
Chapter 141 Talking about money hurts feelings

Shen He couldn't open his mouth to borrow money from his mother-in-law. He had already discussed it with Feifei, and Feifei had to grind hard with Fu Meiling on this matter. Unless Fu Meiling is so selfish that she completely ignores her daughter's demands, she will be able to lend them some money for emergencies.

Shen He glanced at Feifei, meaning he had to ask Fu Meiling to borrow money as soon as possible. Housing prices are changing all the time, so hurry up and take advantage of the calm now. Otherwise, the old house has been sold and the new house has not been bought. Once the house price rises, it will be a loss for both ends.

But Feifei is a face-saving person. In addition to Fu Meiling, there are nurses and other patients in the ward. How could she be so embarrassed to tell her mother about the wrong money!

Mom, dragon fruit has no taste, so let's eat durian. This is the Golden Pillow Durian, which tastes and tastes particularly good. It's so expensive, I don't want to eat it myself, but Shen He insisted on buying it for you. He said that durian is the king of fruits because of its good digestion.

As Feifei said, she took out a box of peeled durian flesh from the big mk bag she was carrying, opened it and brought it to Fu Meiling.

The unique smell of durian made the nurse sister Zhao and the patient in the next bed cover their noses involuntarily. Sister Zhao faced Meiling with some difficulty breathing and said that she was most afraid of the smell of durian.

I feel like throwing up when I smell this stinky smell, I don't know this thing has become the king of fruits. I can't bear it.

The patient in the next bed whispered, stretched out his feet and put on his slippers, and walked out of the ward with Sister Zhao.

Feifei didn't expect her box of durians to work like a bomb, instantly clearing the house of stray people. This time she can ask her mother to borrow money.

Fu Meiling didn't like the taste of durian before. That was because durian was too expensive to eat. After eating it twice, she liked it more and more, but she was still reluctant to buy it. Today, my daughter gave it, and of course she enjoyed it. He took the wet tissue that Shen He handed over and wiped his fingers, then grabbed a huge durian flesh and put it into his mouth.

After Fu Meiling finished eating one durian flesh, she spat out a brown kernel, and hesitated whether to eat another one.

I've eaten it all. The smell of this thing is too big and it will affect others. I didn't dare to buy more.

Shen He said thoughtfully. Fu Meiling looked up at Shen He and smiled:

I have always felt that durians are not delicious because they cannot afford them. Durian is so expensive because it is the king of fruits. It was so delicious I couldn't stop.

Fu Meiling grabbed another big durian flesh and put it in her mouth, Feifei couldn't help swallowing. She felt that her mother was right, durians are really expensive, only two pieces of durian flesh cost more than 50 yuan, and she may not be able to eat them in the future.

I'll go get some hot water.

The nurse just called.

Fu Meiling stopped Shen He who was walking to the locker, Shen He picked up the thermos and shook it.

There's only half a bottle left, so I'll fill it up.

Shen He walked out quickly. Only when he left could Feifei use her crying and fussing skills to ask Fu Meiling to borrow money.

Feifei opened several windows, but the smell of disinfectant in the ward still could not hide the mellow taste of durian. Fu Meiling wiped her mouth contentedly after eating the durian, and Feifei picked up the crisper with only three durian cores left, and turned her head to put it on the bedside table.

Feifei turned her head back again, with tears in her eyes, Fu Meiling just looked up at her, and was immediately startled.

What's wrong with you?

Mom - Fifi sobbed.

Halo, why are you crying, those who don't know think I'm dead! Bah, unlucky. If you have something to say, hurry up, have you been in conflict with Shen He again? When I heard that his parents came back, I knew something was wrong.

She just ate the durian that Shen He bought for her, so Fu Meiling can't say it too badly. Seeing Feifei's tears falling uncontrollably, Fu Meiling said angrily:

Stop crying, go home and cry! Being in the hospital doesn't make me quiet either.

Fu Meiling lowered her face. Feifei stopped crying, estimating that the time was almost right, wiped her eyes, and choked out:

Shen He said that he was sick when he was born and was thrown to the side of the public toilet. It was the two old people who picked him up. In order to treat him with congenital myocardial insufficiency, they thrift and endured a lot of hardship. Afraid that others would know his life experience, he also moved from his hometown and moved to work. If he was in his original hometown, Dad Shen would have been promoted to be the director at that time.

Why are you telling me this? Which parent raises children easily?

Fu Meiling turned her face away, feeling that Feifei's tone didn't seem to be complaining to her, but rather that she was showing merit for Shen He.

I know it wasn't easy for you and my dad to raise our three sisters.

That's up to you! You are the eldest, and you have never suffered from childhood to adulthood.

Fu Meiling felt comforted that her daughter could say such words and knew she was grateful to her parents. Turning his face to look at Feifei, his expression also seemed much calmer.

Feifei smiled awkwardly at her mother: Shen He said that he could not leave his adoptive parents alone no matter what. But we all found it inconvenient to live together, so we had to buy two new suites so that we could live separately and take care of each other. Mom, Shen He's business is not very good, we are in short supply, please lend us 500,000 yuan. We promise to pay you back within five years.

The daughter and son-in-law came to the hospital to borrow money! Fu Meiling sneered secretly.

Mom, please, just lend it to us. Otherwise, my days have not been missed. The living habits of young people and old people can't be harmonious. Even if I have filial piety, I can't accommodate their living habits. Besides, they old people also feel guilty living with us young people. Cooked rice is hard and soft, and everyone can't be unified

Don't talk about it, Feifei, you know how much money I have. I have also distributed the money from selling the shop to three of your sisters. I buy a house, furniture, appliances, and household items, how can I not pay? You have already been married. It is said that your family moved to a new house. You should also congratulate you with a red envelope. I didn't ask you for money, but you are thinking about my money. I have no money in my hand unless I can get the two and a half million back. Otherwise, I wouldn't even be able to pay the nurse's salary.

After Fu Meiling finished speaking, she closed her eyes tiredly, and a chill slowly filled her heart. In the past, she felt that the eldest daughter had a bad temper, but she could also listen to the truth in her heart, and try to strive for the benefits of her parents' family from Shen He as much as possible.

When Feifei got engaged, she gave Fu Meiling a gold bracelet with Fushouxi gold coins that Shen He bought for her. At that time, Fu Meiling felt that Feifei was the most unselfish and the best for her. Now Feifei has calculated her pension money

It's still Shen He who is very powerful, but now, for his adoptive parents, Feifei is actually letting Feifei beat her parents' idea. A businessman who pays attention to profit and does not talk about feelings is indeed unworthy of marriage. The second son-in-law is better. Ding Junhao is bold and forthright, but he is much stronger than Shen He.

Mom, how can you possibly have no money? When will the two and a half million dollars be taken back?

No matter how coquettishly Feifei asks her mother, Fu Meiling just pretends to be deaf and mute and doesn't speak.