
20. Princess Fragrance

Scene: TVi News report. It is raining.

Nadja: (in a news report) Welcome. Ladybug and Cat Noir have saved Paris once again. Jean Duparc was akumatized into the very menacing Magician of Misfortune, threatening to make the Eiffel Tower vanish in a puff of smoke.

Scene: The streets of Paris. Ladybug arrives at a subway, where she turns back into Marinette as she walks upstairs. Tikki sneezes.

Marinette: Tikki, you don't look well.

"Awwww, Tikki! Were you sick?" Rose asked, feeling sorry for the adorable kwami.

"I was," Tikki said, wincing at the memory.

Tikki: I need you to take me to a doctor.

Marinette: But where am I gonna find a doctor for kwamis?

Tikki: I know a healer. I'll tell you where to go.

"There's actually a healer for kwamis in Paris?!" Alya asked, very shocked as well as everybody else who then turned their attention towards Marinette.

"Don't worry, everybody. You all will understand once we get to that part," Angel answered on Marinette's behalf and everybody let the question go for now.

Marinette: But what will I tell him? You're a secret, he'll get all suspicious and ask me questions— (gasps) And I know someone else who is gonna ask an awful lot of questions: my teacher! About why I'm late again! Tikki, can I take you to the healer right after school? (Tikki nods and sneezes) Thank you.

Scene: Ms. Mendeleiev's classroom. Collège Françoise Dupont.

Ms. Mendeleiev: Combustion is a high-temperature exothermic redox chemical reaction between a fuel and an oxidant. Usually atmospheric oxygen...

Nadja: (news report on Rose's cellphone) Today, Prince Ali, heir to the throne of the kingdom of Achu will do the honors during his official Parisian visit by hosting a toy fundraiser for the sick children at the Paris City Children's Hospital.

"Huh. I thought Lila over there said that Prince Ali does environmental charities?" Chloe said, glaring over at Lila, very aware that the latter is a liar. Lila internally panicked while everybody gave her confused stares.

"I said just that one environmental charity while I was in Achu!" Lila quickly excused herself and everybody else fell for it except for a few. Marinette just gave Angel a look that asks if she can expose Lila now. But, Angel mouthed "later", indicating that Lila will be exposed eventually anyway.

Rose: (Rose wipes her eyes as Juleka hands her tissues) He's just so gorgeous and with a heart of gold. (Blows her nose) Oh! You know what? I'm gonna write him a letter professing my complete adoration and utmost respect. (Marinette stumbles into the classroom and then trips and falls in front of the teacher's desk.)

"Rose, you should know that you shouldn't do stuff like this when you're in class," Miss Bustier reprimanded Rose, who looked down in response. "Especially in Ms. Mendeleiev's class." The teens including Rose snickered in agreement.

Marinette: Waaa!

Ms. Mendeleiev: Ah, Marinette. What excuse do you have for us this time? Accidentally locked yourself in the bathroom again?

"You do use that one a lot, girl!" Alya commented, laughing at her best friend along with everybody else.

"Well, now that we know, you and Adrien won't have to make up ridiculous excuses anymore," Miss Bustier said in amusement.

Marinette: Uh, no! Of course not. I had to, uh, take my dog... to the vet! Because he... ate an entire wool sweater. Uh, it must've smelled like th— (Rose sprays perfume on her letter.)

"OK, that is so less believable than the bathroom thing!" Chloe teased Marinette as everybody else laughed at the latter.

"You're right, Chloe. Thank you for your timing, Rose," Marinette jokingly thanked Rose.

"No problem, Marinette," Rose said in-between giggles.

Ms. Mendeleiev: Thank you, Rose. But I don't think our classroom needs extra refreshing. (Walks towards Rose)

Chloé: I thought someone packed a tuna fish sandwich, but it turns out it's Rose's perfume. (laughs)

Alya: (to Marinette) Ate a sweater?

Ms. Mendeleiev: (confiscates Rose's perfume) Furthermore, using your smartphone during school hours is strictly forbidden. (confiscates Rose's cellphone and hands free) Take the rest of your things and go to the principal's office.

Rose: Oh... (Rose takes her things and starts to walk away)

"Take this as a warning, Rose, and you other students," Mr. Damocles warned his students and they nodded in understanding.

