
Chapter Twenty: The Lunar Crusade (Part IV)

Location: The Emperor's Laboratory, Terra.

Date: 813.M30 (Ten hours since the battle for Luna beguin)

The Emperor's Laboratories were arguably the most fortified and hidden location within the entire Sol System. Designed by the Warmasons and the Emperor himself to keep anything unwanted from getting in and anything uncontrolled from getting out. Theoretically, it was the safest location to be during the nightmarish battle that rampaged across the Void and celestial bodies of Sol.

This in no way calmed or reassured Arik Taranis. When Malcador had pulled him away from the War council and down into the labyrinth of scientific and occult equipment. He felt nothing but stress and worry. This was unusual to the old warrior, very unusual in fact. The fact that it was unusual gave him no solace, for he knew the reasons for his concern were warranted. First, whatever was news important enough for Malcador to journey down here during the worst of the fighting and bring to him had to be bad. Secondly, this, or an earlier rendition of it, had been his birth place. The place where he had been brought into existence screaming and in agony.

Malcador had been tight lipped about the reason for this journey, only that it was an utter necessity ordered by the Emperor himself, and that Arik was needed. So the Lighting Bearer and First Lord of Terra marched past nervous technicians and frantic Adepts, headed to a certain vault hidden within.

It was a massive and ugly thing, more fit to be in the Shadow Cells than the Laboratories. This was intentional of course. From Arik's knowledge, this vault was used by the Emperor to conduct experiments on the Shadow Cells occupants or create things that would soon join them. A squad of Shadowkeeper Custodes opened its Adamantium door and accompanied them into it. Within were many apparatus that defied knowledge and in the center of the chamber a very large sarcophagus.

It was layered with inscriptions and wards that glowed white hot. Its metal surface seemed to shimmer with heat. Something very powerful was locked within it. Malcador approached it and gestured for Arik to follow. The two of them stood before it and the Lighting Bearer could feel the inferno of psychic energy trapped within.

At Malcador's instruction Arik held his hand above the engraved lid. It was a beautiful thing, portraying an Angel made of fire. That was what not caught Arik's attention, however. What did was what was carved where the Angels heart should be. An ancient numeral Zero. Disturbingly similar to his own.

Before he could ask a lash of telekinetic energy cut his palm. A few drops of crimson fell onto the numeral before Arik drew his hand back. The Lightning Bearer whirled on Malcador and asked: "what is the meaning of this Sigillite?"

Malcador quickly retreated from the casket and gestured to it. The thing shook with thunderous energy and one by one, the glowing runes adorning it faded. Arik moved away as well and again demanded an explanation.

As the seals became undone the ancient Sigillite started to speak: "You are a prototype. A first attempt to create a Primarch. Your body was crafted in a near miraculous process unrivaled by any attempted in human history. Due to your experimental nature you have suffered many biological failings. Yet you still live and have survived the impossible. This was not simple luck. Physically, you are extremely similar to the finished product. Aside from a few adjustments and modifications, you are a Primarch."

Pausing as the sarcophagus started to glow white-hot. Malcador erected a powerful Kine-shield around it, to protect the vault and its current inhabitants. "Do you know why you are different from the Twenty?" continued Malcador.

Arik shrugged: "I always figured I was incomplete, a rushed product. A blunt instrument for a brutal era."

Increasing the power of the Kine Shield as the last few seals broke Malcador spoke: "There is some truth to that. Yet that is not the true reasoning. A Primarch is a being of incredible power, a perfect body of transhuman might coupled to a Soul of god-like brilliance. You were the prototype for the that body. Spiritually, you are barely psychic. More akin to a mortal of extreme willpower than a physical god."

Finally, the lid of the sarcophagus blew off. Malcador caught it telekinetically and worked to shield the chamber from the brilliant light that erupted from rest of the container. Arik reached for his blade and prepared for whatever came as Malcador spoke: "You are the prototype for the physical aspect of a Primarch. The weapon sealed within this crypt is your other half. The prototype of a Primarch's soul."

The eruption of flame died down. The sarcophagus settled momentarily before a Star floated out of it. Arik's transhuman sight adjusted and he could see the true form of the light: a human women, clad in fire. She was naked, and would have been beautiful if not for the pattern for vicious burns marring her flesh. She was being burned and healed constantly by the psychic flames, a vessel not fit to contain a Avatar of Mankind.

Slowly, the women landed on the chamber floor. Her eyes opened and Arik was reminded of the Emperor. The womens eyes were balls of golden flame, just like when the Emperor's wrath was piqued. The flames surrounding her solidified. Forming a pair of massive wings and a blazing sword.

It floated towards Malcador and Arik and spoke. "THE ANGEL OF VENGEANCE RISES! WHAT SHALL BURN IN THE EMPEROR'S NAME?"

Malcador responded. "Luna is tainted by the Warp. Cleanse it with fire and save those loyal to HIM."

Arik tensed as it looked over him. This "Angel" was a great and terrible thing. Of all the things the Emperor created, this alone rattled the Lighting Bearer. This was a weapon meant to burn trillions. An insane living weapon of exterminatus, akin to the countless horrors of Old Night. Mankind's wisdom and power turned to extinction. For Arik, it was like looking in a mirror. All his flaws and sins magnified for the galaxy to see.

