

In the Vast land of Abundance a continuous battle rages amongst kingdoms which does not show any signs of end, many lives of our fellow ants were taken, once lively cities and kingdoms was left into ruins; anger, sadness, mourning cries are everywhere, the bloody war killed thousands of innocent Antizens. A traveling warrior walk in the path of despair and vengefulness. let us travel together as the Warrior claimed back his Families glory in the land were the strong ants stands above all the others.

Saint_Rey · Fantasía
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16 Chs


As the Ancient Principle of Justice descended from the heavens, a great hush fell over the

battlefield. The Queen, the High Noble, Fairy Ollie, and Fairy Michael all stood in awe as the

divine being addressed them.

"Fairies of the Central Plains," the Ancient Principle of Justice boomed. "I have come to reveal

the truth and deliver justice."

With a wave of its hand, the Ancient Principle of Justice brought forth a series of holographic

images, each one depicting a different atrocity committed by Fairy Ollie during her reign. The

images showed her ordering the slaughter of innocent creatures, the enslavement of entire

villages, and the destruction of sacred sites.

The Queen and the High Noble looked on in horror as the evidence mounted against Fairy

Ollie. They had suspected that something was amiss in the Central Plains, but they had no

idea just how corrupt the ruling fairy had become.

Fairy Michael, on the other hand, remained steadfast in his loyalty to Fairy Ollie. He argued

that she had done what was necessary to keep the Central Plains safe and prosperous.

But the Ancient Principle of Justice would hear none of it. "Your actions have been a violation

of the natural order and the principles of justice," it intoned. "For your crimes, you shall be

stripped of your powers and end you reign in Central Plains."

With that, Fairy Ollie was engulfed in a blinding light, and she disappeared from the

battlefield. Fairy Michael, devastated by the loss of his ruler, fell to his knees and wept.

As the Ancient Principle of Justice finished listing down all the sins of Fairy Ollie, the Ancient

Principle of Life appeared before the crowd. Its presence was so pure and powerful that it

radiated a warm light that enveloped the entire battlefield, healing the wounded and reviving

the fallen soldiers.

The Ancient Principle of Life then offered a prayer for the departed souls, giving them a

peaceful rest and blessing them with eternal life. Its words echoed through the entire

battlefield, bringing comfort to those who lost their loved ones and inspiring hope to those

who still fought for their cause.

As the prayer ended, the Ancient Principle of Life turned to Fairy Ollie and offered her a

chance to repent for her sins and turn over a new leaf. Fairy Ollie was humbled by the power of the Ancient Principles and agreed to surrender herself and face the consequences of her


The Queen and the High Noble, moved by the display of divine justice and mercy, decided to

spare the Central Plains and instead offered their assistance in rebuilding and reforming the

kingdom. The war was over, and a new era of peace and prosperity was about to begin.

The Ancient Principles then disappeared, leaving the battlefield behind. But their presence

left a lasting impact on the hearts and minds of those who witnessed their power, reminding

them that justice and mercy go hand in hand, and that forgiveness and reconciliation can

bring about true healing and renewal.