Ms. Mendeleiev: (at the front of the class) Watch what happens when you play about with flammable substances in a chemistry lab. (She spritzes some perfume inside a glass container with an open bottom and puts it upright, trapping the air inside. Then she pushes a button and a small flame comes out of a tube creating a small explosion. The students gasp) Just to make sure you all remember that, I'll be quizzing you tomorrow on lab safety. Again!

"I failed that quiz! Did anyone else?!" Kim asked in a hopeful manner.

"I think you're the only one, Kim. Sorry," Max answered as Kim facepalmed himself.

Scene: Outside Collège Françoise Dupont. Nino waits as Adrien runs to school, Marinette and Alya are watching them from behind.

Nino: Dude.

Alya: You two really are made for each other. Neither one of you can make it to school on time. Since he missed chemistry class, it would be sweet if some lady could lend him her notes so he could get up to speed.

Marinette: (giggles) You're right. Oh, you mean for me to give him my notes! (looks to her purse, where Tikki is) No, I can't. I-I—

Alya: Girl, your fake excuses don't work on me. (Tikki sneezes) Huh?

Marinette: Achoo! I think I'm getting sick.

Alya: Then don't breathe on him. (points to Adrien. Marinette starts to walk over to him)

"Sorry, Tikki. I actually thought Marinette was trying to chicken out as usual," Alya apologized to the kwami sheepishly.

"No worries, Alya. You couldn't have known," Tikki said.

Tikki: (sneezes) I'm not feeling too good.

Marinette: Don't worry, Tikki, it'll just take a sec— (Marinette trips over someone's bag and Tikki accidentally flies out of her bag. Marinette lands on Adrien.)

Marinette and Tikki: Aaaah!

Adrien: Woah! You okay? Nothing broken?

Marinette: Uh, yeah, uh, I'm fine. (Adrien and Nino leave. Then Marinette realizes Tikki isn't in her purse anymore.) Hah! AAH!

"I remember that day being so annoying! I was powerless through most of the day and not just because Tikki was sick," Marinette noted about that day.

"What do you mean, sweetheart?" Tom asked his daughter, as confused as everybody else.

"I think Chloe can answer that. Chloe, do you recognize Tikki at all?" Marinette asked, pointing her direction towards Chloe. Tikki flew to Chloe, so she can take a closer look.

"Wait a minute. I know you! You're that plush toy I gave to Prince Ali!" Chloe said, finally realizing it.

"Plush toy?! Prince Ali?! What?!" Everybody else except for Marinette, Chloe, and Angel died of confusion at that moment.

"You'll see," Angel said as the episode started replaying.

Tikki: (weakly) Marinette... (Chloé and Sabrina walk over and Tikki pretends to be a plush doll)

Chloé: Sabrina, what's Prince Ali doing today again?

Sabrina: A toy drive at the Children's Hospital.

Chloé: (sees Tikki and picks her up) Hm, what kind of stuffed animal is this? Who left this here? (gasp) The Prince will never have seen one like this before, and when he lays eyes on me, Prince Ali will forget all about those sick kids. (laughs)

"Seriously, Chloe?" Alix asked rhetorically while everyone else rolled their eyes in response.

"A girl can dream, can't she?!" Chloe said, defending herself while also blushing in embarrassment. Everyone else once again rolled their eyes.

Rose: D-did I hear you say Prince Ali?

Chloé: Not to you.

Sabrina: Prince Ali's staying at Chloé's dad's hotel.

Chloé: The only hotel fit for a Prince, and I'm going to be the first to meet him. Isn't he lucky?

Rose: Oh, please, could you give him a special letter for me?

Chloé: No prob.

Rose: Oh, that is so amazingly sweet of you to do that for me.

"Rose, I bet if she was in Paris at the time, you should've given that letter to Lila instead of Chloe," Mylene said.

"Of course I would, Rose!" Lila lied in her fake sweet voice making Rose beam.

"I seriously doubt that!" Marinette whispered to Adrien and he nodded in agreement as they both glared at Lila.

Chloé: (laughs) You thought I was serious? You think I wanna get anywhere near this fish funk? (laughs and rips the letter. Rose gasps and then cries. Chloé gets into her limo and leaves Rose crying on the ground.)

"Chloe, that's so mean! Making Rose cry is like making a baby cry! Not that you're a baby, Rose!" Adrien scolded Chloe who looks ashamed.

