
Ways of Survival in Naruto

He hadn't expect to transmitted. And on top of all that! It had to be in the world of Naruto! A world— no, a dangerous universe that is dominated by alien-like beings, and hunger-power humans, who called themselves shinobi's, are obliged and expected to be loyal only to their village the moment they entered this hellish world. He, who had been transmitted into a character that wasn't cannon, will show you ways of survival in Naruto. [Disclaimer! What you see and read here are only fiction! Any places and any character you've read are not real!] 『Disclaimer! Naruto do not belong to me but only Kishimoto! Also, there characters in this work that is somewhat to other works' characters, and i disclaim that the characters you found to be similar to the others does not belong to me. The reason why is on the fifth paragraph!』 「This Naruto Fanfiction contains a lot of plot that are inspired by other novels, animes, Mangas, and manhwa's! Unfortunately, I cannot reveal the respective fictions and novels that this fanfic is inspired to, all for the sake of the plot! And it'd be unfortunate if my plans were to be discovered in such way!」 〔Cover does not belong to mine! Found it at Google, if you're the owner, please say something if you disapprove of me using it!〕 【I update everyday! Although, there may or may not be some cases that I might not be able to upload any chapters due to personal reasons!】 (Enjoy Reading!) The purpose of writing this fanfic shall be revealed at the ending of Ways Of Survival in Naruto! I hope you readers are able to stay long enough to know the purpose!

Rnibm123 · Cómic
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25 Chs

Chapter 1: Favor (Almost Seven)

Konoha Year 57, Second Month, First Week, Second Day.

(First Person PoV)




The mission I attended went well. And by well, I meant that I've recieve one million Ryo's instead of half the money of what I had inteded to stole in the first plave, Akiro though, had no idea about my doings and only took five-hundred-thousands Ryo's and I have no intention on informing him about me taking twice the money of what we had planned at first.

Anyways, about Danzō's purpose of interfering with the club.

Our guess is that Danzō planned on using the Club's money as an increase funding and support for the military, though the lingering thought of which military he'd be funding was clear as the day.

I haven't seen Nora and Akiro ever since that mission, probably to keep themselves away from me in order for Danzō to not have his eye on my neck as well.

But with my influence in the Village, it's, maybe, already too late for me now.

Yesterday, Yoshindo contacted me — Via pigeon— and said that the combat shoes, the most appropriate foot wear for the Engineering Unit Team, is completed and I'll have to pay 320,000 Ryo's. My heart almost leaped out from my chest. But thankfully, he gave me fifty percent discount with not sales tax included, thus I only have to pay 160,000 Ryo's as I saved two-hundred-thousand Ryo's from the original prize. Reason? I have no idea.

'The guy doesn't hold back when it comes to pricing even if his costumer is a child,'

And with the one million I stole, I have 1,230,000 Ryo's. And with the payment from the Akamichi Clan, 600k Ryo's, and the Nara's, which is also 600k Ryo's.

All in all, I have 2,450,000 Ryo's.

Anyways, I picked up my order and gave the Unit an another round of poster that includes the safety of our toes, angles and foot during construction working. And they wore it for safety.

[Don't you mean— you scared the hell out of their life by giving them a dark humor?]

'Don't you have some other things to do instead of bothering me,'




With my birthday being the seventh day of the second month, as it turns out, it is also the day where the merchants will come and sell their things or buy some things. We'll, atleast, that information is according to Nora and the System.

However, as much as there are a lot of problems piling up right now. Mycurrent top problem is to avoid having my work — well, not really my work but the people here wouldn't have a say on that — being plagiarized by everyone.

I planned on asking Sakumo a favor to help me. His skills weren't known much in the Manga but with the tanto he had on his back during a flashback indicates that he is good at swords. Anyways, when I heard that Sakumo was one of the Fuinjutsu Master in Konoha, I was surprisingly not so surprised about this fact.

Though, I, for one, do not know why I'm not suprise about this informstion but I'd guess that it has something to do with my incomplete memory.

'Right, by the way, how's the synchronization going?'

[Still at 5%.]

Letting out a groan, while thinking how annoying it'd be to wait for who knows how long.

'System, do you know where's the way at Sakumo's house?'

[Yes, just follow my directions, walk straight....]

Tediously following the System's direction, I eventually found myself in a land that seemed to be infertile.

"Oh, it's you!"

A familiar voice spoke out— however, it wasn't the monotone voice I had once heard off but a cheerful one that seems to be full of life. Turning me head, I saw Sakumo out in the distance.


In a matter of seconds, Sakumo dissapeared and reappeared next to me.

"You don't seem suprise to see me shunshin'd next to you."

"When you have a brother that'd dissapeared every time when his duty calls for his presence, one would eventually get used to it."

"You're the Yamanaka Clan Head's younger brother." The way he said it wasn't a question.

"You've done your research well." I put on a mocking smile.

"Look, about what happened a few months ago," he look away, shamefully, "I wanted to thank you for opening my eyes."

"Your eyes are already opened." I muttered under my breath.

[What an idiot.]


"I said that your survival has nothing to do with me but rather you worked it out all on your own."

He had a confuse look on his face.

'Help me out here,'


"Didn't I told you to go and kill yourself? Yet, you didn't, so your survival has nothing to do with me,"

'What the fuck! I sound like a fucking tsundere'

[You wanted help. You got one.]

"Come inside my house, kid," he said, "I didn't got your name, oh, let me properly introduce myself, I'm Hatake Sakumo."

"Yamanka Tobias,"

He rose his eyebrows, "That's an unusual given name."

"Yeah, I get that alot. Hey, I heard that you're one of the Fuinjutsu Master in Konoha."

I mentioned, deciding on not use the beating around the bush method as the time right now isn't currently on my side.

"Hmm, I wouldn't say I'm a master but you could say that my skills towards the art of sealing is... uhmm... good?"

"Can I ask a huge favor?"

"Well yo—" he paused for a moment, a small smile bloomed on his face, shaking his head for a moment, as he nodded.

"Well, you see, my business, you must have hear about it?" Sakumo nodded, "I'm worried that my work is going to be plagiarized by Shinobi's, mostly by the Uchiha and the Hyūga— because of their Dōjustu, and merchants that are about to come in the next five days... You know where this conversation is directly coming from, don't you?"

Sakumo nodded, "It isn't entirely impossible making a seal that'll prevent Shinobi's, with Dōjutsu's or not, to plagiarize your work, but I'm only by myself. We need enough Fuinjutsy users."

I sighed with relief. Yesterday, after my errand with the combat shoes, I went to a bar, one that is entirely not illegal — yes, I've learned my lesson after the previous fiasco — and is completely legal, to hire ten trustworthy Fuinjutsu Users. They may not be master's, unlike Sakumo, but they still have enough sufficient knowledge.

"I'll send my men, later. And I figured that you'll be needing blood for the creation of the seal, so here it is." I placed my bag filled with my own blood on the table.

"Oh my, is that why your so pale?!"

"I'm fine, I ate a blood replenishing pill."

"If you say so."

[You now only need a coffin to complete your funeral.]

'What the fuck!?'