
Warden Blossom : Ante Initium

In a kingdom plagued by the oppressive rule of the diabolical Queen Anarchy, a daring tale unfolds as the prince is abducted by the notorious Asperity Palace. With the entire realm in turmoil, hope flickers when the Superior Leader of the Cardinal Manors rescues the prince, vowing to protect him from the clutches of tyranny. Eager to unveil the identity of his savior, the prince escapes the safety of the manor, only to realize that his absence plunges the kingdom into greater peril. As he grapples with the weight of responsibility, whispers of a mysterious force unsettling the Asperity Palace reach his ears. Demons within the palace meet brutal fates, sparking suspicions that the vengeful Superior Leader is orchestrating a vendetta against their oppressors. The prince, torn between loyalty to his rescuer and the welfare of his people, finds himself at a crossroads. In a riveting journey filled with intrigue and moral dilemmas, the prince must navigate a treacherous path. Should he side with the Cardinal Manors, whose leader seems to be exacting a bloody revenge on the Asperity Palace, or should he forge his own destiny, standing against both forces to save his kingdom? As alliances blur and the line between friend and foe becomes indistinct, the prince's choices will determine not only his fate but the destiny of the entire Kingdom of Liberta. Will he emerge as a savior or a pawn in the ruthless game of power? The captivating saga unfolds as loyalties are tested, and the prince discovers the true price of freedom.

SevenSolaris · Fantasía
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36 Chs

Triumvirate Fiend

"I'm back, Lucius." Priscilla enters the hallway, strutting through the carpet with a flirty look on her face. "Did you miss me? Oh, I'm quite sure you did." Lucius heard her clearly, as he had been waiting for her and Ruby's return. He was seated on the throne, glancing at Priscilla who was slowly walking towards him. "My dear Priscilla, it is wonderful that you've returned." Seeing only Priscilla has returned to the courtyard, he was quite disappointed. "But may I ask where the Asperity of Envy is?" Lucius says.

"Well, I suppose I'll be making this occasion even more special. Not only have I returned, I bring good news too." Priscilla's voice started to become lascivious. She looked at Lucius with malicious and lustful intent.

"Say it." Lucius hurriedly ask.

"The queen's beloved prince has found his way to the Red Courtyard, led by yours truly of course. Ruby accompanied him on his way out along with some humans he says he wants to save." Priscilla replied.

Lucius immediately flashed a terrorizing grin, excitedly pleased with what she said. He stood from his seat, clapping his hands and approaching the fiend carefully. Not once did his eyes stray away from her countenance. "Triumvirate Fiend, you truly are an exceptional creation. I do not know what I'd do without you." He says, placing his fingers under the fiend's chin.

"So, shall we go fetch him?" Priscilla playfully touches his coat.

"No, not yet. Especially with all that hideous stench on you." Lucius suddenly became angered, his voice riled and his eyes darkened. He grabbed Priscilla by the neck and lifted her up effortlessly. Priscilla was caught off guard. She struggled, she held on tight to Lucius' arms and panicked. His grip tightened with every passing moment and his eyes was brimming with wrath. "You dared to enter the Red Courtyard carrying a curse inflicted by that superior bastard, the next time you do this again, I'll have your limbs cut off and hanged on the walls. Do you understand?"

"Y...yes, sir..." Priscilla barely had words coughed out of her tongue. "I... won't do it... again."

"Very good." Lucius unhands her. Priscilla fell to the floor heaving, yet Lucius was unbothered. "I'll formulate a plan to retrieve the prince, and I must thank you for telling me his whereabouts. However, with that curse on you I assume the Cardinal Manors are watching you closely. It would be risky to try and capture him now." Lucius looked down, towering over the helpless fiend who barely had any breath left. "Find a way to get rid of that curse first and come back to me. I don't want a single speck of dust from the Cardinal Manors stain my courtyard."

Priscilla looked up to him, holding herself together to face her wrathful master. "Yes, Lord Lucius. Please forgive me. I won't do it again."

"When you're done getting rid of that stench, bring Carlos with you. I'm sure you'll know how to do so now that you're with him. I'll wait for you here, and I know you won't fail me. You are the Triumvirate Fiend after all." His once angry voice shifted and softened.

"Yes, Lord Lucius."

"Excellent, you may go." Lucius said, turning away from the fiend and leaving her alone in the hallways.

Priscilla struggled to stand up, but nobody was around to help her. Once she was back on her feet, she slowly dragged herself to the doors while catching her breath. The hallways was unusually quiet, and all she could hear was her desperation for air as she walked past the pillars. This is all Carlos' fault. She thought. I swear I'll kill that brat myself! Lucius doesn't need him, he only does because he's the vessel. Carlos is just a spoiled brat who can't even fight. Lucius doesn't see me enough because of him! I'd do everything for him! I did everything for the Queen! I'll make Lucius realize I'm better than that brat. Carlos is useless, I'm the one who's better! I'm the one he truly needs!

Amidst her boiling anger, a young man's voice echoed in her head. "Priscilla, it is time for you to rest. Allow me to take over." the voice said.

"No! I want to be the one to kill him. I want his blood on my hands! I must be the one to do this! Not you!" Priscilla screamed.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Let me out too! Let me out! I want to kill him too! Let me kill him too! Let me kill him!" Another voice echoed.

"Shut up! Now's not the time for you to take over, I still have things to do. Go away!"

"Priscilla, we will be of help. You do not need to do this on your own. You are already tired, let us handle this."

"Shut it, Jade! I don't need you right now!"


"Edward, stop! Both of you, shut your mouths!" Priscilla held her head down. 

"Priscilla, you cannot keep us hidden forever."











Her screams echoed throughout the Red Courtyard, yet nobody could hear her still. Or rather, agonizing screams were already a common sound to hear that nobody bothers to give a damn about it. She was completely alone with her brothers living inside her head.

A while after, the voices of her brothers eventually disappeared. 

Even so, they would still return to haunt her. After all, without them, Triumvirate Fiend would not even exist, as one body contains three minds and Priscilla was just one of them. She was ashamed of her so-called brothers that she kept them hidden unless they were needed, and the more she suppressed them, the more they grew restless. Her body harbored cracks from the constant fight inside her head, when the day comes where she no longer has the strength to keep her brothers still, they'd break her apart. Triumvirate Fiend truly is Lucius' exceptional creation. 

Now you know why she's the Triumvirate Fiend *wink wink*

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