
Chapter 55 Need a Companion

Shen He and Feifei have only been married for less than half a year, so the freshness and passion shouldn't get cold so quickly. Fu Meiling felt that Shen He was going to get a divorce, but she wanted her to put pressure on Feifei to scare Feifei so that she would not be so arrogant in the future.

Men always think that he is the overlord of the family. If a woman is too strong, she will definitely set off a man's backlash.

This time, Feifei must have suffered from Shen He's loss, otherwise she would not have run away from home, and she would not have dared to come to her parents' house. Maybe she would be wronged in which small hotel.

Seeing Shen He's brown-gold Land Rover out of sight, Fu Meiling immediately turned around and called Feifei. At this time, Feifei was already sitting in the backyard of the crock pot and was learning how to burn a stove with Weiwei.

Feifei was wearing jeans and a long-sleeved T, with a small towel tied around her neck, a baseball bat on her head, mid-tube cotton socks and sneakers on her feet, and rubberized thread gloves on her hands. She wrapped herself tightly, lest the splash of sparks burn her skin.

Hearing the phone ringing in her pocket, Feifei hurriedly took off her gloves. She thought it was Shen He calling again, although she didn't want to talk to him, she just wanted to see Shen He's name on the phone screen.

"Mom—" Feifei was a little surprised.

"Well, did you get your car back?"

"Well, Shen He just brought it to me. Where are you? Shen He said you ran away from home last night? What do you want to do? I don't want to have a good time, is it because the weather is too hot and your head is scorched?"

Hearing her mother's reprimand, Feifei was stunned and did not dare to speak. Until Fu Meiling asked loudly again:

"Did you say you want to divorce Shen He?"

Feifei just recovered, "Yes, I can't talk to him anymore. He's a liar!"

Feifei told her mother about Shen He's financial situation and the pension of Shen He's parents.

Fu Meiling was stunned, she didn't expect Shen He's conditions to be so bad. If the daughter repays the loan with him and then cares for the elderly together, and has two more children in the future, she must not become an old mother who can't turn herself over for the rest of her life.

"Don't rush to make up your mind on this matter, wait until I find time to find out. Shen He seems to be drawing up a divorce agreement. When you receive his divorce agreement and tell me, let's discuss and find a solution together."

It turns out that Shen He and Feifei are getting a divorce! Fu Meiling was in a mess, and she didn't care to ask where Feifei was, she hung up the phone, and went to her beauty salon with a heavy heart.

In the morning time, there are not many customers for beauty appointments, and the reception hall seems very quiet. Fu Meiling's high-heeled shoes entered the door at a rhythm. Several beauticians who were chatting on the sand in the rest area immediately stood up and respectfully called Fu Meiling "Hello, Dean".

Fu Meiling nodded with satisfaction, and looked through the corridor on the left. The two sides of the corridor were the customer beauty area, and the doors of the rooms without guests were open.

The store manager, Amei, came out of the stocking room on the other side, and saw Fu Meiling immediately greeted her with a smile.

"Five guests made an appointment this morning, and two are already doing it... Mrs. Ding hasn't been here for a while. Would you like me to call and invite her to our Mid-Autumn Festival promotion?"

Amei knew about the in-laws relationship between Mrs. Ding and Fu Meiling. Of course, she had to report to Fu Meiling for instructions on beauty projects involving Mrs. Ding.

Since we are in-laws with Mrs. Ding, it is not easy to treat Mrs. Ding as a customer. Fu Meiling is going to go out in person, and Mrs. Joding drinks morning tea. By the way, let's talk about Ding Tai's words again, when is she going to arrange the marriage of Yingying and Ding Junhao.

At this time, the trainee beautician who was welcoming guests outside the door came in and said that there was a man outside looking for Fu Meiling.


Fu Meiling has been running a women's beauty salon for nearly 20 years. Except for Jiang Fuhai who came to send her a congratulatory flower basket when it opened, no man has ever come to her.

"He said his surname was Zhou, and he was your friend. He also held a large bunch of bellflowers in his hand."


Several beauticians showed a look of surprise. This season, a lisianthus is already very expensive, and a large bunch can only be bought by local tyrants.

Fu Meiling frowned, secretly thinking that Zhou Yu had actually chased after her beauty salon.

Zhou Yu was holding a bunch of pink and purple lisianthus, and stood on the first floor looking up at the stairs. As soon as Fu Meiling appeared, Zhou Yu greeted the steps enthusiastically and presented the bouquet in his hand to Fu Meiling.

"What is this about?"

Fu Meiling's expression was calm. The flattery of a middle-aged man can surprise people. If he guessed correctly, Zhou Yu just wanted to relive the years when he used to burn with passion.

"My friend's flower shop, this kind of flower is not selling well, so I had to buy it all. I don't have a flower arrangement at home, I happened to pass by you, it might be more suitable to put it in your beauty salon."

Zhou Yu's enthusiasm was not reduced by half because of Fu Meiling's indifference. He stretched out the bouquet and waited for Fu Meiling to accept it. Zhou Yu's reason for sending flowers seems to be light, but if Fu Meiling refuses to accept it, she seems to want to avoid something.

"Thank you for your flowers, but I can't invite you to sit in the store. We are a professional women's beauty salon, and the male guests will stop."

Fu Meiling showed a professional smile and planned to let Zhou Yu retreat just like that.

"It doesn't matter, you can send the flowers up first. I think there is a food street near you that was reported by the Yangcheng Evening News. Can you take me there to try it? By the way, I will show you the accounts of the class reunion."

Zhou Yu's reason could not tolerate Fu Meiling's refusal.

Fu Meiling and Zhou Yu walked side by side in the food street, and finally settled on a self-service hot pot restaurant.

If the relationship between men and women is awkward, eating a buffet is the best choice. You can stagger the time to pick up dishes from each other to avoid embarrassment and boredom.

Zhou Yu didn't say much, but every time he opened his mouth, he could make Fu Meiling laugh. Wu Yu's humorous jokes always make Fu Meiling reminisce, but she still can't help but raise the corners of her mouth. After eating a meal for more than two hours, Fu Meiling realized that it was time to go to the law firm. A lawsuit is far more important than listening to Zhou Yu's jokes.

Zhou Yu happily accepted the meal fee that Fu Meiling should bear, and looked at the figure of Fu Meiling who left in a hurry, and began to be puzzled again in his heart. With his age and financial ability, it is not impossible to marry another wife, but marrying another wife also means that the division of property will become complicated.

Zhou Yu has a son who is studying abroad, and his property can only be left to his son. He doesn't need a wife, it's good to find a companion who is pleasing to the eye...

Even if it's not rush hour for work, the road to Tianhe District is congested with traffic. Concerning the happiness of the rest of her life, Fu Meiling rushed through the red lights one after another and rushed downstairs to the lawyer's building. It was already fifteen hours after the appointed time.

Weiwei greeted her mother with a red face at the elevator entrance, and then walked straight into He Cong's office. He Cong asked his assistant to make Fu Meiling a cup of coffee. Fu Meiling waved her hand quickly, she wanted to state the case as soon as possible.

He Cong leaned against the back of the high swivel chair, squinting slightly, listening to Fu Meiling's introduction to buying a house. In fact, even if Fu Meiling didn't introduce it, he could roughly understand it. There are only a few tricks in the house selling scam, and only those who are greedy will fall into it...

"That's it!"

Fu Meiling pulled the corner of her skirt, feeling that the air-conditioning in the room made her shiver from the cold.