
Waves of Tales

follows Ruby Sinclair, a young girl excitedly preparing for a beach vacation with her best friend, Amelia. Their trip to the picturesque beach resort quickly turns into an unexpected adventure when Ruby is caught in a dangerous current and nearly drowns. She is saved by a mysterious anthropomorphic black shark named Nerio, who reveals himself to be from another world inhabited by beastmen who possess magical abilities.

JieJuwie_ · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Surfacing the shark

After the long journey, The shark delivers ruby back to the surface. She turned to thank the anthropomorphic black shark for its unwavering protection and guidance. To her surprise, the shark remained by her side, its presence a comforting reassurance.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Ruby extended her hand toward the shark, offering a silent invitation. "Will you stay with me?" she whispered, her voice filled with hope and a deep longing for companionship.

The shark seemed to understand her plea, its eyes reflecting a sense of understanding and affection. With a gentle nudge against her palm, it affirmed its commitment to be her steadfast protector, vowing to remain by her side forever.

From that moment, Wherever Ruby went, the shark followed closely. While Ruby and the shark were returning to her friend, Amelia quickly noticed her friend Ruby in the distance. Amelia hastened her steps, approaching Ruby with concern evident on her face. "Ruby! Are you okay? Where have you been?"

Amelia's eyes widened with curiosity and worry as she closed the distance between herself and Ruby. She could see that Ruby's clothes were slightly dishevelled, her hair still damp from the underwater adventure she had just experienced. Concerned for her friend's well-being, Amelia placed a hand gently on Ruby's shoulder.

Ruby looked at Amelia, a mix of exhaustion and excitement in her eyes. She took a deep breath to steady herself before responding, "Amelia, it's been an incredible journey. I... I was swept away by a strong current and found myself in the depths of the ocean. But this Shark saved me." Ruby glanced back at the anthropomorphic black shark, who had been quietly observing the conversation.

"Huh…? What are you talking about..?" she glanced behind Ruby, she squinted her eyes at the shark, trying to see it more clearly. A scream escaped her mouth, "W-What is that thing?!" She pointed a trembling finger towards the shark. Ruby raised both hands, moving them back and forth in a calming gesture. "Relax... I'll explain everything…"

After a long story, Amelia's eyes widened in astonishment, flicking towards the majestic figure beside Ruby. A mix of curiosity and disbelief washed over her. "Wait, you're telling me this... this shark saved you? That's... unbelievable!"

Ruby nodded earnestly, her gaze shifting to the shark beside her. "It's true, Amelia. I couldn't believe it either, but he guided me through the depths, protected me from danger, and brought me back to safety. I owe him my life."

Amelia's scepticism faded, replaced by a glimmer of awe as she observed the shark. Despite her initial reservations, she could sense a gentle and protective aura emanating from the creature. It stood there, towering and majestic, its bright aquamarine eyes meeting hers with an almost reassuring gaze.

"I don't understand it all yet, but this shark... he's been following me," Ruby continued, her voice tinged with a mix of wonder and uncertainty. "I can feel it. He's been watching over me, even when I didn't know it. It's like he wants to protect me."

Amelia's brows furrowed, concerned returning to her face. "But Ruby, is it safe? How can we trust a creature like this?"

Ruby hesitated for a moment, contemplating Amelia's words. "I don't have all the answers, but I believe he means no harm. He's been my guardian."

Amelia took a deep breath, grappling with her apprehension. As she glanced at the towering shark once more, a spark of understanding ignited within her. She saw the sincerity in Ruby's eyes and recognized the depth of the bond they shared.

"Alright, Ruby," Amelia said finally, a mix of resolve and curiosity in her voice. "If you trust him, then so do I. We'll navigate this together. But let's learn more about this creature that saved you."

After some time, the sun began to set. Ruby changed her clothes and got ready to head back home. While Amelia was fixing her bag, she turned her face to Ruby and asked, "So, are you taking that shark to your house?"

Ruby paused for a moment, contemplating Amelia's question. She looked back at the anthropomorphic black shark, standing there faithfully by her side. A sense of responsibility and protectiveness washed over her.

"I can't just leave him here," Ruby replied, her voice filled with determination. "He saved my life, I owe it to him to provide a safe place to stay."

Amelia nodded, understanding the depth of Ruby's gratitude and the bond they had formed. "I get it, But have you thought about the challenges of keeping that shark in a residential area? It might not even be allowed."

Ruby's brow furrowed with concern as she pondered Amelia's words. She knew she had to find a solution that would ensure both the shark's well-being and the safety of those around them.

