
Chapter 49 Shen's mother is discharged from the hospital

When Feifei saw Shen He, blood was still oozing from the corner of Shen He's mouth, and the exposed skin was full of scars. Feifei cried bitterly when she saw it.

How to do this! who hit it?

Feifei said while crying, holding Shen He's arms with both hands, checking the lacerated wounds.

It's okay, my mother will trouble you to take care of me first in the hospital. I'll be out in a few days.

The pain in the calf bone made Shen He frown, but thinking that the two debt collectors should be hurt more than him, it seemed that the pain suddenly eased a lot.

The two debt collectors went to the house to ask for the debt, and even sent the old lady out of the hospital. Although it was one against two, fortunately, he had accumulated experience fighting with Ke Nansheng, and he studied Jin Yongli's fighting moves on the way out to collect debts. Shen He preempted the attack, swept away the two evils with one leg, and then used the black tiger to pull out the crotch fist. After hearing the screams like ghosts and wolves, Shen He was also knocked down and lay on the ground.

But I can't handle it alone

After Feifei felt sorry for Shen He, she began to feel sorry for herself again. No one takes care of Shen's father at home, and Shen's mother has to accompany him 24 hours a day in the hospital. Even if she has the avatar method, she doesn't have the physical strength and energy to take care of it, not to mention that she has to spend money everywhere, she can't even get Shen He's criminal punishment of five hundred yuan.

Feifei's painful expression made Shen He also worried. The creditor crisis was temporarily relieved, but the old-age problem of parents and mothers surfaced again.

See if you can ask your sister for help.

Did you say Vivi?

Feifei stared at Shen He in surprise.

I don't want my family to get involved in our family's mess.

Feifei was also angry that Weiwei refused her request just now. People have a backbone even when they are pushed into a hurry. Even if I can't afford it myself, I don't want to beg someone in a low voice. The office window urged to pay the fine, Shen He took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it to Feifei, and whispered to her the password. At this time, Feifei's cell phone rang.

Shen He's father got lost and was sent to me by the police. Come and pick him up quickly.

Weiwei looked at Dad Shen who was drinking soup with his head down. Dad Shen's face was much better now.

what! The police sent him off, I got it. I'll rush over to pick him up.

Putting down the phone, Feifei told Shen He with a bitter face that Dad Shen was now in the restaurant where Wei Wei was working and had to pick him up immediately.

Shen He also wondered how his father would appear in the Crock Pot, but it didn't matter much. Of course Shen He was relieved when his father was with Weiwei.

When Feifei paid the fine, she kept begging the police for Shen He. Shen He has no previous convictions, and fighting with the opponent must have made him anxious. One of Shen He's parents is lying in the hospital and needs care, and the other has Alzheimer's and needs care. Her new daughter-in-law is pregnant again.

Feifei made up nonsense and complained in tears.

I can't control this. Don't say that your husband has no criminal record, he was arrested for fighting with someone half a month ago.

ah? !

Feifei raised her blurry teary eyes, not understanding how Shen He had become a habitual offender in fights. The policeman who handled the case didn't continue talking. At this time, a leader came over. The policeman who handled the case briefly introduced the case. The leader read the case handling record and indicated that Shen He could be exempted from detention.

This kind of physical collision caused by a debt dispute is a matter of each side hitting fifty big boards. There is no need to waste the space in the prison and detain both sides of the fight. As long as the two sides admit their mistakes sincerely and pay the fines, and ensure that similar incidents will not occur in the future, it is a solution that has the best of both worlds.

Walking out of the police station, looking up at the bright sun, Shen He's body suddenly fell backwards. Feifei exclaimed and rushed up to hug Shen He, so that Shen He would not fall on the concrete floor. Feifei couldn't stand up due to Shen He's 150-pound body. The passing police reached out to help, and only then got Shen He into the car.

He must have collapsed and was rushed to the hospital for an infusion.

Feifei stepped on the brake but stepped on the accelerator, and the Land Rover rushed out of the police station compound. Shen He woke up halfway to the hospital, and he insisted on going to bring his father back first.

but you

Nothing good but! I'm fine, hurry up to the Crock Pot.

Shen He felt much better after drinking a bottle of mineral water. It is estimated that he collapsed because he did not replenish his body fluids in time after donating blood in the morning, and then rushed to find someone to fight for revenge.

Feifei parked the car outside the door of Crock Pot, and Shen He immediately opened the door and jumped out. After hurriedly running into the Crock Pot, and seeing the old man drinking soup, he finally let go of his heart.

Hehe, you also try this soup, it's so fresh! I've had two cans.

Dad Shen hiccupped after speaking, and then blushed embarrassedly.

Dad Shen didn't remember the hospital where Shen's mother lived, or the community where his son lived, but he only remembered the Crock Pot House that he saw almost every day.

eldest sister, eldest brother-in-law. It's a good day today, let's all have soup!

Jiang Chao brought two cans of soup to Feifei and Shen He, thinking that Feifei should pay the bill this time. As a result, Feifei and Shen He finished their soup and helped Dad Shen into the car, without saying a word about paying the bill.

Weiwei, your two sisters are too mean, they don't pay the bill every time they come. Today, the eldest brother-in-law didn't even pay the bill. They are bullying you. They know that you are working here. If they know that you are the boss here, they will not come here for free food every day.

Stop complaining, I'll give you a raise next month.


Jiang Chao crumpled the bill into a ball and threw it into the trash can, his complaining expression turned to anticipation.

When did I tell a lie?

That is, my sister Wei is mighty! My sister Wei is domineering! !

Being praised by Jiang Chao, Weiwei felt a little guilty. She only lied at noon at the Eliza Confinement Service Center.

The next day, Weiwei set off an hour early to go to the hospital to deliver meals to Shen's mother. Feifei was not in the ward, and a nurse was scrubbing Shen's body. Seeing Weiwei come in, she quickly dressed Shen's mother.

Shen's mother was a little embarrassed to pull on the hospital gown, but in fact, if she hadn't hung up the water, she would still act quite freely. I just felt that my son hired a nurse for her, and it was 400 yuan a day, so it was not worth it. You have to find work for the nurse, never let the nurse sit idle.

Weiwei is here, hurry up and sit down.

Shen's mother is a talkative person. No one spoke in the hospital, so she felt uncomfortable. When she saw Wei Wei, she certainly didn't want her to leave immediately. Weiwei had to sit with her first.

Yesterday afternoon, He He hired a nurse for me. There is no nurse to accompany me, and your eldest sister doesn't have to be so troublesome to accompany me here. The couple hadn't been together for a long time, and they went back at dinner last night. You don't have to rush here today, my eldest sister, I don't need someone to take care of me anyway.

Weiwei could hear Shen's mother's dissatisfaction with Feifei, but everyone wanted to save face, and it was not so obvious.

The nurse shook the hospital bed a little higher so that Mother Shen could lean on it as comfortably as possible. Then scalded a bowl and spoon with boiling water and carefully fed Shen's mother.

Weiwei said goodbye to leave, but Shen's mother stopped her. At this time, a nurse came in to inform that Shen's mother could be discharged in the afternoon.

Ah, so fast!

Shen's mother looked at the nurse, and the nurse smiled awkwardly:

Congratulations to my aunt on being discharged from the hospital.

Weiwei thought it was funny. Mother Shen could no longer hide her stingy heart. She must be distressed that her son's nursing fees for the nurses exceeded the standard.