
Chapter 139 Mountains do not turn waters

The greasy truck driver's eyes only fell on Wei Wei's waist, and suddenly a dark shadow rushed over in front of him, making him hurriedly lean back. Alifei got in the car and sat in the passenger seat, directly blocking the driver's eyes.

Hurry up, I'll follow the car.

Ali stared at the truck driver, his eyes were like two knives, which made the truck driver shiver. The truck galloped all the way and arrived at Nansha New Residence in less than 40 minutes. Weiwei also followed in her car.

I could have unloaded the car from the underground parking lot and then took the elevator. Who knew that the underground parking lot in Xinju Community had a height limit. The car Weiwei called was too high to be allowed in, so the car could only be unloaded at the gate of the community. The truck driver looked impatient, but he didn't dare to speak because the strong Ali was standing beside him. Opened the door of the carriage, and kindly wanted to help Ali unload the car together.

Wait a minute.

Weiwei walked to the truck and looked at the more than 20 woven bags that were piled up like hills, each bag weighing 50 to 60 pounds. If the woven bags are unloaded at the gate of the community, and then a bag is carried over a hundred meters and moved into the new home, the amount of work cannot be underestimated.

It's not that I don't want you to save your energy, it's that the underground parking lot in your community is too weird. Generally, the height is limited to two meters and five meters, and you will not be allowed to enter the two meters. If I'm unlucky today, I'll help you unload the car for free.

The truck driver just wanted to get the money quickly and leave, and Ali's eyes were inexplicably frightening. He always felt as if he had seen Ali somewhere, but he couldn't remember when he searched his stomach.

What nonsense! Tell you to unload and then unload, let you go and then go.

Ali is the type of ruthless talker. When he said a word, the truck driver immediately silenced his voice and could only look around in a hurry.

At this time, Weiwei saw a blue convertible pickup truck parked at the intersection in front of her. If she unloaded the goods from the large truck onto the small truck, and then drove into the underground parking lot to carry it upstairs, it would be much more convenient and labor-saving.

There was no one in the van, and Weiwei stood at the door of the cab for a while, feeling a little disappointed. Usually in urban areas, such small trucks will park on the side of the road waiting to pick up the goods. It seems that Nansha is really vast and sparsely populated.

In addition to unloading the goods from the large truck to the small truck into the underground parking lot, Weiwei couldn't think of any other good way to carry it. Now I can only send out coolies and carry them into the community one by one. Weiwei was about to turn around and leave when she heard someone calling her from behind.

Pretty girl, have you caught my van?

Zhuo Ran opened the door of the pickup truck and stepped into the cab. When Weiwei turned to look at him, he had already started the car, and the pickup made a roaring noise.

Master, can you borrow your minivan to help me pull the goods? I'm moving.

Weiwei suddenly remembered that the man in front of her was the owner of the car who was rear-ended by her a while ago - Zhuo Ran! Weiwei was stunned. Last time Zhuo Ran drove a blue Subaru, this time he drove a pickup truck.

If you can move house, you have to pay.

Zhuo Ran raised the brim of his white baseball cap with a serious expression on his face.

How much do you charge?

Weiwei has experienced Zhuo Ran's scrutiny, and she is afraid that he will open his mouth.

Let me see how much you have.

Zhuo Ran seemed to be anxious to make money, and drove the car directly behind the big truck. Zhuo Ran jumped out of the car and glanced at the more than 20 large woven bags in the carriage of the big truck, pondered for a moment, then waited for Weiwei to approach and waved to her.

It's not much, but it looks pretty heavy. Why don't you just unload these bags on my car first, then I'll go get a flatbed cart, unload in the underground parking lot, and use the flatbed cart to get into the elevator. Otherwise, it will not save much effort.

After Zhuo Ran finished speaking, he walked towards the villa area at the intersection. The intersection is Binhai Avenue, and there are three-storey commercial and residential villas lined up. The community is full of high-rise bungalows, with two ladders and four households, with a quiet environment. The high-rise buildings in the same direction as the villas can see the vast scenery of the sea and the sky.

Finally moving more than 20 bags into the new house, Zhuo Ran took off his white gloves and stood on the balcony as if admiring the scenery. Weiwei guessed that he was waiting for her to pay for his car and transportation. Just now Zhuo Ran went back to get the flatbed cart, but he never said how much he would charge her.

Mr. Zhuo, how much do you think is suitable? It's really hard for you, and you helped me carry several bags.

It takes a lot of effort to pull goods with a trolley. I think it is fitness, and it is not hard.

Zhuo Ran smiled, but still looked into the distance and did not look back at Weiwei.

I mean the fare for the van.

Weiwei felt that Zhuo Ran didn't understand what she was saying, so she just said it straight. Zhuo Ran turned around and laughed.

I borrowed that car from a friend, and I never pull anything for others. You are lucky today, and I am in a good mood. However, if you pull the goods for free, you will definitely have a psychological burden. Why don't you do this? If you invite me to dinner at night, it will be the freight of the truck.

Zhuo Ran said, his eyes moved to Ali standing behind Weiwei. As if that meant, he and Weiwei had to eat alone.

Weiwei didn't have a good impression of Zhuo Ran, not to mention she was alone, so she had to be on guard, and of course she wouldn't eat with him.

I'm sorry, my mother is still in the hospital, and I have to go to the hospital to take care of her in a while.

That's it, then owe me first, and find time to repay this favor to me.

Zhuo Ran turned back and looked out of the balcony, called Weiwei to his side, and then pointed to a villa in front: that is the house I just bought, and I plan to live in it for a while. Now that I live with you as a neighbor, you can't run away from the food you owe me.

Zhuo Ran laughed, and regardless of Weiwei's astonishment, he pulled his flatbed and left.

This guy looks disgusting!

Ali clenched his fists. If Zhuo Ran had said something too much to Weiwei just now, he would greet Zhuo Ran with an iron fist at any time.

I heard that he is a very good person. He used to be a scholar, but now he is a low-key rich man. I just don't know how he moved to Nansha.

Didn't he say to be your neighbor?

Ali was a bit obedient, and Weiwei smiled awkwardly.

Ali, the villa he lives in costs more than 10 million, how can he be my neighbor. Thank you very much today, I invite you back to Guangzhou for dinner tonight.

No, no, Sister Weiwei doesn't blame me for not being invited. I also overheard you contact the moving truck driver yesterday, so I wanted to help. I didn't expect the truck driver to be such a jerk, and he even asked for a price, and he still had bad intentions.

When Ali was excited, the pimple muscles on his arms trembled.

That's why I want to thank you, otherwise I'm alone, I really don't know if I can move my house.

Weiwei insists on going back to Guangzhou to invite Ali to dinner, but Ali runs away in fright. Weiwei chased after the gate of the community, and Ali had already rushed to the subway back to Guangzhou.

What a freak!

Then the phone rang and the furniture delivery arrived. Weiwei had just welcomed the furniture into the house and watched the masters install it when her cell phone rang again.