"Oh, no offense taken, Adrien. I know I can be a baby sometimes," Rose said to Adrien with a grateful smile.

Marinette: Tikki? (Marinette hears Chloé laugh and sees her holding Tikki as her limo is pulling away.) Chloé, wait up!

Chloé: Huh?

Marinette: That's my... my...

Chloé: Not anymore. Finders keepers. (laughs)

Marinette: (to herself) Tikki...

"You always have to make my life difficult, don't you, Chloe?" Marinette rhetorically asked her former arch-rival.

"Hey! That one wasn't on purpose!" Chloe said, raising her hands in defense.

Scene: Seine riverbank. Rose is sad and starts to write another letter.

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair.

Hawk Moth: (His window opens) Ooh, now there's a broken-hearted princess if ever I saw one. Every rose has its thorns. (He laughs and turns a butterfly into an akuma) Fly away my little akuma and evilize her.

Scene: Bench. Rose is really upset and starts crying. The akuma flies over to where Rose is and infects her perfume bottle.

Hawk Moth: Princess Fragrance, I am Hawk Moth. Your perfume is now your secret weapon. No one will be able to resist it, especially Prince Ali. All I want from you in exchange are Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous.

Rose: I'm coming, my prince!

Scene: Outside Le Grand Paris. Marinette walks up to the doorman.

Marinette: Hello! I'm in Chloé Bourgeois' class and I really have to see her.

Doorman: Are you a friend of hers?

Marinette: A friend of Chloé's? Ha, you must be kidding! (gasp) I mean— we're in the same class, that's all.

Everyone laughed hard at that moment, even both Marinette and Chloe since they couldn't argue with that.

Doorman: If you're not a friend then I can't.

Marinette: Yes! I'm a f-f-friend of Chloé's. We're BFFs!

"Really?!" Chloe asked Marinette I'm amused disbelief.

"You have my kwami! I had to do whatever it takes to get her back!" Marinette answered in defense as everyone continued laughing.

Doorman: Aha! Chloé doesn't have any friends!

"Hey! What am I, Chloe's poodle?!" Sabrina asked in offense to what the doorman said. Chloe gave her a genuinely grateful smile in response.

"I really don't mean offense to you, Sabrina, but given how Chloe's treated you all these years, that's not much of a stretch," Angel pointed out and everyone including Sabrina and Chloe nod as they couldn't exactly argue with that.

Marinette: Does that mean you're not letting me in?

Doorman: No! (Marinette leaves defeated but then she sees a pile of trash with a motorcycle helmet, a pink cape and a pizza box.)

Marinette: (disguised) Hey! Got a pizza for Chloé Bourgeois.

Doorman: Hmm, it's usually sushi. (moves aside) Top floor, imperial suite.

Marinette: (giggles) Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! (Marinette, still disguised, goes up the elevator and arrives at Chloé's floor. Chloé is waiting for another elevator.)

"That actually worked?!" Chloe asked in disbelief. "I'll let this go for now, but I'm gonna have a word with the doorman when I get back!" Everyone chuckled at both what she said and Marinette's ridiculous disguise.

Chloé: "Here's a gift for the sick children, Prince. Oh, it's nothing, really, stop flattering me. Ahahahahahaha." No. "Ahahahahaha." There. That's better. (Chloé gets into the elevator and Marinette sees her as the doors are about to close)

Marinette: Chloé, wait! (starts to run to her)

Chloé: Pizza? Eugh, don't get that peasant food anywhere near me. (pushes the close button)

"Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world, thank you very much!" Kim said in offense, as everyone is genuinely shocked that Chloe doesn't like pizza.

Marinette: Wait! It has truffles and caviar on it! (the doors close before she gets there) For a spoiled brat just like you! (she runs for the stairs. Outside, Princess Fragrance approaches the doorman.)

Princess Fragrance: I've come to see Prince Ali.

Doorman: Ugh, what is going on today? Do you have an appointment with the Prince?

Princess Fragrance: No need, I'm his princess!

Doorman: And I'm a monkey's uncle. Listen kid I—

"How does he not know that's an akumatized supervillain?! Honestly, who dresses freaky like that?!" Marinette asked in disbelief and exasperation. "No offense, Rose."

