
Wasteland - End of the World

When it comes to viruses, you can choose to fear and retreat, but the only outcome will be becoming a monster after being infected. If you put life and death aside, you will find that viruses can also succumb to your willpower. They will make you stronger, allowing you to consume everything, control everything, and master everything, making you a true god.

WordWizardry · Fantasía
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44 Chs

Chapter 33 - Disheartened

He and she are people from two different worlds.

The huge population base has made the city more and more crowded, the polluted air is suffocating, and the congested traffic and crowded people have produced more and more irritability and impulsiveness. When the price of the central city's land inflated to an unacceptable level, the wealthy profit-makers also far away from all the troubles and chaos. They chose to leave the city and become their new residence in the suburbs, under the dense shade of trees and the clean sky, enjoying the peace that is accumulated on the foundation of countless amounts of money.

On the south side of the Xiangshan Scenic Area is a gentle slope. A small European-style castle firmly occupies the best position on the slope. Scarlet sedimentary rocks and black iron railings as thick as a baby's arm, enclosed around nearly 10,000 square meters of mountains and plains, a gray hard road linked to the expressway, quietly entered the deepest part of the castle under the dense shade of trees on both sides.

Here does not belong to the jurisdiction of the tourist area, but it monopolizes the most beautiful scenery. The castle walls, like jade, contrast with the red maple forest, attracting many tourists who happen to find it, but they are ruthlessly blocked by the cold and sharp spear-shaped railings. Especially those white wooden signs with bold black letters marked "private property, no entry without permission" hanging on the walls, which make people unconsciously feel a sense of helplessness and resentment while being amazed.

The off-road vehicle was parked far away on the side of the road, leaned on the open-roofed driver's seat, and Lin Xiang took off his sunglasses, admiring the beautiful and luxurious building with mixed feelings.

According to the address provided by Ying Jia, this was her home.

The black iron fence, which was up to ten meters tall, was closed tightly, and the two door walls were combined to form a beautifully crafted giant lion head statue. The round and convex eyes were bronze and ice-cold in the sunlight, as if mocking all outsiders who wanted to enter their territory.

Lin Xiang looked at everything that came through the fence with his hands clasped. The red flush on his face caused by fanaticism has slowly faded into a state of calm contemplation.

If time could go back to when he was 18, he would definitely elope with Ying Jia without hesitation. He loved her, she loved him, and that was the best reason.

The off-road vehicle is parked on the side of the road, leaned against the open cockpit, and Lin Xiang takes off his sunglasses, looking at the beautiful and luxurious building with mixed emotions.

According to the address provided by Ying Jia, this is her home.

The black wrought iron gate, which is more than ten meters high, is tightly closed, and the door walls on both sides form a beautifully crafted large lion statue. The convex eyes are shining with the unique luster of bronze in the sunlight, looking so cold as if mocking all the outsiders who want to enter its guarded territory.

Lin Xiang stood with his hands together, silently gazing at everything in the fence. The red flush on his face caused by fanaticism has slowly faded into a calm state of contemplation.

If time could go back to when he was 18, he would have taken Ying Jia away with him no matter what. He loves her and she loves him, that's the best reason.

However, he has already passed the age of impulsiveness. The test of life and death has made him more mature.

Love is wonderful.

A world that only exists for love will never survive.

What can I give Ying Jia?



Or the illusion of pure emotions?

Lin Xiang took out a white envelope from his pocket, shook out a strand of hair that was clipped in the paper, and smelled it for a long time.

That was his chance find when he was in a field hospital, and also the last memento he kept with a picture of Ying Jia.

The story of the Prince and the Princess is just a fairy tale after all. Moreover, he himself is only a frog, not a prince.

To love someone, you should give her happiness.

Meeting at this moment will only increase sorrow and make her even less happy.

I need to become stronger-

In this already chaotic world, strength and power are the only options for survival and protecting loved ones. It is also the responsibility and duty of every man.

Glancing at the watch on his wrist, there are still fifteen hours left in the final preparation.

With a faint regret and sadness in his heart, and a hint of excitement in his blood due to excitement, Lin Xiang withdrew his gaze, tightened the key under the steering wheel with his right hand, and slowly started the engine.

War, is an era that shapes heroes.

In such a short time, it is impossible to go from soldier to colonel, especially in a time of peace.

Lin Xiang believed that he could reach higher and stand further. The military badge on his shoulder would eventually become a dazzling star that everyone would pay attention to.

Only then would Ying Jia truly belong to himself.

Just as he was about to pull the steering wheel, a luxurious silver BMW came from the end of the opposite road. It seemed to have locked onto the off-road vehicle that was starting up, and instead of slowing down, it rushed over with a fierce momentum. Just as the two cars were about to collide, the driver slammed on the brakes, and with the screeching sound of the tires and the ground rubbing, the beautiful streamlined body turned at a ninety-degree angle and stopped firmly in front of the off-road vehicle, blocking its way.

The closed doors were pushed open with force, and three tall black-clad men got out. Obviously, the custom-made uniform was wrapped in a bundle of explosive muscles, and through the neck exposed from the collar, black skin and blue veins that bend sideways could be seen. Through the black sunglasses on the nose bridge, one could clearly feel the coldness and hostility hidden in the eyes without any disguise.

