over to Pollen in shock.

"Don't worry. She'll be back to normal in a few hours," Pollen said and went back to Chloe where both of them hi-fived each other.

"Anyway, the next episode is Animaestro a.k.a. Thomas Astruc, the director of the animated Ladybug and Cat Noir movie," Angel announced. While everyone else is glued to the screen and Lila still frozen, Marinette and Chloe exchange nervous looks, remembering what they were trying to do that day.