

In the Vast land of Abundance a continuous battle rages amongst kingdoms which does not show any signs of end, many lives of our fellow ants were taken, once lively cities and kingdoms was left into ruins; anger, sadness, mourning cries are everywhere, the bloody war killed thousands of innocent Antizens. A traveling warrior walk in the path of despair and vengefulness. let us travel together as the Warrior claimed back his Families glory in the land were the strong ants stands above all the others.

Saint_Rey · Fantasía
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16 Chs


4 Years had passed after the Ceremony

Meanwhile in the Bamboo paradise in the Kingdom of Willow Woods

The air crackled with tension as the two fighters faced off . Their eyes locked in a deadly stare,

each waiting for the other to make a move.

The first fighter lunged forward, his fists swinging in a blur of motion. The second fighter

dodged and weaved, his movements fluid and graceful as he countered with a powerful kick.

The two fighters clashed, their bodies slamming together with a thunderous impact. Bones

and sinew strained as they grappled for dominance, their breathing ragged with exertion.

With a fierce growl, the first fighter broke free and unleashed a flurry of blows, raining down

on his opponent with a ferocity born of desperation. The second fighter weathered the

assault, his defenses never faltering as he waited for his opening.

And then it came. With a swift, fluid motion, the second fighter twisted and struck, his fist

connecting with a sickening crunch. The first fighter staggered back, his face twisted in pain

as he clutched at his broken nose. But the fight was far from over. With a snarl of rage, the first fighter charged forward again, his

fists flying. The second fighter met him head on, their bodies colliding with a force that shook

the ground beneath them.

For long minutes, they battled on, each unwilling to yield. Blood flowed freely, wounds

opened and closed, and the air echoed with the sound of their grunts and shouts.

Finally, with a last, desperate eff ort, the second fighter landed a crushing blow that sent the

first fighter crashing to the ground. He lay there, gasping for breath, as the second fighter

stood over him, victorious.

"You have gotten strong again brother!" - Axel, the Loyal General of the Queen said after

clashing swords with his sworn brother Rome, despite being a commoner Rome has been

receiving teachings from Axel that makes him a notable warrior that match that of a Royal


"Who is tending to the Queen in your absence brother?" Rome ask, as the two was taking a

rest in nearby tree

"She is in the middle of meditating, I have the Captains guarding her chambers.

***General a sieged on the Willow Mountains!!*** A telepathic message was sent to Axel that

makes him startled

"Brother, I will get going.... Inform the Castle Guards a yellow emergency has occurred!! " Axel

exclaimed as he jump away from his brother.

Meanwhile in the Sacred Mountain Estates

"How are we able to manage this estates Haven!!" Lady bug exclaim as she freely roam around

the estates

"Don't My lady, The servants will take for the daily chores in the estates, and I will assisting

the Lord for the Estates Affairs!" the Butler said after he tour us around the estates

"does the sacred mountain own some military force?" I asked

"Yes My Lord since you mention it, the Estates own the Radiant Order, composed of 13

Knights with great potential and skill, they are having their training on the Sacred beast cave

at the back of the Sacred Mountain" The butler explain, that settled it, If I have time I will check them out and assess their training if ever I find a fault to their current strength

the Estate is well run by the Butler this past few year, the Former owner of this Estate was the

Queen Dahlia but after she ascended the throne, this estate had remained vacant


shouted at the Door of the Royal Chamber where we are discussing with the butler!

the butler look at me after hearing it, he might as well testing my decision making skill in this

type of situation

"Tighten up to security of the Sacred Mountain, and have the Radiant Order to attend as my

aide, I will come forth to the willow mountains right away!" I said the butler then vanished

himself, so was I together with lady bug

Willow Mountains

the Willow Mountains despite its name implies, this area is rich is in nutrients ideal for farms

and crops, that is why many villagers come here to cultivate lands and some already make

this as their home. this mountain ranger had never encounter such attacks for decade long,

how come a sudden demonized lizard appears in here

" Grab all the injured and hide somewhere safe!!" I shouted as everyone is in panic, I had to

take command in here! the Capital is too far, so it would take time for the Royal knight to



"uh- A chanting spell?" I exclaimed how can someone from this townsfolks able to use some


A lizard attack using its tail towards that girl was deflected, a golden dust was release after

that collision

so its a deflecting barrier!

"HEY LITTLER GIRL have that monster occupied while I'm transporting the injured!" I scream,

she nodded in response

I'm currently the leader of the Farmers here in Willow mountains, so I take command when the attack happens, but yeah since we are just normal folks we have no potential to wield

mana and use magic

My mana is depleting too fast! this Lizard is still energetic, if this continues I might not be able

to hold it for long!

My Offensive spells don't work on him!

I will only wield my swords to my masters, I will never take that oath back!

fighting you with my mediocre talent in magic is enough

"CORROSIVE ERUPTION" I exclaimed and I exhaled a massive amount of toxic gas towards the


"What th----" It was to late, I can only defend myself from its attack

A lizard giant tail hit me and break my Aegis defense


before said, but little did we know

the Lizard is already rushing towards us, with its speed it will be impossible for us to escape!


"TAKE A REST 1st ELDER RONNETE!!" a flash of a sound echoed on my ear, everything is

surging back again unto my brain, My heart was heavy with grief, and my soul felt as if it had

been torn apart. I had thought that I had lost you forever, that our time together had come to

an end. But then, in the midst of my sorrow, you reappeared, like a beacon of light shining

through the darkness. And in that moment, I felt my spirit lift, and my heart fill with joy once


"Master haven you have return!" I whisper and everything went black