
War of Worlds: God of War

This is the story of a slave's climb to power. Don't read if you don't like torture, mention of forced sexual acts (not by the MC), murder, and people being called extremely offensive things. The MC won't be a pushover, male or female, all will face his wrath. I'll update it when I feel like it, there's no set schedule.

FilledWithHope · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Prologue (2)

Age eleven.

The people in charge of the household always seemed to have a special interest in 1674. Even at a young age, they made sure to beat him more and to force him to do more training, though he can't say it didn't pay off. Though he was eleven he had the height of an adult and the physique of a demon.

Today, 1674 had finally retaliated. He was now stronger than even the seventeen-year-olds. The entire group of slaves was under his control. Of course, he didn't rely on fear and strength alone. He had several leaders whose goals aligned with his. Though it's an alliance in name, every slave is aware that he is the true leader. They just say it's an alliance and have fake scuffles so the people in charge don't grow suspicious.

Though the people in charge are admittedly not weaklings, 1674 believes his group will easily be able to overtake them. They've been trained in the art of warfare since they could walk after all. Though, it is strange as to why they were willing to train them in something they could use to overthrow them...

It was well known that most people were incapable of fighting off multiple opponents (trained opponents even more so), so the entire group figured they'd be able to take on the leaders (there were only seventy-four of them while there were five hundred of us).

In all honestly, the only reason they haven't retaliated before is the fear the leaders have left them with. Ever since a young age, they were told that the family behind the leaders were in charge of the country and that the entire world feared them. Every morning they were forced to kneel and thank the gods that the two hundred million man army of the family didn't decide to kill them.

The only reason they're even willing to fight is that the older kids don't care if they die and the younger kids follow the older kids. That, and the fact that 1674 and his 'generals' had a secret. In addition to being able to fight groups of five or more at the same time, they each had an ability they figured the leaders knew about but underestimated the strength of. It's an incredible boost to your confidence to see the generals and leader of your group are able to vanish in front of your eyes and transform into an actual beast, to blast a tree apart with a single energy-filled punch.

All the generals had an ability, but not all ability users were generals. Though all ability users had some level of influence. They might not be generals, but all of them were in charge of others (all the useless once were dead).

The ability users were treated harsher than the already harshly treated slaves. They were all singled out, some being called bastards and freaks and others being called beasts, demons, and half-bloods. They were forced to do more training and told that they'd be beaten daily until they 'awakened'. Most of them awakened away from the leaders' sight, though their performance boost was somewhat of a giveaway.

To the leaders, while the generals and 1674 were strong, they were a lot weaker than they actually were. All of them hid their ability. While they outperformed their peers, they made sure to make it seem like they were still on the levels of highly advanced teens. The only ones who knew about their true ability were the leading members of the group.

There were a few leaders on their side, but none of them were 'real'. All the leaders were 'controlled' by 1674. He discovered at age nine that he was capable of completely taking over a person's mind after subduing them. When he found out he went to the generals (they were truly just allies then) and informed them. The leaders had a bad habit of taking the generals, 1674, and the strongest ability users and training them together at a ration of one:five, one leader per five of them. There were two leaders and ten of them when they started their plan.

One of the generals (a girl) had the ability to tap into a person's lust. Even though she was fourteen (nearly all the generals are young, their abilities allowed them to have power far above their age) she easily seduced the older leader (54). The group waited ten minutes before they began their attack on the remaining leader (the plan was that the girl would lead him as far away as possible, running away while using her ability to make the leader want to catch up to her).

To begin 1674 stood up and refused to do the exercises. The leader began screaming at him and told him to immediately get in front of him to receive punishment or he'd inform the higher-ups. 1674 was more than willing to oblige. After the third lash, he made his move.

Though he'd be able to take on the leader himself, he wanted to make sure that the leader received no visible injuries, so he merely ripped the whip out of his hands and yelled: "Go!".

The leader was stunned momentarily but quickly reacted and lunged for the whip, unluckily for him, however, the other slaves were already by his side. The slaves ran at him and grabbed him by all sides and threw him to the ground. The slaves held him steady as 1674 violated his mind, enslaving him. Then, the slaves went back to their position and the leader got up, grabbed his whip and continued yelling. The only evidence of their struggle being the paling of 1674's face and the reddening of the leader's face.

After around ten more minutes the general (1698) returned. The leader had a lecherous grin on his face and 1698's clothes were disheveled. 1698 gave everyone a wink to let them know the plan was a success. While 1698 was codenamed 'Goddess of Beauty' she was by no means a slut. She was also capable of enslaving people in a way, though it wasn't as complete as 1764's, her's relied on a false sense of pleasure. Similar to an addict craving a drug, the person she enslaved would desperately crave for her. Similar to an addict as well though was the fact that they would not always go about things the 'proper' way. They were fully capable of making their own decisions.

The leader got so enthralled in his own lust that 1698 easily placed a false memory of them doing 'the act'. While the leader lied on the ground unconscious she ruffled up her clothing (well, her shorts. there was no discrimination between the boys and the girls when it came to clothing. Neither was allowed to cover their torso or have shoes or socks). Though she'd easily be able to kill the leader (a tempting idea), she didn't as she believed in the good of the plan.

After the leader awoke he saw where the illusion left off, 1698 'finishing' the straightening of her shorts. Though things would have gone a lot smoother if she actually went through with the act, she looked down on the leader so much that even the idea made the air around her freeze. She was forced to do things no child should ever be subjected to (such as 'the act') just like the rest of the slaves, but while she used lust to her advantage she still felt disgusted at the thought of doing those things.

The slaves waited for the leader to approach the side of the enslaved leader before springing their move, the enslaved leader grabbed him by the throat with his arm and the slaves rushed up and held him down. The enslaving process was a lot easier this time, the still sleepy state of the leader likely helping 1674 with his job.

Ever since then the two leaders had been under 1674's control (though they conveniently didn't act differently around the other leaders). The slaves were now able to freely and openly practice their abilities.

Though a long while had passed, the total number of enslaved leaders only amounted to five. The slaves were able to, nonetheless, gather quite a number of weapons through these leaders though. Of course, that lead them to this predicament. The weapon shortage had been noticed long ago and now the leader of the leaders found the culprits.

The leader^2 organized a public execution for the two leaders he caught in the act (the others were not known to be involved. The weapons location was given and three leaders quickly volunteered to go check.)

Word quickly spread among the slaves and those in charge hurriedly equipped themselves with the weapon they were given, a thirst for blood rising.

I took a break before writing this chapter. Big mistake, I went from craving blood to being bored. Thankfully, it was only a slight boredom. I'm looking forward to when I get to the 'good' parts I have planned.

I felt like I wrote too much of an info dump in this chapter. That too in all the wrong places. My lack of sleep likely played a part in this. Let me know what you think.

No sleep squad.

FilledWithHopecreators' thoughts