
Prologue -:- Episode 1. Miss you Nee-San

Games usually originated back in medieval periods, a source of entertainment when the mental balance is disrupted, a boon which helps us boost in the activities. It was played among the few, elderlies, but most commonly in children of mere age of 5 to 10, It was generally played on a small scale, but soon it began growing popularity, as more and more adults indulged themselves into pouring their life into a game which decides, their dignity or devotion to the country, which can be called as a game of testimonial patriotism.

The popularity started exploding, as many people participated in rigorous, games such as Athletics, war swords, and other racing activities, which are basically a part of the game which was hosted by the King during the Roman and the Greek reign. This served as the filtration of selecting the best warrior of all times. And the concept is the same applied, in today's world, as many of the participants are either eliminated in the first round or are selected to the category that is worthy of their fitting. Such was the game in the 21st century… MOST PROFOUNDLY CALLED AS FOOTBALL.

'Hey Sis, we always show up here, but I still can't find Mom or Dad' said an 8 years old boy, who was wearing a funeral black coat... With a maroon scarf on his left pocket and a tucked-in white shirt covered underneath, his hands were shaking as tears of drop dripped from his eyes, he holds his right hand tightly to a young 15 years teenage girl, who was wearing a black frock with the same maroon scarf, pinned to her right chest. Tears rolled down from her too, as she holds the little boy's hand tightly than ever a moment ago.

'Don't let go, Brian, both of them are still here, near us, with us filling us with their warmth.' said the teenage girl. Where she was asked to perform rituals, which were practiced in Christianity after the death of the loved ones. She wept, as the rituals were progressing in a little succession, her smile filled with tears was captivating, as she started talking to her dead parents.

'Don't worry Mom and Dad, I'll always stay stronger at least for Brian's sake, and besides I am planning to move to Tokyo this month, I hope you don't have any problem with us being leaving our hometown, Mrs. Morgan told me that the High schools over there are cost-free, which will give me a good time looking after Brian..

in the precious thy god, may their souls rest in peace, bless us two, and deliver us from evil.' Her weeping stopped a little as the father called out for her as Betty Arizona to finish the final ceremony.

Afterward, she was consoled by her relatives as they didn't want her to be out all alone, as a young girl she was having a major responsibility of taking care of her only brother who, barely started knowing what the world was, after losing those two. Her eyes gazed over to the two elderly married, as they weren't interested of being feeling shameful even when the cemetery was full of tears. Among the two the woman was purely white, wearing her green fancy dress with a hat covering her left eye, as her hairs were hidden under, exposing her complete black, and the glossy red lips. Her eyes were decorated with every black layer of soot

Betty, rushed towards Young Brian, as he was sitting all alone, on the bench when Grandfather passed away, nodding his head, as he didn't believe that Mom and Dad were no more, all he could think about was there's nothing full of the world.

'Brian, are you okay' asked Betty, as she was worried about Brian being wandering all alone while sitting on the bench near the cemetery.

'You told that I could see them, you're the only one who can see them, or talk to them ' said Brian and held betty's arms tighter, where she ran her hand across Brian's forehead telling him to be strong and to get hold of himself.

'Brian, believe me, they are here with us, present around us, waiting for us, hearing us as we speak.' Said Betty as she wasn't able to control Brian, since he was losing his control , a little every second.

The same woman dressed in green and black appeared in front of them with her husband who wore a rayon tuxedo, generally wore during business meetings. 'Your brother doesn't know when to hold back his emotions, does he?? ' said the woman.

Betty holding Brian in her arms faced backward as she heard the voice of the same woman 'Aunt Karen. ' startled Betty.

'Yes, it is Karen Bernard… you should remember, don't you darling… if not then it's been a week, since both of your parents are dead and as it is formidable… I Karen take onto the custody of at least one child from the Arizona family. 'Said Karen, her husband quickly unfolded the documents being printed having a lawyer stamp. As, the rule, itself dictated that, the children of the lost families should be adopted by relatives who resembled the family.

