

the meeting

after they aid the other peace kingdom, they ride back home, while the peace of mind and the seven warheads is still talking, "my war queen what have you thought about what the heads said? Asked. Dessielle Chaefiel, " I am a knight of my word, the bond is intact, but half visitation we stay there to provide protection, guard them, but after the slumber we back home getting ready for the next rally, they stop at the wall, Sillavana walked out of the castle, " we may be between, once I give my bond and my word I do not take it back, the war kingdom will provide the peace kingdom with guards and rally of protection, all we ask is little consideration when we are slumbering that you off with whatever you celebrating, said. Seldanna, " thank you, Seldanna, how is your scout doing? Asked. Sillavana, " she is well. chief Keenor Glynkrana, tell Vanya to bring my Blitzers to me, ride into the walls also tell Kali, Alias, Ceada, and Jastira to close and locked the gates, Keenor, she shakes her head and rides down the trail, chief Kenia Orihorn place fifteen of my finest on the wall with the warhead arrows, she shakes her head and the orders, fifteen finest of the war archers went up on the walls and take out their warhead arrows and loaded them in their bows, " chief Rania Adzeiros place a perimeter board around the kingdom like I said before my bond is my word, I am not a protection kingdom, but you came asking for help and aid, we will do what we can to help you, I can not move my guards her, but fifteen of my finest with my warheads is up on the castle walls, and my infantry has surrounded this place, but they need to slumber as well, said. Seldanna, " thank you Seldanna. I hope we can be one and work together. said, Sillavana, " into their dining room, maybe and you are welcome, they walked into the castle, as the mind ride into the castle, " they are here my queen of peace. said, Jhaan, " yes, Jhaan, she set up protection for us, the bond between is still there, said. Sillavana, they toast to the rally, and after they eat. they went to slumber for a year, " nothing no celebrating why they are slumbering, a new day we read a book and quiet, pass the word on. said, Sillavana. " when we going to celebrate my queen of peace. Asked, Hubys, " in the day of mid, they went on their way to tell the people. As the day is going down and the kingdom was calling it a day, the war kingdom is still sleeping, far off in the woodlands smoke rose in the skies, the guards ran up to the other sides. " smokes, said. Arthion Glynmys, " could it be dark elves? Asked. Cellica Ianna, " too far I don't think they use fire. said, Cellica Ianna. " we just got back from a year rally, said. Phyrra Eiljeon, " let' s see what the war queen wants to do, said. Phyrra Eiljeon, Phyrra Eiljeon walked inside of the castle, and up the castle room door, " my queen of war I hate to wake you up but this is important, we need you up on the tower. said, Phyrra, Seldanna open the door, and walk upon the tower wall, and walked up to them. " it the woodland villages elven villages, said. Seldanna, " what do you wish to do? asked, Celica, wake the scouting chef Darshee and bring her to me, she shake her head and ran inside, she snapped her fingers and a screen magically appeared, she looked beyond the globe, as they walked up to her. " elf villages the dark elves, " no, this is the revenge of males, Ifguard reaches out to one of his brothers, to make sure find out what happens and report back, " yes my queen war, she wakes her scouting army andthey ride out of the kingdom, white flags of Delmar, that infrared her, " males it is, these are males of darkness they whores of dark elves, the screen disappeared. her chiefs walked up to her, " Delmar is out, burning our villages, I will not stand for males of darkness burning our villages, this bond is going to have to wait, our people going to have to come first, wake your knights we are going on a caravan rally, Keenor go to the castles gather every bandage, king soil and wagons, wake you, knights, she shakes her head and walked inside, they walked out of the towers, and the army is wakened and waiting for her, they walked out of the castle and got on their horses, a female elf ran up to her, " my queen of war wait, please wait. begged, Lusha Chaeyarus, " speak quickly, " how does one join you may army my queen, " I see your heart that you wish to, can you ride? asked. Seldanna, " no I've never been upon a horse, " Kania helps her up on your horse, she pulls her up and they ride out of the kingdom walls and down the valley. " where we are going? asked. Lusha, " caravan Rally there is serval rallies, one is rally aid, rally o lay, a rally of war, a rally of rallies, and a caravan rally, said, Kania. Keenor and her cavalry ride up to them, the night sky is lightening up, to show them the way. Seldanna held up her hand to tell them to halt as the scouting army rode up to them. " my war queen Seldanna the dark king from Delmar set our villages on fires they have no homes, future, food now. reported, Darshee, " where are they headed now Darshee? asked, Seldanna, " south heading to another village, " Lusha until you are training with a bow, and blade in our way go with Keenor to take care of the people, Keenor gets everyone in wagons back to the wat castle, Darshee head out, said. Seldanna, move out knights! they gallop up the valley to cut the forces of Delmar off, they arrived at the villages. " let's help them up knights and them out of the open. " what a queen, said. Lusha, " she a great queen her parents taught her will, yes was a male and female army, down the past none want to love in the war kingdom and served, so the great Richwood turn into war kingdom of females, king Kiymil Dayra and queen Saria Dayra told her to what you can and must to retain your army up and build Richwood War kingdom out there, protect those who are unable to, your queen saw that she'd a massive army and want that army to protect her, she sees through her heart, this weak bond will not last, they got everyone in the wagons in head to Richwood. " Sillavana could learn how to be a queen from her, said. Lusha, " she learns how to be a queen from everyone, Seldanna has the magic too, until your heart, words lie, but your heart tells the truth, said. Keenor, they arrived up at the gates, Kali and Alias unlocked the gate doors, and open them, as they ride in the castle, they closed landlocked the gates and walked up to them, "