
Waves of Tales

follows Ruby Sinclair, a young girl excitedly preparing for a beach vacation with her best friend, Amelia. Their trip to the picturesque beach resort quickly turns into an unexpected adventure when Ruby is caught in a dangerous current and nearly drowns. She is saved by a mysterious anthropomorphic black shark named Nerio, who reveals himself to be from another world inhabited by beastmen who possess magical abilities.

JieJuwie_ · Fantasía
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3 Chs

A Newfound Bond

A girl hurriedly packing her bag "Ruby, hurry up! You're gonna be left behind!" Ruby quickly zipped up her bag, her heart racing with anticipation. She rushed towards the door, where her best friend, Amelia, stood waiting impatiently. The two of them were embarking on a much-anticipated beach vacation, eager to soak up the sun and enjoy some much-needed relaxation.

"Sorry, Amelia! I'm ready now," Ruby exclaimed, a mixture of excitement and nervousness evident in her voice. She double-checked to make sure she had packed everything she needed, including her favourite beach towel and a novel she had been eager to dive into

Amelia grinned and playfully nudged Ruby. "Finally! Let's go, beach bum!" she exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with mischief. The girls made their way out of Ruby's house and headed towards the awaiting car.

As they hopped into the car and embarked on their journey, Ruby couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within her. Little did she know that this trip would be far from ordinary. Destiny had something unexpected in store for her.

Hours later, they arrived at the picturesque beach resort, greeted by the soothing sound of crashing waves and the salty scent of the ocean. Ruby's eyes widened in awe as she took in the stunning surroundings. The clear turquoise water stretched out before her, inviting her to dive in and explore its depths.

Unable to contain her excitement, Ruby hastily changed into her swimsuit and made a beeline for the beach. As she stood at the water's edge, she felt a mixture of exhilaration and nervousness. She had always loved the water but was aware of its unpredictable nature.

Taking a deep breath, Ruby waded into the shallows, feeling the cool water envelop her feet. But as she ventured further, a sudden current caught her off guard. Panic gripped her as she found herself struggling to stay afloat, and slowly losing consciousness.

As Ruby's vision blurred and her strength waned, she felt herself sinking deeper into the water. Panic surged through her, but her body refused to respond. It seemed like all hope was lost, and darkness threatened to consume her.

Just when Ruby thought she might be swept away by the relentless force of the water, a black figure emerged from beneath the surface, the figure propelled itself towards Ruby, carefully grabbing her body and guiding her towards the cavern.

As Ruby's body trembled from exhaustion and fear, the black figure swiftly carried her towards the safety of the underwater cavern. The sense of relief washed over her, but her mind was still filled with questions and concerns. Who or what was this mysterious figure? Was it truly there to help her, or was there an ulterior motive?

As they entered the cavern, Ruby's eyes adjusted to the dimly lit environment. The glow of bioluminescent organisms cast an otherworldly shimmer, illuminating the path ahead. The black figure gently released her, and Ruby found herself standing on the sandy floor of the cavern, her heart pounding in her chest.

The figure gradually transformed into an anthropomorphic black shark, its sleek body now adorned with intricate patterns. Ruby's initial shock gave way to a mixture of awe and caution. She observed the shark cautiously, searching for any signs of danger or aggression.

The shark turned its gaze towards Ruby, its eyes reflecting a mix of intelligence and empathy. It seemed to understand her apprehension. With a careful movement, it approached her, its movements slow and deliberate.

Ruby took a step back, her instincts urging her to maintain a safe distance. "Who... who are you?" she stammered, her voice trembling with a combination of fear and curiosity.

The shark tilted its head, as if contemplating the question. The shark's eyes met Ruby's, its gaze filled with understanding and empathy. It emitted a series of low-frequency sounds, almost like a melodic hum, as if attempting to communicate with her.

Ruby's curiosity overpowered her fear, and she mustered the courage to take a small step closer. She observed the shark's body language, searching for any signs of aggression or danger. Yet, every movement seemed deliberate and gentle, contradicting her initial apprehension.

As Ruby continued to observe, she noticed a glimmer of playfulness in the shark's eyes. It began to swim in elegant loops, performing graceful twists and turns in the water. Its actions mirrored those of a dancer, expressing a joyous energy that filled the cavern.

In that moment, Ruby realized that she had encountered not only a powerful creature but also a being with a goofy and innocent personality. The shark's actions spoke volumes, assuring her that it meant no harm.

Tentatively, Ruby spoke again, her voice more composed this time. "Are you... trying to help me?" she asked, her words carrying a mix of hope and curiosity.

The shark responded by swimming closer to her, its movements slow and deliberate. It circled around her in a mesmerising display, as if indicating that it wished to guide and protect her. It emitted a gentle, melodic hum, a sound that seemed to convey reassurance.

Ruby's fears began to subside, replaced by a growing sense of trust. She took a deep breath, realizing that this unique encounter might be an opportunity for a remarkable connection. With a newfound determination, she decided to embrace the unknown and embark on an adventure unlike anything she had ever imagined.

Stepping further into the cavern, Ruby extended her hand towards the shark, a gesture of trust and acceptance. The shark gracefully swam closer, allowing her to touch its smooth, sleek skin. A surge of warmth and connection passed between them, solidifying their newfound bond.

Without hesitation, the shark gently pulled her into the water. He maneuvered her into position behind him, guiding her arms to wrap around his strong, muscular neck. Turning his head slightly, he gave her a playful, goofy smile that sent a ripple of reassurance through her. Ruby felt a mix of exhilaration and trust as he turned back and propelled them forward, slicing through the water with incredible speed.

The sensation of the cool water rushing past her skin was both invigorating and freeing. Ruby clung tightly to the shark, her heart pounding with a blend of fear and excitement. She marveled at the fluidity of his movements and the effortless grace with which he navigated the underwater world.

Despite their swift pace, the shark was mindful not to stay submerged for too long. He surfaced regularly, ensuring Ruby could breathe comfortably. Each time they broke through the surface, Ruby gasped for air, her laughter mingling with the sound of splashing water.

As they dove back down, the underwater realm enveloped them in a serene, otherworldly silence. Rays of sunlight filtered through the water, casting shimmering patterns around them. Ruby's fear gradually melted away, replaced by a profound sense of wonder.

Together, Ruby and the anthropomorphic black shark set off on a journey through the depths of the underwater world. They explored vibrant coral reefs, encountered a diverse array of marine life, and experienced awe-inspiring moments of natural beauty.