"Oh, none taken, Marinette! I did look freaky like that!" Rose said and everybody else nodded in agreement.

Princess Fragrance: That's no way to speak to a princess. (she shoots perfume at him from her perfume gun)

Doorman: At your service, Princess Fragrance.

"So, her power is to brainwash everyone into a loyal singing servant with a spray of her perfume?" Kagami asked curiously based on her observations.

"Yep! Wait till you hear Adrien when he got brainwashed by that perfume!" Marinette said, giggling.

Princess Fragrance: Thousand times better. (walks in) Now, where's my wonderful prince charming? We can't keep him waiting. (Cut to Prince Ali's press conference inside Le Grand Paris in the dining hall)

Mr. Bourgeois: In honor of your presence here in Paris your highness, I've taken it upon myself to organize a lavish fireworks display on the Seine river. They will be displayed from this barge.

Prince Ali: (gasps) Thank you, or how do we say in your language? Totally awesome!

Prince Ali's chaperone: We shall have to see if it fits with the Prince's busy schedule. We have very little time for festivities. His highness has many responsibilities. (Chloe clears her throat)

"OK, dude, the prince and his assistant reminds me so much of you and your old man's assistant!" Nino pointed out and everyone else murmured in agreement.

"I'm not that sheltered!" Adrien said, defending himself though he partly agrees.

Mr. Bourgeois: Ah! Prince Ali, allow me to introduce you to my own princess, Chloé.

Chloé: Hm, Prince, I brought you a special stuffed toy for the sick children. (gives Tikki to him)

Prince Ali: Whoa! I've never seen one like this before. This is so very kind of you.

"You know, Tikki, you and Plagg would make great models for a plush toy line. You two are honestly so cute that any kid would like to cuddle with you in bed at night," Alya noted and everyone including the two heroes gushed in agreement except for Lila.

"We are pretty cute, aren't we, sugarcube?" Plagg asked, smirking at his fellow kwami, who rolled her eyes in response.

Ugh! They look like ugly-looking bugs! Lila thought disgusted.

Chloé: Ahahahahaha, you're flattering me. It is so kind of me though, isn't it?

Prince Ali: (slightly confused) Why, yes. I said just that. You did not hear me? (Chloé laughs nervously and her eye twitches. The press continues to take pictures. Marinette sneaks in through the back. The prince puts Tikki in his shirt pocket and Chloé takes a picture with him.)

"The prince just roasted you without knowing it, Chloe!" Alix said, laughing hard along with everybody else except for Chloe who just blushed a heavy shade of red.

Nadja: Nadja Chamack. Don't be bemused, it's just the news! Prince Ali, do you have anything to say about your official Parisian visit? (An elevator bell rings and Princess Fragrance appears further away from the crowd)

Prince Ali: I'm very happy to be here. (Princess Fragrance fires her perfume gun at Chloé)

Nadja: Prince Ali, where is...that-that smell coming from?! Like rotten fish?! (Nadja, Prince Ali, and Mr. Bourgeois stare at Chloé)

Chloé: What? That's not me! (sniffs herself) It-it is me! Ew! (Perfume sprays behind the paparazzi. Everyone look at them)

"That's what you get for being mean to Rose and getting her akumatized!" Alya pointed out to Chloe and everyone murmured in agreement.

"I know! Can we move on?!" Chloe said in embarrassment.

Paparazzi: (turns around and bowed down while singing) At your service, Princess Fragrance.

"Ugh! The singing! The singing!" Kim said in response to everyone singing thanks to Rose's perfume and everyone laughed in agreement.

Prince Ali: Who-who are you?

Princess Fragrance: I'm Princess Fragrance and I've come just for you! In just a spritz you'll be mine, Prince Ali!

Marinette: This is bad! (activates a button from a synthesizer to launch the confetti)

"A hero in and out of the costume, m'lady," Adrien sweetly pointed out to his girlfriend as everyone murmured in agreement and Marinette blushed in response.

Scene: Adrien's room in the Agreste mansion. Adrien watches the whole live broadcast on TV.

Adrien: What or who is that? Plagg? Plagg, let's go! There's trouble in Paris! (he looks in his trash can where Plagg is eating his Camembert and Adrien is annoyed)

Plagg: I'm still chewing!

"I don't care," Adrien said in a mocking sing-song voice making everyone especially Tikki laugh.

