

In the Vast land of Abundance a continuous battle rages amongst kingdoms which does not show any signs of end, many lives of our fellow ants were taken, once lively cities and kingdoms was left into ruins; anger, sadness, mourning cries are everywhere, the bloody war killed thousands of innocent Antizens. A traveling warrior walk in the path of despair and vengefulness. let us travel together as the Warrior claimed back his Families glory in the land were the strong ants stands above all the others.

Saint_Rey · Fantasía
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16 Chs


With the revelation of the truth and the intervention of the Ancient Principle of Justice and

Life, the conflict between the Kingdom and the Central Plains came to a close. Fairy Ollie was

stripped of her title and power, and was brought to face trial for her crimes. The High Noble

finally found closure and justice for his family, while the Queen was able to ensure the safety

and peace of her kingdom.

The Ancient Tree was returned to its rightful place, and the Radiant Order, together with Lord

Haven and his estate, continued to train and prepare for any future threats. The Queen and

her council worked towards building stronger alliances with neighboring kingdoms, and made

sure that their people are well-protected and prosperous.

In the end, the war that once threatened the very existence of the Kingdom became a turning

point for growth and unity. The lessons learned and the bonds formed during the conflict

made the Kingdom stronger and more resilient. And as the sun set on the final day of the war,

a sense of hope and optimism for the future filled the hearts of the people.

With the fall of Fairy Ollie and the defeat of the Central Plains, a new fairy was born to rule

over the land. She was young and full of hope, with a kind heart and a desire to see her people

prosper. The Ancient Principle of Royalties appeared before her and blessed her reign,

acknowledging her as the rightful ruler of the Central Plains.

Under her guidance, the kingdom flourished. The Queen and Lord Haven worked together to

rebuild and repair the damage caused by the war, and a new era of peace and prosperity was

ushered in. The Ancient Tree, now under the protection of the kingdom, continued to thrive,

providing magic and sustenance for all.

Years passed, and the memory of the war began to fade. The new fairy, beloved by her

people, ruled with wisdom and grace, always remembering the lessons of the past and

striving to build a brighter future for all. The Queen and Lord Haven, though they had faced

many challenges, remained steadfast allies and loyal friends, working tirelessly to ensure the

prosperity of their kingdom. And so, the story of the Central Plains came full circle, from the darkness of war to the light of

peace, from the struggles of the past to the promise of a bright and hopeful future.

Lord Haven and the Queen also returned to their kingdom, and they were welcomed back as

heroes. Lord Haven was honored for his bravery in battle, and the Queen was praised for her

strategic planning and leadership skills.

The Radiant Order and the Kingdom nobles also continued to work together to maintain the

security of the kingdom. They made sure that the Central Plains would no longer pose a

threat, and they worked towards building stronger alliances with neighboring kingdoms.

As the years went by, the Land of Abundance continued to flourish, and it became known as a

land of peace, prosperity, and harmony. The Ancient Principles continued to watch over the

land, ensuring that justice and fairness were always upheld.

And so, the story of the Land of Abundance came to a close, but its legacy lived on, inspiring

generations to come to strive for peace, justice, and prosperity for all.