
War of The New Age

The story begins in the lowest realm of the Underworld following the life of Josefu a young teen demon. Read as the Josefu goes through tragedy's and adventure's to become stronger. Join my Discord server to see the map for War of the New Age (#General) https://discord.gg/gDhvN2cVTS

Ark_Seikatsu · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Chapter 7 The Beginning of War

(The next day in the throne room)

King: Delos,Yue,Ryris, Zou mei the four of you will be the first leading this war against the Rebellion army. This will be important so complete what is given to you. I have some mission for each of you, all of you have one unit each to command so don't mess up

Generals: yea sire!!!

King: Karmos

Karmos: yes?

(Karmos walks into the king)

King: give them the rest of the information about their mission, have Delos handle the special one to. I have something to attend to

Karmos: as you wish sire

(back to Josefu as he trains)

Josefu: (breathing hard) this is hard trying to use my energy while preforming the sword technique at the same time

Diablo: I told you it will be great help to you in the end, but I have to tell you about the Rebellion army. I have heard thing about them while I was locked in the capital. There are few men who are S Rank like the king the man called Lauren, He is the lord of a lost city it was a large one that rivaled the king. The king killed his family, Lauren had gone completely mad for a short period of time he was just a wild demon. after coming back to his senses that's when created the Rebellion army begin that was many years ago.

Josefu: he must be strong to go through that and still be sane

Diablo: yes he is a man of strength just like the king but still feel for his people. he was one of the ones that has the power to stop the king, but I haven't seen him in person yet so we will see then.

Josefu: wow they are so strong wait of the kings S rank, then how did we get away last time?

Diablo: my powers have the potential to be S Rank, it just not at that level yet, I only boosted you power up just to get away it would have killed you to use it like that from the start

Josefu: I'm currently at C rank, that means I still have a long why to go, the road to being strong it long I have to hurry if I want to save Makiru as quick as I can.

Diablo: yes, its not very long before you are as strong as them. we are getting close to apple valley just keep practicing

Josefu: yeah I know

(after a while Josefu hears something moving in the bushes)

Josefu: who's there!? come out or I'll attack

Shinya: (coughing) Wait...I didn't mean to alarm you I was just passing through here

Diablo: This guys came from the direction north, but why is he injured?

Josefu: who are you?

Shinya: I am Shinya a soldier from the Rebellion army, my unit was all killed by Demonic beast a few days ago the king has sent some to kill us

Josefu: Rebellion army do you know Lucy?

Shinya: Lucy, yes I take orders from her she is also second in command as on right now who are you

Josefu: I'm an a friend of Lucy I was going to make my way to you base after I stopped somewhere

Shinya: thank you

Diablo: Keep your guard up remember not everyone is an Ally

Josefu: (in his head) I know just keep a lookout for any strange energy

Shinya: where are you heading?

Josefu: I'm heading to apple valley to get something I need that will help me,I'll let you rest before I continue traveling on

Shinya: Apple valley, I think i pass there a few hours ago there is a town near here called Clarkson

Josefu: good I needed to stop at a shop soon

(The next day after resting Josefu and Shinya get up then continues on to Apple Valley arriving early in the morning)

Shinya: so how do you know Lucy?

Josefu: I meet Lucy through an series of events helping me survive, so we became comrades

Shinya: I see then but you know the king everything related to the Rebellion army dead?

Josefu: he also want me dead, sending people after me to kill me so I don't really need to fear going to the Rebellion army The king and I ain't on good terms.

Shinya: Hold on get down!?

(The Ground starts rumbling Josefu and Shinya get down and hide ina bush and after a few moments they hear horses)

Shinya: (Whispering) that looks like one of the units....is that Delos?

Josefu: (Whispering) Delos?

Shinya: (Whispering) he is one of the high rank generals, we must stay down

Diablo: don't do anything stupid, all of the king generals are high A ranks or low S rank

Josefu: (in his mind) yeah I'm not picking a fight with only disadvantage

Delos: The king told me that brat was near here, Search the area around here as we move on ahead

Soldier: sir he should have been coming through here by now

(They continue riding away)

Josefu: damn it looks like they was looking for me (Thinking to himself) how is he getting information on me

Shinya: the fact that the king has sent Delos after you he really thinks of you as a threat, just what did you do?

Josefu: ...

Shinya: (sigh) alright I'll stop asking

Josefu: I'll be right back wait here for me

(Josefu dashes using thunder body going through the trees)

Josefu: Diablo where is the thing your looking for?

Diablo: It's over the hill there, I feely energy coming from there. your getting better at using thunder body technique

Josefu: yeah it's the easiest to use out of the techniques I can use

(Josefu moving quickly arrive at a some ruins destroyed)

Josefu: what do we do now there's nothing here this place is old and run down

Diablo: calm down your standing on it, the energy is coming from the ground give me a second

(Diablo begins to chant and the ground starts rumbling. Suddenly Red lightning striking in front of Josefu into the ground and a broken sword comes out the ground)

Josefu: whoa!? What was that, you could have warned me

Diablo: I told you before someone took some of my powers, they must have put it in this but seeing how it was broken the one who took it is dead.

(Diablo continues to chant then the sword turns into energy them flows into Josefu)

Josefu: woah I can feel my energy increase a little bit

Diablo: okay that's all

Josefu: let's go back to Shinya

(After a few moments Josefu goes back to Shinya)

Shinya: what was that wave of energy?

Josefu: what?

Shinya: even I felt that energy just now Delos hasn't been gone for long he would have felt that also

Josefu: Damn I was careless, we need to go you know the way to the Rebellion army?

Shinya: Yeah we need to hurry then it will take us a few days to get over here, I only got this far away because I got ahold of a horse but it didn't last long the Demonic beast got to it.


Delos: I know I felt energy coming from over here, That brat is here somewhere

Josefu: !? (Whispering) Let's sit here for a second

Shinya: (Whispering) yeah maybe they will pass us