[Transformation Sequence]

Adrien: Plagg, claws out! (Adrien transforms into Cat Noir)

Scene: Back inside the Le Grand Paris. Prince Ali, his chaperone, Mr. Bourgeois and Chloé escaped to the stairwell.

Mr. Bourgeois: Quickly, Prince! This way! (Marinette follows them and Princess Fragrance down the stairs. Cuts to them hiding in a room) We'll be safe in here. It's a reinforced door.

Prince Ali's chaperone: So much chaos! How is anyone supposed to stick to a schedule around here? (both she and Prince Ali step away from Chloé)

"THAT'S what she's worried about now?!" Alya asked in exasperation about Prince Ali's assistant.

Chloé: (points under the doorway) What is that?

Mr. Bourgeois: (sees the perfume fog) Get back! (Cuts to Princess Fragrance spraying under the doorway while Prince Ali, his chaperone, Mr. Bourgeois and Chloé are backing away inside the room)

Princess Fragrance: My prince, my prince, smell the fragrance of my eternal love! (Princess Fragrance gasps. Everyone look down and notices that the fog is being sucked away. Princess Fragrance turns and sees Marinette using a vacuum cleaner.) Seriously, who are you?! (uses her perfume gun like a rocket to launches herself and landed on the vacuum cord, plugging it off) Looks like you're powerless now, superhero! (points her gun at Marinette.)

"That's brilliant to do without your powers, Marinette!" Max said in awe of Marinette's vacuum idea.

"Yeah. You're seriously smart and resourceful, Marinette," Luka said.

"No wonder I fell in love with you," Adrien said as he kissed his girlfriend on the cheek. Everyone followed suit with the compliments except for Lila who just silently growled.

Mr. Bourgeois: (opens the door to take a peek) Oh no, there are two of them now! Run! (Everyone gets out of the room and runs off.)

"A thanks will do!" Marinette said in response to what Mr. Bourgeois said.

Princess Fragrance: (sprays her perfume around herself to create a fog) You can't escape my perfume! La la la la la la! (Mr. Bourgeois opens a stairwell door and lets everyone go in first, but he is brainwashed by the fog before he gets inside. Marinette escapes the fog by using a service elevator.) Get them.

Mr. Bourgeois: At your service, Princess Fragrance. (Meanwhile, Marinette made it to the hotel kitchen. She peeks out from the door and sees Prince Ali, his chaperone, and Chloé back in the dining hall.)

Chloé: (to Butler Jean while pointing at Mr. Bourgeois) He's under the spell! Shut the door!

Prince Ali's chaperone: But it's your father!

Chloé: Who cares? Shut it now! (Jean uses a broom and pushes Mr. Bourgeois out of the way and shuts the door. Everyone notices the perfume fog from the inside of the nearby elevator, and they all, except Jean, run off.)

"Being a real nice daughter, huh?" Alya asked Chloe who looked down.

"In her defense, her dad was under the supervillain's control," Marinette said and everybody nodded since they can't argue with that.

Butler Jean: At your service, Princess Fragrance!

Princess Fragrance: (walks toward Prince Ali, his chaperone, and Chloé) Come into my arms, my sweet prince!

Cat Noir: (sitting on the windowsill) Pee-ew! Can we get a little fresh air in here? (leaps in front of Princess Fragrance and took out his staff)

Princess Fragrance: No one will take my prince away! (fires at Cat Noir. Cat Noir uses his staff to knock out the perfume spray. He then extends his staff, picking up Princess Fragrance, and throws her in the kitchen.)

Marinette: Uh oh! (leaps out of the way. Cat Noir extends his staff from the window to the outside of the Le Grand Paris like a pole. A Parisian screams in surprise once the end of the staff hit the ground)

Cat Noir: Emergency evacuation, everybody down!

Prince Ali's chaperone: It's much too dangerous for the prince. (Cat Noir notices three mixing bowls on the cart nearby.)

"Mixing bowls? Really, dude?!" Nino asked laughing at his best friend along with everybody else.

"You try thinking on the spot!" Adrien said rhetorically as everybody else continued laughing.

Cat Noir: You're right. (taps on the bowls) Safety first! (puts one of the bowl on Prince Ali's head like a helmet, while Prince Ali smiles. Cat Noir slides down the staff first. Followed by Chloé, Prince Ali, and his chaperone; the chaperone also wears a mixing bowl on her head. Once everyone is outside, Princess Fragrance looks out the window and sees them get inside the chaperone's car and drive away.)

