
Wars Never Change

Torch_Light_Wolf · Militar
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Now that the second Great War is over it is now time for the world to come to an era of peace and prosperity.....5 years later.....The decolonization of the continent known to the world as the imperial region has now made it complete individual and independent countries...20 years later......The East Socialist Republic's weapons program continue to intensify, the nation's President strongly depended their weapons as a rightful response to foreign aggression....50 years later....

today the Diplomat of East Socialist Republic has released the following statement," our supreme leader will reunite our continent, bring together families, economies, and freeing them of foreign influence".....75 Years later... today our beloved supreme leader as united and freed our continent with his declaration of isolation forming the Grand Peoples Empire.....300 years later..... centuries of civil unrest has led to an uprising in the western provinces today....74 years later... the rebel group calling them selves the New Dimond Republic have been responsible for multiple raids on Imperial People's Military garrisons....1,000 years later...... short on supplies the 8th revolutionary army of the New Dimond Republic is unlikely to survive agents the Liberation Corp in pursuit.