"I'll figure it out," Ruby said, determination ringing in her voice. "I'll find a way to keep him hidden in my apartment, ensuring that nobody will catch sight of him."

Amelia nodded, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Alright, but we have to be extremely careful. We don't want any trouble or risks for you or the shark."

Ruby nodded in agreement, her gaze fixed on the shark standing beside her. "I understand, I'll do everything I can to keep him hidden and secure."

After Amelia finished fixing her bag, she headed to her car. Ruby and the shark got into the back seat, ready to return to their home.

After the long ride, Ruby finally reached her apartment. She opened the door and stepped inside, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. The shark, with its massive size, barely fit through the doorway.

She began organizing her belongings and adjusting her surroundings to accommodate the presence of the shark. Then, she patted the sofa, inviting the shark to take a seat.

Just then, Ruby exclaimed, "Oh wait, we haven't had dinner yet!" She quickly ran toward the kitchen and said, "Wait here, I'll make some noodles."

Ruby reached for a packet of instant noodles from the pantry and grabbed a saucepan. She filled it with water and placed it on the stove, eagerly waiting for it to come to a boil. As the water heated up, she tore open the flavoring packet and prepared the seasoning.

Once the water reached a rolling boil, Ruby added the noodles and let them cook for a few minutes until they softened. She carefully drained the noodles, then returned them to the saucepan. With a sprinkle of the flavoring packet, she tossed the noodles to evenly coat them with the savory seasoning.

Ruby quickly transferred the noodles into two bowls and garnished them with a handful of chopped green onions for a burst of freshness. She carried the bowls back to the living room, balancing them carefully.

"Dinner is served!" Ruby announced with a smile, placing the bowls on the coffee table. She grabbed a pair of chopsticks and handed one to the shark. The shark tilted its head, curiously sniffing the tantalizing aroma wafting from the noodles. Ruby expertly snapped her chopsticks apart and began delicately picking at her noodles, blowing on them to cool them down before taking her first bite.

The shark struggled to mimic Ruby's movements as it attempted to eat the noodles as well. Ruby noticed the shark's struggle and offered him a fork, exclaiming, "I guess you don't know how to eat properly yet. Maybe this will help?" The shark stared at the fork, extending his hand to grab it. With careful precision, he pierced through the noodles and spun them around. With curiosity, he leaned in to smell the noodles and then took a bite using the fork. The shark was dazzled by the taste of the noodles and eagerly began digging into them. After dinner, Ruby went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, while the shark sat on the floor, feeling full.

After Ruby finished cleaning the dishes, she yawned and checked her phone "huh? It's already 12:07 am?" Ruby approached the sleepy shark, empathetically observing his battle against drowsiness. A tender smile illuminated her face as she softly beckoned him. "Come, Shark," she whispered, her voice brimming with warmth and genuine concern. "Let me find you a cozy spot to rest." Understanding Ruby's intentions, the shark willingly followed her lead.

Upon reaching her bedroom, Ruby contemplated the available options. "Maybe my carpet would be enough," she pondered aloud. With a gentle pat on the carpet, she encouraged the shark to settle down. However, it quickly became apparent that the carpet failed to provide the comfort he needed. Concerned for her companion's well-being, Ruby's brows furrowed as she considered alternative arrangements."How about my bed? I'm pretty sure we'll both fit," Ruby suggested, a hint of amusement in her voice. As if in agreement, the shark promptly dropped his entire body onto Ruby's bed, occupying every inch of space, leaving no room for Ruby.

Ruby pondered on where the shark could sleep until an idea struck her. "I've got it now! Follow me," she exclaimed, leading the way to the bathroom. Opening the door, she gestured towards the bathtub. "You can sleep in my bathtub; there's plenty of space for you to rest comfortably."

The shark gracefully stepped into the bathtub and laid down, finding a perfect resting position. "Wait here, I'll get you a pillow and a blanket," Ruby said. As she searched for a suitable blanket and pillow, the shark, seemingly at ease, curiously turned the faucet, causing a gentle flow of water to cascade into the bathtub. The soothing sound and sensation of the water seemed to lull the shark into a state of comfort and relaxation, as he gradually drifted into a peaceful slumber.

Ruby returned to the bathroom, holding a pillow and a blanket in her hands. However, she was taken aback to find that the shark had already fallen asleep, seemingly content with the gentle flow of water surrounding him. "I suppose he doesn't need these anymore," she mused softly, setting the pillow and blanket aside. With a satisfied smile, Ruby made her way back to her bedroom, feeling a sense of fulfilment. Snuggling into her bed, she drifted off to sleep, her heart filled with warmth and joy.