
Warrior Noble to Aide of The Vampire Princess

Im quite stupid hate me if you want but I can’t write a synopsis to save my life if you still want to read my pitifully attempts at writing God Bless you. Just know its got must my favorite stuff Vampires and battle. This is a High Fantasy Novel but I will try to heavily steer it towards Low fantasy.

Wargodof04 · Fantasía
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4 Chs


The Guard who's breath reeked of Death shouts. Get in the carriage Human scum!

With swords drawn the other Guards push and shove the men onto the carriage. One of the younger and more fanatical guards says. Why are we taking them alive why not just Slaughter them and continue our attack? One of the older and more soft spoken of the Guards Speaks up. I believe Her Highness Princess Alivia was impressed with the enemy Commander.

Young Guard scoffs. Impressed? With a Human?!? Old Guard. Aye.


3 Hours earlier.

A young Quartermaster speaks with a soft yet dire tone. Lord Donathon I believe we have enough oil and arrows for no more than 5 more volleys, our Food Supply is worse we are all on 1/4 rations and we still only have enough to last a week, we are out of ale and are down to the last barrel of drinking water, as for materials we have enough to fix half our arms and enough to make 1 to more volleys worth of arrows!

Donathon face Grim Says. They've got us trapped like rats we've done the most with what little we had, Now tell the men to strike the colors, may Almighty Yena guard us.


1 hour earlier

A courier Rushes into Princess Alivia's Strategy Room Coughing and Wheezing. My Princess, My Princess.

Princess Alivia face contorted in heavy annoyance says. Yesss?

The courier out of breath blurts out. They've struck the colors.

Princess Alivia's Regaining her noble composure says. They have, interesting

that General hmmmmm, I want all

of them all taken prisoner.

The Courier says. As you wish My Princess I shall deliver your orders.


Present time

The Carriage ride although horribly rough was mostly uneventful other than the constant mocking of the victory drunk Vampire soldiers.

Made to kneel before Princess Alivia, Donathon and his officer awaited her words.

Alivia With a smug face says.

Sir Donathon you've made quite the pest of yourself you've stopped our advance for three weeks, your stubborn resistance has cost us a lot of men, But I Most give credit we're it is due you Delayed a army six times your size, even with how useless your struggle was.

Alivia stops for a second as if pondering then asks why fight so furiously against us even hatred doesn't sum your dedication up, well what is it speak up!

Donathon with a Defeated look says. We are the Sword of the last King we were bound by oath to defend the pass until it is no longer viable to continue fighting, We surrendered as we could no longer continue fighting without facing immediate destruction.