'In your dreams, Ms. Karen… I am taking Brian with me to Tokyo, and please, you can excuse us for not having a proper talk.' Said Betty and quickly wrapped her red scarf from her bag, covering Brian's neck, as she told him that they are moving out.

'You are quite an idiot when it comes to the matter of life exchange, do you?? Young Betty. ' said her Aunt Karen. As she tried to intervene in their departure.

'what do you want from us, Aunt Karen' asked Betty, as she stopped being the ignorant one.

'it's you Betty Arizona ' replied her Aunt.

'You're Joke has practically gone too far…Aunt Karen, and I see no good leaving him here alone as we speak.' Said Betty and tried to move out of there as soon as possible. But at the next moment was intercepted by a Bodyguard who wore a black tuxedo and a thin white black tie had a tucked-in white shirt, grabbed her hand, as he wasn't emotional of being separating two inseparable siblings. But, he was hefty one and big, he pushed young Brian with full force away from Betty, as a result, it made him roll over the stony ground full of dust and pebbles which hit his head, so hard that he began bleeding, as the blood covered the soil.

Betty shouted in pain as he was heavily bleeding. 'BRIAN!!!!!!' her tears ran more faster, soon she started growing angrier, as she tried to bit off the Bodyguard, and successfully ran towards the injured Brian, trying to wake him up.

'Brian wake up… there's no one here it's me, Mom and Dad… you'll be alright… I promise I'll never leave you, Brian… Brian.. ' she started holding him in her arms, cleaning his wounds as she knew that she cannot run now. As Betty started to carry her little brother, Karen quickly comes in and tranquilize Betty. As she gave her a shot around her neck, betty was unable to get hold of her consciousness and quickly her light fades away as her eyes closed a little as she saw that her brother was fading away from her thoughts.

' B- 3 throw the child near the 'Nazzalwort's orphan', and make him forget who his sister is, and besides, we don't need a crappy little boy, with no talent to hung even his neck, over our dear betty, anyways.. from this day onwards, she'll be called as Camellia Bernard. The new heir of the Bernard Family.

The half-dead Brian was brutally thrown near the Nazzalwort's orphan, an 8-year-old boy who nearly lost everything, was now moving corpse near the orphanage, a young Sister, observes the brutal condition, since she passed by, as the car quickly skidded making a hell, near the gate, She found out a bleeding child being thrown away like trash, half dead with no muscle movement where she tried to wake him up , but wasn't able to carry him in such a delicate conditions. .

She quickly rushed into the interior and called other Sisters, to assist the boy, by providing medical support. Brian coughed as some of the dust entered his mouth, as he choked a bit, with intense tearing of his eyes. He was being carried by the paramedic, and was quickly admitted to the I.C.U for operation as his wounds were deeper. No less than an hour the doctors stitched his exposed skin while treating it with other disinfectants having a stabalised condition, but somehow his brain was affected as, he had forgotten everything that had happened to him in the past. As it was the effect of a drug named ZIP which was reported and was supplied to him in access through an injection shot.

'Doctor, how is the poor child doing??' asked the sister who brought Brian up in.

'He's doing great with the physical condition, but he's mentally affected, there are suspicious and are unknown neurological conditions, in his case,his body suffers with an permanent deficiency of supply of sodium or potassium, due to the effect of the drug, he's developed a psychic condition where, he suffers from a post-shock, and due to this effect, he can easily forget everything that has happened to him in past a day, and the only way to stop this dysfunction, is to either apply a greater force on his body or rather use internal shock absorber.'

'What does it have to mean. Doctor??' asked the Sister.

'I mean his brain condition is inevitable, and I can't really say that the Orphanage can afford such a budget shock absorber, it's better you should instruct him to hit his legs, with something hard, to suppress the internal shocks due to outer transmission.' Said the doctor.