They formed a triangular formation in the right rear of the carriage, and under this particularly stringent protection that was almost suffocating, a tall and thin young man with a proud and angry gaze walked out from the rear seat of the BMW.

Ying Jia's cousin, Su Yongzhe.

"It's you again..."

Lin Xiang didn't answer, nor did he argue. From a distance of several meters, he could even feel the other person's muscles rapidly swelling, the blood vessels under the skin expanding due to the increased blood flow, the adrenaline being secreted too excitedly, quickly clearing the calm and stability in the brain's consciousness, and intense jealousy and violent desire becoming Su Yongzhe's only thought-dominating at the moment.

"What are you doing here?" His eyes were filled with disdain and resentment: "This is private property, and you're not welcome..."

Gazing at the other person lightly, Lin Xiang pulled the right steering lever to the reverse position. He loosened the clutch under his feet, the off-road vehicle backed up a few meters, switched gears, and the front axle tires also turned to the left side of the road.

The final psychological support has been decided, he does not want to branch out.

The indifferent attitude obviously angered Su Yongzhe. Strong jealousy seemed like a snake biting his heart, distorting his facial muscles and squeezing the space where his features were located, turning his warm and handsome face into a territory dominated by ferocity and violence.

"Get rid of him for me!"

Su Yongzhe nearly roared these words.

Before the sound had faded, three black-clothed people had leapt out and surrounded the SUV from different directions. As the first person contracted his muscles, he jumped directly onto the hood of the car, using his strong leg strength, and bent his body, slamming his right fist with surprising explosive power toward the front of the car.

Lin Xiang almost jumped at the same time as the black-clothed man, his sharp eyes locked onto the opponent's leg joints and arm elbows. His brain quickly calculated all possible attack routes, and his toes also adjusted his body position on the seat and car window. He stretched out his ten fingers, accurately pinched the opponent's fist coming with full force, used the momentum to rotate, kicked out with his right leg that was full of strength and at a strange angle, and in the midst of an exclamation, the black-clothed man who had lost his center of gravity was thrown out by him with force, drawing a standard arc in the air and falling heavily on the road tens of meters away.

Compared to parasites, ordinary people are just too weak.

With a low growl from his throat, Lin Xiang's leg muscles contracted, his body rolled over and directly hit the other person on the left. The black-clothed person, caught off guard, was unable to dodge and could only watch as the fist that broke through the air slammed into his own left shoulder, causing a rain of broken flesh and a completely dislocated, shattered bone amidst the painful screams.

Seeing that two of his companions were instantly severely injured, the last black-clothed person unconsciously reached for a Browning pistol from his waist, holding it tightly with shaking hands and gritting his teeth as he pointed it at Lin Xiang's brow.

Lin Xiang tilted his body, coldly glancing at him. Without any warning, he suddenly bent over and lunged forward, seizing the right hand that held the gun and violently pulling it up, tearing the entire arm and shoulder apart.

Su Yongzhe's face was deathly pale. He tightly bit down on his lower lip that was bleeding, only this way could he force his teeth to close together and not collide with each other due to too much fear. He suddenly realized that there was an unbridgeable gap between himself and this young military officer.

He knew that as long as Lin Xiang was willing, he would mercilessly crush his own head. This terrible determination and power has already far surpassed the control of money.

Lin Xiang calmly pulled open the off-road vehicle door and sat in the driver's seat. Igniting, pulling the control stick, and pressing the accelerator hard... in the roar of the engine, the car body driven by the four wheels was rushing forward at a terrible speed, the heavy and sturdy bumper knocked out a huge depression in the beautiful BMW door, and the fragile silver car body in the middle of the road was violently pushed open a wide enough oblique angle. Under the control of the steering wheel, the off-road vehicle turned its direction flexibly and drove into the center of the road from the cleared position. He had been observing Su Yongzhe. The sharp gaze that radiated from the black pupils seemed to be able to dissect the other's body and see the secrets hidden in the core.

"Get away from Ying Jia as far as you can," said Lin Xiang coldly.

Su Yongzhe felt a subconscious shiver. He raised his head dazedly, trying to find the owner of the voice to understand, but he only saw the distant car shadow and the dust that was flying at the end of the road.


Berlin is a large city. Modern, yet not frenzied. On a cloudy autumn day, it appears even more dignified. Through the bright glass window, looking at the tall church dome that towers above other houses in the distance, Lin Xiang suddenly feels that the whole world is so small.

This is a small conference room on the third floor of the German Foreign Ministry, with an area of about 100 square meters. Except for a 1.5 meter high Goethe marble bust, there are a few trimmed green potted plants. There are no extra decorations on the smooth walls and empty room.

The oak-made rectangular table splits the room into symmetrical parts in the middle. The matching black lacquer chairs, although not numerous, are enough for the participants of the talks. Germans truly embody their simple and rigid personalities to the extreme.

The Chinese delegation is not large. In addition to Wen Hanyuan, who has been promoted to deputy foreign minister, and Fang Yujie, who serves as a technical advisor, the remaining six officers, including Lin Xiang, are military officers.