Princess Fragrance: My prince! (she launches herself with her perfume gun and follows the car)

Marinette: (looks out the window) Tikki, please be okay.

Scene: Inside Prince Ali's chaperone's car. Everyone is speeding away from Princess Fragrance, while at the same time still disgusted by Chloé's fish smell.

Cat Noir: Can we open the windows? This fish smell is even too much for a cat. (The chaperone opens all the car windows. Both Prince Ali and Cat Noir gasp for air. Tikki sneezes. Prince Ali looks into his jacket pocket towards the noise)

"Prince Ali must've been so confused!" Mylene said laughing along with everybody else at Prince Ali hearing Tikki sneeze.

Prince Ali's chaperone: We have precisely nine minutes to get to the hospital. The prince is on a very strict schedule.

"Again, with his schedule?! What is with that lady?!" Alya asked in exasperation.

Cat Noir: What? No way we can going to the hospital now! We have to get Prince Ali out of Paris ASAP! (Everyone hears a thud and looks up.)

Princess Fragrance: My prince! Fancy seeing you here, what a stroke of luck!

Cat Noir: (to the chaperone) The windows! (Prince Ali's chaperone tries to close all the car windows, but Princess Fragrance stops the sunroof)

Princess Fragrance: My prince, I'll take you to the Pont des Arts, and there, we'll seal our love! (Princess Fragrance then sprays everyone in the car. But Tikki escapes out of Prince Ali's pocket and lands on the car floor)

"Thank goodness you escaped, Tikki!" Marinette said as she sighed in relief.

Hawk Moth: (from his lair) Cat Noir is down! It won't be long before Ladybug shows up too and meets her doom! (laughs)

Scene: The streets of Paris. Marinette rides on a scooter to follow the car; she already took off the cape from the disguise.

Marinette: (gasps) Oh no! Where's Tikki? (she runs to Prince Ali's chaperone's car, ignoring the accident around her. She took off her motorcycle helmet while running) Tikki? Tikki? (looks inside the car before noticing Tikki on the floor. She gasps) Tikki, I was so worried!

Tikki: (opens her eyes) Marinette...

Marinette: (picks up Tikki) You're much worse than I thought! We need to get you help!

Tikki: We don't have time. You have to transform. I'll be okay... (coughs)

"What would happen when someone is transformed if a kwami is sick?" Max asked curiously.

"I honestly don't know. It's never really happened to me, Plagg, or the rest of the kwamis," Tikki answered with a shrug.

Marinette: No, Tikki. I'm not making the same mistake twice! We've gotta get you to the healer now!

Scene: Fu's massage shop. Marinette watches as Master Wang Fu helps heal the sickness from Tikki. Wang Fu is hitting a gong while Marinette stares at Tikki, feeling worried.

Marinette: She going to be okay?

"Hey! It's that really old dude who gave you guys your Miraculouses!" Nino said, pointing to Master Fu on-screen as he and everybody else except for the two heroes looked in shock.

"Are we finally gonna find out who he is?!" Alya asked, thinking like a reporter.

"No. I didn't even remember I saved him on the first day of school. I thought he was just some vet," Marinette answered.

Wang Fu: "One who is burning with impatience can never eat hot porridge."

Marinette: (confused) Um, what has this got to do with eating?

Wang Fu: Silence please. Reading energies. (places both his hands in front of Tikki) What type of cat did you say?

Marinette: Cat? Um, right. Rare hairless flying species from Kingdom of Achu. I was allowed to have one, because I won a zoo tap-dancing contest when I was in... the Kingdom of Achu. (laughs nervously. Wang Fu stares at Marinette)

"That guy is testing you, huh?" Kim asked chuckling along with everybody else.

"Wow! I'm lucky that it's him and nobody else. Nobody would ever believe that!" Marinette said, exasperated at the lie she told him as everybody continued laughing.

Wang Fu: Mm-hmm. Unusual. (picks up his gong)

Marinette: Yes, yes, very. (Wang Fu bangs the gong for the last time)

Wang Fu: We are finished. (puts the gong down) Your cat's health has been restored. (Marinette looks down at Tikki. To her delight, Tikki opens her eyes, feeling much better. Tikki flies into Marinette's hands)

Marinette: Thank you, thank you so much! You're a real magician, sir! (about to walk out the door, but stops) How did you do that?

