"If you do not understand the message of the system and its raging emotions, then meet me on the fifteenth step. I'll be waiting for you there," The world snake announced before glowing a bright green light, instantly disappearing from my sight just as I could barely see my surroundings.
Determined to figure out more, I stayed patient and meditated on each step, slowly growing my strength. Occasionally, I would descend the steps to recover my energy, but for what seemed to be a year straight, I meditated and meditated and meditated until, finally, I stepped onto the fifteenth step.
Pressure as heavy as an entire fucking planet weighed on my shoulders and back. It felt as if my knees were going to crumble as I clawed my way onto this single step. Everything before it was tough, but steps twelve, thirteen, and fourteen were relatively the same level. Don't get me wrong, they were tough, but compared to the fifteenth, it was as if everything had tripled.