'Oh!! God, what trial have you bestowed upon such a young man' saying the tears filled the sister's eyes as she never saw any child this hurt at an age where he can't even differentiate, what's good or bad. Her white clothes matched her fairness with the cross that she holds, a young and reliable woman how would first look after the orphans rather than herself, folded her hands near her chest, as she mumbled. Another Sister came and cheered her a little.

'Sister Katy, I've never seen a tear on such a glowing face before. ' said the Sister.

'This isn't about tears, Sister Natalie, it's about the hardships that have been given up on this child, who knows nothing about the cruel world.'

'I think God has a special place for all of us in his heart, and he treats everyone equally ' said sister Natalie.

'It's not as you think Sister, I am not good being getting motivated after seen a venerable state of this child. ' said Sister Katy.

'I guess you have been a little worried these days aren't you?? ' said Sister Natalie.

'What do you intend to say.' Asked sister Katy. As her faced turned red due to the annoyance caused by sister Natalie. Where Sister Natalie kept her hands on her shoulder, pushing her back and forth, she smiled

'what good it would have done if the child was killed during the process, he was protected by his Guardian Angels… and I think it's our chance to guide him through the path.' Said Sister Natalie, and soon her anger and worries faded away, a little smile pulled over her face made her blushed like ever before. Which prompted her to say.

'You know Sister Natalie you can be an ass sometimes.' Said Sister Katy.

'You know the rules right, no use of forbidden language in the church. ' said Sister Natalie. As Both laughed in spite they knew what they have encountered, but it was necessary for them to stay as calm as ever before.

Days turned into months and months into the year, as the sisters altered their schedule, to help the young boy recover from the state he was suffering in, yet she kept saying that your worries will be forgiven, as there is nothing more powerful than God who never, brings sadness to his own children. In spite of the belief, she had possessed during her childhood. Her prayers never went to waste, as she visited the chapel every morning, to make the young boy recover from his wounds.

It was a long, but painful journey when suddenly Brian wakes from his sleep, his eyes were brick red, and salines connecting his veins, was dressed in a sky blue coloured attire with blue stripes all over, an Oxygen mask covered his mouth ventilating the bad air as he breathes in.

(Heavily breathing) by his hands, he removed the saline pipe and the oxygen mask for ventilation, soon he lowers his hands and his feet on the ground and started walking around the room, he stared as if he's never seen a diagnostic monitor before, he had a little curious mind as he glared to such spectacles making him dumber than he could ever look.

Soon, he heard footsteps that were heading towards him at a faster pace. He quickly hid under the bed stretch, thinking it was someone who was going to harm him for real.

(Door opens) 'My... where can be the little one hiding now.' said the doctor, dressed in his formal wear looked around for Brian, and after some little knowing attempts, he found Brian hiding under the bed.

'You sure are a naughty one, Young boy.' said the Doctor, and quickly pulled him out. And with his stethoscope, he started examining his body and found that his ribs were finally intact and the bruises started to disappear a little every day as his nutritional levels were fine by the standards. After the little checkup, he removed his doctor's coat and kept it on the chair nearby.

He requested Brian to sit near his bed and told him at least not to move from the bed and fascinatingly Brian understood what the Doctor had to say. he did what was asked, Without wasting any moment the doctor asked him a few questions.

'Do you like to play games?' asked the Doctor

'Yes' said Brian.

'let's start by selecting some alphabets. Here, help me by selecting the first letter of your name. ' asked the Doctor.

'B' said Brian.

'Oh B, I think your name is in one of the millions.' said the Doctor.

'You can directly ask me... no need to play some games with me, It's Brian ' said Brian.

'Oh, I'm really sorry I didn't saw it coming,(coughing)um you basically got me there Mr.....' replied the doctor, as he had seen a lot of development in Brian's condition than ever before.

'My full name is Brian..... Ar... something I can't remember it quite well... ' Brian was basically confused as it was the aftereffect of the drug which gave him a short term memory, only his long term memory stored up until now was being remembered by him.

'I can't remember my last name.' said Brian.

This is a test story, a short one but the latter promised will fill the crowd with excitement.

Daoist0Oakepcreators' thoughts