
Chapter 51 Need a lawyer

Fu Meiling's house purchase payment for helping the seller to redeem the deed was deceived!

The seller sold more than one house and ran away with the purchase money of several buyers. Moreover, the seller's house also had a bank mortgage loan, and the bank has now seized the house. It is almost impossible to get back 2.5 million. Fu Meiling was furious when she heard the news at the agency.

Two and a half million dollars, it could cost Fu Meiling's life!

"I went to the agency with Shen He to take my mother home in the afternoon, and my mother's mental state has been unstable. It's probably going to be a lawsuit. It's expensive to fight a lawsuit. I don't know if I can win or not. What kind of lawyer would you like...hey, tomorrow morning I have to ask Shen He to pay the parking fine and get back the car that my mother was towed away."

Feifei felt distressed and had to make an extra expense. In the past few days, she suddenly had the concept of money and knew that she was living by calculating expenses.

"By the way, I'll transfer the medical expenses you helped to pay yesterday to you via WeChat immediately. There's also the money for your meals, and the money for fueling my car."

Feifei's tone of voice became relaxed. She has money and confidence in her pocket, and the bank card that Shen He gave her has more than 1.8 million in it! If you have money, you can buy a house, and you can ask Shen He's parents to go out to settle the bill immediately. Finally, he is no longer upset, and relives the beautiful two-person world.

"The food and oil are all you need, and you can just transfer the medical expenses to me."

"Don't, you work so hard, you've been working so hard all day, how can I ask you to help me advance money."

Big sister is looking down on her work!

Weiwei laughed, "If you're willing to give it, then I'll take it."

"That's right!" Feifei also laughed.

"Let me tell you, I want to buy an apartment for Shen He's parents to live in tomorrow. I don't want to mess with them anymore. It's so annoying, Shen He's fucking crazy. It's like, I'm always suspicious of me and her son saying bad things about her. Why is there such an old man? I really don't understand how she used to be the head of the kindergarten, and she didn't have any bearing..."

"Sister, I'm busy right now. I'll go back and see her about our mother's affairs. We're also taking care of this kind of lawsuit, and the intermediary company is also jointly and severally responsible. The lost money must be recovered."

Weiwei hurriedly interrupted Feifei, she could be heard talking on the phone on her balcony. It would be bad if Shen He's mother heard about her, then she was really speaking ill of her.

When Feifei was talking about being happy, she was suddenly interrupted, and she couldn't help pouting.

"That's right, I can't be busy anyway. If my mother doesn't have this money, she will definitely not be able to buy a new house. If she continues to rent in the current place, she will definitely not be able to afford it. Her beauty salon There are fewer and fewer customers, and the rental contract will go up a few points. I'm really afraid of her..."

"I know, hang up."

Weiwei put down the phone and let out a long sigh, her mother was really in a dilemma now. But it's easier said than done to file a lawsuit. Just to recover the 2.5 million legal fees will be withdrawn at 10%. This is still an ordinary small law firm. If you hire a barrister to fight a lawsuit, it is estimated that if you win the case in the end, you will have to take half of the legal fees of the target.

Mother has always been cautious and put money more than life. This time she was too careless!

Weiwei's mood became gloomy, and she was a little distracted when she returned to the stove. Jiang Chaoyue came to Ke Nansheng's table to invite her over, and wanted to invite her to cook two customized dishes. Weiwei looked up and saw that Ke Nansheng was chatting with the man wearing glasses, and the little assistant went out at some point.

There is still half an hour to get off work, and Wei Wei does not want to increase the extra workload, but it is normal business hours now, so she can't refuse the request of the guests.

"Hello, I'm the chef here. What do you need? I order private dishes at this time, and there are not many ingredients to choose from."

Weiwei is neither humble nor arrogant and polite, and her professional smile makes people very comfortable. Unlike ordinary businesses, sometimes over-enthusiasm can make consumers unbearable.

He Cong raised his head and was very curious that the traditional old shop that Ke Nansheng highly recommended had such a young chef.

"Nan Sheng, it seems that I have no choice!"

He Cong made fun of Ke Nansheng.

"It's okay, just do whatever you want. We want to eat something cool and tasty right now, preferably one that is good for digestion and not too high in calories."

Ke Nansheng said lightly. He Cong couldn't help laughing.

"Your requirements are too high. If I were to be scared off by you, there is no such thing in the world as you said. If there is, then I have to taste it well."

After He Cong finished speaking, he looked at Weiwei's face. He wanted to see if Ke Nansheng's deliberate problem would stymie the young cook.

Weiwei looked calm, as if she had no objection to Ke Nansheng's request, thought for a few seconds, and then said:

"I think the four-color vegetarian and cold chicken shreds should meet the requirements of the second person."

Weiwei caught Ke Nansheng's excited eyes and knew that he wanted to know how to cook the dishes.

"The four-color ingredients are made from salad bamboo shoots, black fungus, corn kernels, abalone mushrooms, kidney beans, sweet beans and sweet peppers. All the ingredients are cut into small pieces and blanched for a while to remove raw materials. Sauté ginger slices with oyster sauce, and then..."

"Okay, just do as you say."

He Cong interrupted Weiwei and said to Ke Nansheng with a smile:

"Are you going to learn how to cook? When she's done talking, we'll have to eat a few minutes later."

He Cong and Ke Nansheng are alumni, a few years older than Ke Nansheng. When I was studying abroad, I didn't have many interactions. This time it was also because of business relationships that I found out that the client I wanted to talk to turned out to be his president's junior.

After Weiwei finished setting the dishes, Jiang Chao was not in front of her. Jiang Chao called in the courtyard, and Weiwei guessed that Le Yi should be looking for him. He had to personally serve the plate to Ke Nansheng.

Weiwei set the plate, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of a gold-plated business card in front of Ke Nansheng, and the words of lawyer He Cong caught her eye.

"Are you a barrister?"

It's hard for Weiwei not to be excited. Although she thinks that a rich second-generation like Ke Nansheng is inexperienced, the circles they come into contact with are all noble and noble, and the lawyers Ke Nansheng knows will definitely not be bad.

"Why are you interested in barristers?"

He Cong's eyes sparkled behind the lens.

"I need lawyers to fight economic disputes."

Getting to know a lawyer here is more convenient and economical than going to a law firm. Weiwei was so nervous that the tip of her nose was sweating, for fear that her case was too small, and He Cong would reject her directly.

Lawyers are the most talkative people in the world! He knew that a little cook wouldn't have much economic disputes, but how could He Cong reject Weiwei?

He Cong took out a business card and handed it to Weiwei solemnly.

"I'm delighted to have the opportunity to work for Beauty Chef."

He Cong said and winked at Ke Nansheng. Ke Nansheng put down his chopsticks and looked up at the fine sweat on the tip of Weiwei's nose.

Weiwei briefly described her mother's experience to He Cong. He Cong pondered. For him, a lawsuit of 2.5 million is too small. He is a practicing gold lawyer and has never accepted a lawsuit of less than 30 million.