Wang Fu: Ancient Chinese secret. (Marinette closes the shop's door. Wang smiles) Just like yours.

"Wow! That man is sure mysterious!" Sabine commented on Master Fu and everyone else nodded in shocked agreement.

Scene: Seine riverbank. Marinette carries Tikki and stops.

Marinette: Tikki, I'm so, so sorry. You were so sick and, well, I don't know what I do without you.

Tikki: You wouldn't be Ladybug for one! (giggles)

Marinette: (laughs) I know, but I mean: Tikki, you're more than just my kwami for me.

Tikki: I know. (Both Marinette and Tikki giggle while Tikki hugs Marinette's cheek) Oh, the Pont des Arts bridge! That's where they're headed! I overheard it in the car. Hurry, there's no time to lose!

"Why can't we be like that, Plagg?" Adrien asked his kwami.

"Feeling is Tikki's thing. Not mine. Sorry, kid," Plagg answered as he gobbled up his cheese.

"Don't listen to him, Adrien. Plagg can be sensitive but he tries hard not to show it," Tikki said making Adrien smile at Plagg who smiled back.

[Transformation Sequence]

Marinette: Tikki, spots on! Hah! (Marinette transforms into Ladybug)

Scene: Pont des Arts. Princess Fragrance is about to wed Prince Ali. Princess Fragrance is marching toward Prince Ali, while held by Mr. Bourgeois like a bride; Prince Ali is with his chaperone, Cat Noir and Chloé.

Princess Fragrance: (stops in front of Prince Ali and holds both of her hands to his) I can't wait for us to be together. Forever! Servants, love padlock, please. (Cat Noir opens a box to reveal a padlock with Princess Fragrance's perfume coming off of it) This will lock our love forever, my prince!

Prince Ali: At your service, Princess Fragrance! (A yo-yo appears, and knocks the padlock out of Princess Fragrance's hands, into the Seine river)

"This isn't exactly how I pictured my wedding," Rose said, shocked at her "wedding" to Prince Ali.

"I don't think anyone has," Luka said and everybody nodded in agreement.

Princess Fragrance: My padlock! (gasps)

Ladybug: (from a lamp post near them) Not so fast, my royal pains in the neck! (Princess Fragrance fires her gun at Ladybug. Once it hits her, she slides down on the bridge. Princess Fragrance grins evilly, before it revealed that Ladybug has a clothespin on her nose)

"Clothespin on your nose. Nice thinking, girl!" Alya complimented her best friend.

Hawk Moth: (from his lair) Use Cat Noir to get Ladybug's Miraculous!

Princess Fragrance: Servants, attack! And take her earrings! (Ladybug starts to fight with Prince Ali's chaperone, Mr. Bourgeois, Chloé, and Cat Noir. While she's distracted, Princess Fragrance takes Prince Ali away with her. After knocking out the chaperone, Mr. Bourgeois, and Chloé, Ladybug leaps away from Cat Noir before being hit by him)

Ladybug: Snap out of it, Cat Noir! It's me, Ladybug!

Cat Noir: Give me your Miraculous! (Ladybug sighs and she continues to fight him. Meanwhile back at the Le Grand Paris, Princess Fragrance and Prince Ali are at the rooftop pool)

Everybody burst into laughter at Adrien's singing voice under the supervillain's control while he just blushed in embarrassment.

"I see what you mean, Marinette. This is certainly amusing to see and hear," Kagami said in-between laughs.

Princess Fragrance: Who needs a padlock to secure our love when I can put everyone under my spell and make Paris our kingdom! (starts spraying the sky, forming a giant cloud of perfume)

Ladybug: Uh oh, I better do something before this whole thing blows up in my face. (gasps) Ah ha!

Ms. Mendeleiev (flashback): What happens when you play about with flammable substances in a chemistry lab. (End flashback. Ladybug sees the boat full of fireworks that André mentioned to Prince Ali earlier. She tosses her yo-yo around the lamp post behind her.)

"Another time a school lesson has helped you! Nice job, Marinette!" Mr. Damocles noted and Miss Bustier nodded in agreement.

