

In the Vast land of Abundance a continuous battle rages amongst kingdoms which does not show any signs of end, many lives of our fellow ants were taken, once lively cities and kingdoms was left into ruins; anger, sadness, mourning cries are everywhere, the bloody war killed thousands of innocent Antizens. A traveling warrior walk in the path of despair and vengefulness. let us travel together as the Warrior claimed back his Families glory in the land were the strong ants stands above all the others.

Saint_Rey · Fantasía
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16 Chs


Queen Dahlia sat in her throne room, her brow furrowed with concern. She had just received

news that one of her kingdom's greatest warriors, a skilled swordswoman named Leona, had

encountered a fierce monster while on a mission to protect a nearby village.

"I fear for Leona's safety," Dahlia said to her general, Axel. "That monster sounds like a

formidable foe. What can we do to help her?"

Axel stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Leona is a capable warrior," he said. "But I agree, that

monster is no ordinary beast. We must send reinforcements to aid her."

"But who can we spare?" Dahlia asked, worry etched on her face. "Our armies are already

spread thin, and we cannot afford to leave any of our towns or cities undefended."

Axel nodded in agreement. "It's true, our resources are stretched thin," he said. "But there

may be a solution. We could enlist the help of our neighboring kingdoms. They owe us favors

from past alliances, and they may be willing to lend us troops to aid in this battle."

Dahlia considered this for a moment. "It's a risky move," she said. "We don't want to anger our

neighbors or put our kingdom in their debt. But if it means saving Leona and defeating that

monster, it may be our only option."

"Agreed," Axel said firmly. "I'll send envoys to our neighboring kingdoms at once. In the

meantime, we should also prepare our own troops for battle. We must be ready to support

Leona when the reinforcements arrive."

Dahlia nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She trusted Axel' judgment and knew

that he would do everything in his power to aid their warrior and defeat the monster. "Thankyou, Axel," she said. "I feel better knowing that we're taking action to help Leona."

"Of course, Your Highness," Axel replied with a small bow. "We will do everything in our power

to ensure her safety and victory."

the General dismissed himself, we cant request an Aide from Haven as of now, just after that

battle in the Willow mountain now a monster attack in the borders, our forces are being

challenge and our resources are depleting so fast. I need to take precautions on this one, I

can't guarantee the vassal to lend us enough troops, as they will still consider their own


to stop this assault I need some solid evidence to point out the Central Plain as the main

culprit for this serries of attacks, but that would not be enough, all those attack is cause by an

identify phenomena and we have no information about it, It's to risky to through a stone to

Central plains about it, having the Fairies as their rulers, it would be hard for me to defend


Queen Dahlia sat at her desk, staring at the map of her kingdom spread out before her. She

had received new intelligence that confirmed her suspicions: it was the Central Plain who had

been behind the recent attacks on her kingdom. but the information is from a single hint but

that hint is strong enough to point Central Plains, but their rulers is no fool to fall for that.

Queen Dahlia knew that she needed to act, but she also knew that she could not simply

accuse the Central Plain without solid evidence. She needed a reason to call them out, a

justification for her actions that would hold up to scrutiny.

As she thought, Queen Dahlia eyes fell on the city of Tallin, one of her kingdom's major trade

centers. The city had been suff ering from a series of attacks in recent months, and the

evidence suggested that the Central Plain was behind them.

Queen Dahlia knew that she could use the attacks on Tallin as a reason to call out the Central

Plain. She could argue that the attacks were harming her kingdom's economy, and that she

had a duty to protect her people's livelihoods.

But she also knew that she needed to be careful. The Central Plain was a powerful kingdom,

and they would not take kindly to being accused without solid evidence.

Queen Dahlia decided that she needed to gather more information before she made any

moves. She would dispatch spies and scouts to gather intelligence on the Central Plain's

activities, and she would consult with her trusted advisors to formulate a plan.

She also knew that she needed to build alliances with neighboring kingdoms, to strengthen

her position and ensure that she had the support she needed if things turned ugly.

Queen Dahlia took a deep breath, knowing that the road ahead would be difficult and fraught

with danger. But she also knew that she had a duty to protect her people and her kingdom,

and she would do whatever it took to succeed. Queen Dahlia entered the throne room, her eyes scanning the faces of her courtiers. She

knew that she needed their advice and support, now more than ever.

"My lords and ladies," she began, her voice ringing out in the quiet room. "I have called this

meeting to seek your counsel on a matter of great importance."

She paused, letting the weight of her words sink in. Then she continued.

"As you all know, our kingdom has been suffering from a series of brutal attacks in recent

months. We have received intelligence that suggests the Central Plain is behind these


A murmur of concern rippled through the court, and Isadora waited for it to die down before


"I need your advice on how best to respond. We must act quickly to protect our people and

our kingdom, but we must also be careful not to make any false accusations or start a war

without just cause."

She looked around the room, her eyes meeting those of her most trusted advisors.

"What do you suggest, my lords and ladies?" she asked. "How should we proceed?"

The court was silent for a moment, as each member considered their response. Then one of

the advisors spoke up.

"Your Majesty, I suggest that we gather more evidence before making any accusations," he

said. "We need to be sure that the Central Plain is behind these attacks before we take any


Others in the court nodded in agreement, and Isadora considered the advice carefully.

"You make a good point," she said finally. "We must be absolutely certain before we take any

action. But we also cannot aff ord to wait too long, and let these attacks continue."

The court continued to off er their advice and suggestions, and Queen Dahlia listened

carefully to each one. She knew that the road ahead would be diffi cult, but with the support

of her court and the determination to protect her people, she was ready to face whatever

challenges lay ahead.

Lord Haven, the newly appointed High Noble of the Estate, gathered with his fellow nobles in

the grand hall of his manor. They had all received word of the recent attacks on the Kingdom,

and they knew that they needed to do something to help.

"My lords," Lord Haven began, his voice firm and resolute. "We cannot sit idly by while our

Kingdom is under attack. We must take action to help defend it. "The other nobles nodded in agreement, and Lord Harold continued.

"We have received word that the Central Plain is behind these attacks," he said. "We must find

a way to trap them and bring them to justice."

The other nobles murmured in agreement, and one spoke up.

"But how do we do that, my lord?" he asked. "The Central Plain is a powerful kingdom, and

they will not be easily defeated."

Lord Haven nodded, knowing that his fellow noble was right.

"We must act carefully and strategically," he said. "We must gather as much information as we

can about their movements and their plans. And we must work together with the Kingdom to

create a trap that will catch them off guard."

The other nobles nodded in agreement, and the discussion continued late into the night.

They discussed tactics and strategies, weighing the risks and benefits of each approach.

Finally, they emerged with a plan. They would work with the Kingdom to gather intelligence on

the Central Plain's movements, and they would create a trap that would catch them by


Lord Haven knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but he was determined to do

whatever it took to protect his Kingdom and his people.

"Haven, you are so cool acting all tough and a leader like in front of those oldies nyahahaha"

Lady Bug said and Laugh evilly

" with the status we have lies a great and heavy responsibility, beside it was also part of my

lifelong goal to ruin the Central Plains and have the fairies fall responsible of their deeds in

their entire life.