
War Within Worlds

Four Worlds, Four Heroes, One Mission. Join Lapran, Korrin, Dobram, and Prorid as they adventure out to find the true disturbance of their home world. Will they be able to set aside their differences in order to attain true Peace? Or will they be driven apart because of their cultural upbringings. The four heroes must overcome obstacles that will test patience, pride and also their strengths as well as fight to obtain the one thing that will keep the world's at peace. The statue of Kor bid.

Mooreese_AoD · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Chapter 16: It Continues

As Braman looks in his mother's eyes, he sees the warmth of his caring and loving mother he knew so well.


He continues to run to her and then embraces her strongly. She immediately begins to cry a weep of relief. a deep sob that was finally released after her thought of being alone was relinquished.

As everyone looks on, Korrin and Dobram starts to think of their loved ones. Korrin with his father and village and Dobram with his friends. After their long embrace, they release and go to the table where everyone was eating.

"You're looking rather drained Rina". King Ramodrie says.

"Your highness, I am. I feel so tired and recently been feeling empty". she replied.

"Rina, please, we've known each other for far too long to not be on first name bases". he said.

"You're right. Canton, it has been a long time". she replied.

As the night dwindled down, two of our heroes had a revelation.

"So, I've decided to go back to my village and see if there's anything I can do". Korrin said. "I know there has to be something left and I have to find it".

"I too am going to my world. Just to verify nothing had changed". Dobram added. "Last thing I remember was", he hesitates, "Clea...being reanimated by some dark ooze or something".

"Did you say dark ooze"? Rina asked.

"Yes, it brought back my friend from the grave". Dobram replied

"That's what I saw right before I passed out. It was everywhere in the house". Rina added.

"Maybe that's what got Cormin and Lapran. That's why they started acting like that". Braman thought.

As everyone starts to chatter, Braman began to think...

"Did any of that stuff get on Lapran? Wasn't I the first one in the door? Why wasn't I affected by the slime but Lapran was"?

As Braman remain quietly, the king looked at him and notices that he was in deep thought. He signals Braman to follow him to the outside. As the two of them walk and talk something the king said stood out to Braman.

"In order to see the bigger picture, you have to not have tunnel vision". he continued. "Now about this whole Lapran situation, It's obvious there's something deeper under the surface that we haven't seen yet. Have you analyzed Laprans belongings"?

"No, I haven't had the chance to". He replied. I'll do that first thing in the morning.

The king gives a nod to Braman and starts to head back to his sleeping quarters. Then Braman calls out.

"Your highness"? he said

"Please, call me dad". He replied.

"Okay then, dad. Do you recall Lapran being strange or doing anything weird in the past"?

The king begins to think and suddenly.

"Actually yes. There's been times when I could overhear him talking to what seemed like himself. I figured it was one of the servants he was communicating with. So, I just brushed it off".

"Okay, thanks dad. Goodnight".

The king gives one more nod then heads off.

Left alone with his thoughts, Braman begins to think.

The next morning...

As the sun rises high above Ocanar, our heroes begin to come up with a plan. Korrin and Dobram are planning to go back home.

"I'll jusst sstay here and continue to train. I have to work on my breathing techniquess". Prorid said.

"Okay". Gwen said. "I can help you with that with some...once good ol' old fashioned hard work training. You'll be able to fight and hold your breath at the same time when I get through with you".

As she says that, a sinister grin grows slowly on her face. Prorid looks at her with a sense of fear.

"Maybe I sshould go home too! Who knowss what could've happened while they're hero hass been gone". Prorid says.

"Aw phooey. You'll be in safe hands". she said still with a sinister grin.

Prorid tries to change the subject by asking Braman what he's going to do.

"I'm going to stay here and try to get more information on what we're up against. I'm going to find someone named Droblyn. Hopefully he'll have more information on our current situation". Braman said. "First though, I have to go and find Laprans belongings and see if there's anything that can help us".

"We should meet back here in about three months. How's that sound"? Dobram asked.

They all agree and and as our heroes began to part ways the king walked in the corridor.

"Ah, just the people I was looking for. Are you all heading off"? he asked.

"Yes, your highness. We're about to head out and will return here in about three months". Dobram said

The king understands and gives them something to help in their efforts. He hands each of them what looks like a medallion with a jewel in the middle.

"These will help and allow you to come back here once you're finished. Just hold the jewel and visualize where you want to be. It will teleport you instantly to the drawbridge".

They accept the medallions and say their farewells.

"When we return, we'll be stronger than what we are now. As long as we keep at it". Korrin said. "You all better have some improvements within these months".

"Of course I will"! Dobram replied.

"It'll be a cake walk". Prorid said.

"Mmhmm". Braman answered.

Korrin and Dobram instantly teleports and Gwen yells out for Prorid.

"C'mon little one". Gwen yells as she grabs and drags Prorid.

"Help me"! Prorid screams.

Braman then walks towards Laprans old room in search of anything that can help.

"Lapran, what were you hiding and why didn't you tell me"? he thought.

A few hours go by and exhausted he sits up against the wall.

"There's nothing here. Nothing". he said defeated."Well, I guess I'll go find Droblyn now".

As he leaves the room and close the door, a painting of Laprans family falls on the floor ripping the picture exposing a key.

"Maybe it's just my imagination. Lapran didn't have anything to hide. I mean, he was my best friend. We told each other everything". He said to himself. "I can't believe he'd do something like this. *sigh* let's go"!

As he makes his way to the outskirts of the castle, an eagerness overtakes him causing him to suddenly feel nervous about the future. With their training regiment on the way, and secrets still hidden, what will happen to our heroes once the truth is revealed?