Ladybug: Can't hit me! (Cat Noir continue to try hitting Ladybug) Miss! (She giggles.Cat Noir extended his staff, picking up Ladybug) Yeah! (Once Ladybug lands on the boat, she pulls back the staff, lifting Cat Noir and making him land on the boat too) Nice of you to drop in.

Cat Noir: Give me your Miraculous! Cataclysm! (Cat Noir runs toward Ladybug and he is about to use Cataclysm on her. But Ladybug trips him, making him to use it on the fireworks' control panel instead, thus launching the fireworks into the sky. Ladybug grabs Cat Noir's tail and pulls him into the Seine river. She uses her yo-yo to go to the Le Grand Paris rooftop)

"Again with that singing voice?!" Adrien asked in exasperation as everyone else burst into laughter again.

Scene: Le Grand Paris rooftop pool. Princess Fragrance watches as the fireworks clear out the giant perfume cloud.

Princess Fragrance: This city is not for us. Too many people want to bother us. Let's go far away from here, my prince! Very far!

Ladybug: (above them) Leaving so soon? But the party just got started!

Princess Fragrance: (angry) You! You are ruining everything! So now I'll ruin you!

Ladybug: Lucky Charm! (A balloon appears) A balloon? What am I supposed to do with this? (Ladybug uses her thinking vision, and a fireworks tube and Princess Fragrance's perfume appear. She leaps down and picks up the tube, avoiding Princess Fragrance's perfume bullet)

Princess Fragrance: You can't escape, Ladybug! It's over! (Ladybug places the balloon inside the tube to form a makeshift dart. She tosses it, corking Princess Fragrance's perfume gun and contain the perfume in the balloon. She use her yo-yo to grab the gun and breaks it, releasing the akuma.)

"Nice move against me, Marinette!" Rose surprisingly beamed at her defeat by Ladybug.

Ladybug: No more evil doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize! (she catches the akuma) Gotcha! (she turns the akuma into a normal butterfly) Bye bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug! (She throws the Lucky Charm into the air. It explodes into a blast of energy that turns everyone back to normal. At the Seine riverbank, Cat Noir is licking himself dry before turning back to normal)

Cat Noir: What am I doing in here? And where's Ladybug? (At the Pont des Arts, Mr. Bourgeois and Prince Ali's chaperone are back to normal)

"The singing voice was bad enough, but now you're acting like a cat?!" Alix said laughing hard along with everybody else while Adrien blushed in embarrassment.

Prince Ali's chaperone: Ah, the schedule is a complete disaster! We are going to be late for everything! Where's the prince? Wait a minute, where am I? (Back at the Le Grand Paris rooftop, both Prince Ali is back to normal and Princess Fragrance turns back into Rose at the same time and they don't remember what happened to them)

"Again, is the prince's schedule all she thinks about?!" Alya once again asked in exasperation.

Rose: Huh?

Prince Ali: How did I get here?

Rose: (stands up) Prince Ali? (she rushes toward him and she admires him. She grabs his left arm by cuddling him while she giggles)

Prince Ali: (he sees Ladybug) And who are you?

Ladybug: (she giggles) Never mind, I'll leave you to chat with your number one fan. Bug out! (she leaves and she gives Prince Ali and Rose some privacy)

"You know I'm surprised they didn't inform the prince about akumas and superheroes before he came," Sabine noted and everybody murmured in agreement, just as surprised.

Rose: Know how you always help sick children around the world? I just want you to know that you're the most kindhearted person I ever met!

Prince Ali: Really?

Chloé: (appears) Prince Ali! You're safe! (she shoves Rose out the way) Aren't you glad I'm safe too? So, shall we continue where we left off?

Prince Ali: Oh, no thank you. I have a special event at the hospital for children, with Miss Rose. (Rose gasps with excitement) Let us go quickly before my chaperone locates me. (he and Rose leave. Together they go to the hospital)

Rose: (she giggles) Bye, Chloé! (Chloé growls very angrily as she watches them leave)

"That was one of the best days of my life!" Rose gushed.

"Alright, everybody, the next episode is Animan. Boy, is this episode gonna be awkward for the four of you!" Angel announced chuckling and pointing to the two heroes and their best friends who blushed, remembering that day. The rest of the audience is intrigued as the episode started playing.