

I've said to my self they were only stories told by my ancestors. Dragons and tales of bravery as a child I would obviously believe all of it. Even now as I've grown I still remember every one of those stories.

It was said that my ancestor fought 36 soldiers. And killed all of them as he picked them off one by one. Not surprisingly they could never be true.

But what if a person of our time travelled to that very reality. One where stories told by my elders some grand and beautiful but other's grim dark. Was all true and that is the story I'll be sharing with all of you.

Eden Rave sat in a car looking outside the window to see a land where nature was still yet to be effected by human activity. A refreshing change when considering life in the city. His mood was despondent as his trip was planned to be with his friends. But they all had excuses not to go on this trip.

They would go visit a cave painting site. But now it was just him going on his own. After some time the car stopped and he got off heading to the cave