
Warhammer 40k: Metamorphosis

A man with some knowledge of Warhammer 40k died and reincarnated in this same universe, he is reborn born on M27 during a trip in the warp, this causes the new clone to gain some mutations which go unidentified because of the corruption of the devices. AU, sub-faction building, clones, SI, semi-OP. (I don't get any money from this) (If the image is yours please tell me and I will delete and change it if you want)

Torrress · Derivados de juegos
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2 Chs

Warhammer 40k: Metamorphosis ch2

The next 3 months were monotonous, I repeated the same things every day until we were informed that we would be leaving the warp in 2 days. The day we were living the warp I was given a laspistol, and just now I realized that I have no idea of how to shoot.

The 2 days went fast, suddenly when I was meditating a started to feel nausea and after a shock that went through all the ship, I could feel that no more demons were whispering to me, in other words, we just left the immaterium, I noticed as if some weight was lifted off my head.

I think it's a good time to try some things about my psyker powers, for what I understood until this point is that my soul is like a large "water" tank that can get the "water" from its surroundings in the immaterium, then this tank has a pipe that lets me use that "water" for whatever I want, it's probably a lot more complex, but that is at least what I have been feeling. The first thing I tried its to manifest that "water" in some form, I will name it WP (Warp Power) from now on, and the second I tried it was a bust, my pipe was very small and I couldn't manifest anything, now I know what to also train.

Months passed and the routine continued with the only difference that now I was trying to at least manifest some WP, during this time we have already settled in a world that was habitable, well not really we just had very low standards, it didn't take long for me to get more jobs to do during the day, from example looking for mutations or defects on the DNA of my fellows tech-priest, also my time in indoctrination was severely reduced now I just need to pray 6 times a day, not bad.

I had some progress with my WP, I found out that meditations strengthen the pipe and tank, and that the constant use of it makes the pipe and tank bigger, so like a muscle but really slow, I think I noticed because is easier to see the difference between small quantities than bigger ones. And with this small progress and the ability to finally manifest WP, which I found was some sort of invisible mist or something like that not really sure since it's you know invisible, I started project "Technopathy". I started with just redirecting the mist to a terminal with nothing connected to it and seeing what it does, absolute nothing.

More time passed and my first years alive in this shithole of a universe, I finally made some progress during this time, I can't control technology directly but I was able to learn something I have named for now "Datapathy", I use it to connect to my mind with technology to transfer and receive data, at the moment I can just use it around a meter from me and have a maximum capacity of 100mb/s which is a considerable amount, for now, I am using it to "download" in my brain all the information than I can with my level of clearance, at to be honest was more than I expected, I of course didn't connect directly to the data, I first downloaded to a terminal and then I transferred the data from there, another thing that I did was 'separate' the new data from my memories, it was a benefit from my perfect memory, it was just a mental stick note that said 'Not memories', so I wouldn't take anything from that data as true.

Also during this time more and more tech-priest are coming to get my 'services' as a geneticist, for the moment I can't do any genetic improvement but I became really good at searching for genetic defects, not long after doing this I started to get some currency which I will call from now on credits, in reality it doesn't have name the currency ints just a number, I suppose that whoever administers them are giving it to me for my services, I can use this currency to buy equipment, knowledge and better accommodations. Usually, all my credits go to get more knowledge on genetics and in upgrading my equipment for scientific purposes.

I came to this world thinking that all was death and bad things, but I now think that that's just the representations that are given on the books, after all, there is no fun in following the life of a normal guy, I suppose is a lot more entertaining following the life of a S.Marine or a soldier.

From the data that I have access to I also realized that at this point in time humanity knows almost nothing about Xenos, or at least my division of the mechanics have almost no data about the major players, all I could find were some reports on green humanoids Xenos and that's about it.

Another thing that came from this research was that at the moment I was basically of paper, some of the guns that I can see the statics on performance could probably make holes of the size of a golf ball and penetrate my old world kevlar like nothing, basically is like all the guns have the power of an antitank sniper, and that is scary, I came to the fast conclusions that by no means I was going to be an on-foot soldier when a missing bullet could instantly kill and three guys that were behind me, so my game plan is going to be me staying on the safest place, preferably outside the planet or directly on a ship prepared for scaping and just control a group of Skitarii to do the job.


There will be big timeslips after all this is warhammer, also I don't know how to make dialogues. Decide in which one you want

Tech-Priest: "Bla Bla Bla" ( I prefer this one)

-"Bla Bla Bla" (intuitive from the context (idk how to do this))

"Bla Bla Bla" said the Tech-Priest