

Kai was a cripple who couldn’t cultivate energy, but a tragic event which took his parent life and also create an opportunity for him to take another path to cultivate happened. The path he took was to cultivate the body and mind. His body will break all cultivation logic, and with his thought he will control all form of energy within heaven earth. With a thought he will become a devil, with a thought he will become a god with a thought he will become a mortal and with a thought he will become a universe. WITH MY BODY I WILL REIGN SUPREME. WITH MY THOUGHT I WILL BECOME THE KING OF ALL THE UNIVERSE PUREST ENERGY.

Ghostvillain · Fantasía
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159 Chs

Chapter 134: Undergoing Tribulation Together.

The torrent of thick lightning struck each person's body, a malevolent symphony of agony reverberating within the confined space of the tribulations. The air crackled with primal energy, and the scent of ozone mingled with the acrid taste of fear.

Kai, once defiant, now gritted his teeth as the lightning bore down upon him. His body convulsed, sinews stretched to their limits. It felt as though he were being torn apart from the inside out, his very essence unraveling like ancient scrolls consumed by fire. His soul, too, roasted amid hellfire—a torment that transcended mere flesh.

Duan Su, pride shattered, trembled violently. His eyes rolled backward, revealing whites tinged with crimson veins. The pain was immense, even for one who had faced countless battles. But this tribulation was no ordinary trial; it reached beyond the corporeal, gnawing at the very fabric of his soul.