The Angel grew brighter and brighter as Malcador spoke to Arik. "Once the Emperor finished crafting the Angel within the Warp he attempted to summon it. Originally we hoped to use you as its host, to test that process but were unable too. So instead it was bound to a truly lovely women. A compassionate and loyal mortal who strove to help mankind."

The thought that he had almost been used in this experiment and that this Angel of Vengeance had once been an innocent women sickened Arik.

"Why didn't you just seal it away or put it into a warriors body?" Asked Arik.

"We discovered it was simply too useful. Terra was infested with neverborn horrors beyond your legion to fight and too numerous for just myself and the Emperor to deal with. And for its host… well the Angel is thoroughly mad. It is a vengeful and terrible being. By letting a pure hearted sacrifice contain it we hoped to control its more destructive tendencies. As the unification wars died down the Emperor locked it away. Only his or a Primarch's blood can unlock its wards. Hence why you were needed. Now we can only hope it will bring us salvation."

With that the Angel lifted from the chamber floor. In a gout of fire it disappeared. The Unborn Primarch journeyed through the Warp. to cleanse the Solar System in holy fire.

Location: The Iron Gold, Flagship of the VII Legion (Terran Void Space)

Date: 813.M30 (Eleven hours since the battle for Luna beguin)

Rogal Mauer, the Primarch of the VII Legion, had been given command of Terran Defense. Protecting mankind's cradle was an important duty, one he embraced. Mauer was a skilled Void-Admiral. Not quite at the level of Alexio or Tengri, but skilled nonetheless. Under his command Terra and its Void-space had been protected from the hordes of cultists and Daemons, forming a final invincible bulwark around Terra. He would Protect Terra and try to distract as much of the enemy away from his Father's duel with the Hulk-Daemon.

His legion acted as the Imperium's shield as the XI, XIII and XVI struck as its sword. This duty was palatable to Mauer. He was a dutiful son, and would stand against the Imperium's enemies. Defending Terra was his purpose after all. The Primarchs were built for War but they were more than simple weapons. Even after the galaxy was safe for mankind they would have a role to play. Rogal Mauer knew his and happily embraced it. The heart and soul of the Imperium were his to fortify. The Solar System and the other Capital Systems of mankind would be sheltered by the Emperor's Praetorian.

Even as the Imperium's shieldbearer, his Legion was not fangless. The VII Legion's Champion, Sigismund, led the VII Sword Brethren who even now rampaged through the enemy ships. A mighty sword to cut down the enemies of mankind. So far the battle had gone well. Enemy battle group after battle group were crushed. Their maddened attempts to attack Terra crumpling on Rogal's bulwark.

An urgent Astropathic relay pulled the Primarch's attention from the battle. It was straight from Malcador the Sigillite. "A new weapon against the darkness has been unleashed. It flies for Luna. Ensure its arrival and continue your duties."

Before Rogal Mauer could inquire more, he suddenly felt the presence of whatever the Sigillite had let loose. A new star of psychic fire appeared above the Palace. A spark of light flitting away from the Astronomicon and up into the Void. It burned bright in the firminant before becoming a comet of golden flame shooting away from Terra.

Every warp-sensitive soul from the Palace to Luna felt it. An unstoppable desire for vengeance and destruction, the Emperor's wrath made manifest. Following Malcador's orders, a shard of the VII Legion Fleet entered parade formation around the Star. They were not the only ones to notice this new being. A massive battleship of dubious origin broke away from the Chaos fleet. The possessed slab of metal and corrupted machinery charged to intercept the new Star. The near-space-hulk roared a fearsome challenge through the void. A daemonic asteroid to counter the divine comet.

At Rogal's command, the Imperial fleet opened fire on the Battleship. Macro-shells and lances smashed into it, desperately trying to shatter it before the hulk collided with the Emperor's new weapon. The Primarch gripped his sentinel blade's hilt tightly as he watched. He was about to give the order for one of the escort crafts to ram the enemy battleship. Anything to slow it down enough to let the new weapon escape.

Before he could, the Angel-Star accelerated, moving to counter charge the possessed battleship. Shock rippled through the Iron Gold's bridge. They could do nothing more, impact was iniement. When the Angel struck it did not detonate or flatten against the battleships armored prow. Rather, it punched through it like a drop of molten metal hitting parchment. The Angel ripped through the cultist ship, leaving scattered debris and a gaping hole into the void that greedily swallowed the wailing demonic crew of the now doomed battleship. The Imperial Fleet tracked its progress with each bulkhead and deck detonating in a shower of molten metal and psychic fire.

Then, as easily if it had been passing through hard vacuum, the Angel cut through the battleship. Burning it out and leaving a drifting hulk in its wake. The VII Fleet was left to mop up the Chaos Horde as the Angel of Vengeance entered Lunar orbit. It blazed a flaming arc along the moon, heading towards its north pole. Once it reached its destination the Angel descended. A meteor of holy flame ready to strike into the Heart of Luna.