

In the Vast land of Abundance a continuous battle rages amongst kingdoms which does not show any signs of end, many lives of our fellow ants were taken, once lively cities and kingdoms was left into ruins; anger, sadness, mourning cries are everywhere, the bloody war killed thousands of innocent Antizens. A traveling warrior walk in the path of despair and vengefulness. let us travel together as the Warrior claimed back his Families glory in the land were the strong ants stands above all the others.

Saint_Rey · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Chapter 12 - QUEENS FACE OFF

Fairy Ollie took a deep breath and stepped outside, facing the vast expanse of her kingdom.

She could see the smoke rising in the distance, a grim reminder of the ongoing battle that

threatened the safety and security of her people. "My fellow fairies," she called out, her voice ringing with determination. "We are facing a

difficult time, but we must not lose hope. We have always been a strong and resilient

kingdom, and we will not be defeated by our enemies."

The fairies gathered around her, their expressions ranging from fearful to resolute. Fairy Ollie

could sense their anxiety and fear, but she knew that she had to lead them forward.

"Our enemies have taken the ancient tree, but we will not let them break our spirit," she

continued. "We will fight to protect our kingdom, and we will not back down until we have

achieved victory. We must stand together, united in our determination to defend our home."

The fairies cheered in response, their spirits lifted by Fairy Ollie's words. They knew that their

queen was a wise and powerful leader, and they were ready to follow her into battle.

Fairy Ollie looked out at her people, a fierce determination burning in her eyes. She knew that

the road ahead would not be easy, but she was confident that they would emerge victorious.

The fate of the Central Plains was in her hands, and she was ready to do whatever it takes to

protect her kingdom and her people.

but as she roamed her sight she saw the Queen of Willow woods together with its elite forces

"YOU DAMN BRAT!" She uttered

"Michael, rallied all the Courtier and make sure the Ancient Principle will not come out even

when the battle reaches the ears of the ancient tree" Ollie ordered, Michael made a bow and


The Queen stood bravely on the battlefield, holding the flag of her kingdom aloft as her

troops rallied around her. She raised her voice above the sounds of clashing swords and cries

of battle.

"My fellow warriors, we stand here today in the face of a great threat to our kingdom. But we

will not falter, we will not back down. We will fight with all our might to defend our land and

seek vengeance that the Central Plain had done, our people, and our way of life!"

The Queen's words were met with cheers and cries of support from her troops.

"Remember, we are not just fighting for ourselves, but for the future of our children and

generations to come. Let us show these criminals what it means to stand and fight for what is

right and just!"

With those final words, the Queen raised the flag even higher, inspiring her troops to charge

forward with renewed vigor and determination.

As the Queen and Fairy Ollie stood facing each other, a tense silence filled the air. They both knew that this would be a battle of immense proportions and that the outcome would

determine the fate of their kingdoms.

The Queen lifted her hand and summoned a gust of wind that howled around her, causing her

robes to billow out dramatically. She focused her gaze on Fairy Ollie, who stood tall and

proud, her eyes glowing with an inner power.

Fairy Ollie began to chant a spell and a bright light started to emanate from her. The Queen

countered with a spell of her own, and the two beams of energy collided in mid-air, creating a

burst of light that lit up the battlefield.

As they continued their exchange of spells, the ground beneath them shook with each blast.

The Queen created a wall of fire that raced towards Fairy Ollie, who countered with a wave of

water that doused the flames.

The two women circled each other warily, each trying to gain an advantage over the other.

Suddenly, Fairy Ollie lashed out with a bolt of lightning that crackled through the air towards

the Queen. The Queen deftly dodged the attack and retaliated with a burst of energy that

sent Fairy Ollie flying backwards.

Fairy Ollie quickly regained her composure and summoned a tornado that tore through the

battlefield, sending the Queen tumbling backwards. The Queen quickly recovered and

summoned a hail of ice that pelted down on Fairy Ollie, but the fairy queen simply waved her

hand and the ice melted away.

The two women continued their battle, their powers growing stronger with each passing

moment. The Queen summoned a swarm of magical creatures that attacked Fairy Ollie, but

the fairy queen responded by summoning a group of vines that ensnared the creatures and

neutralized their attacks.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the Queen and Fairy Ollie stood facing each other,

both panting heavily from the exertion. They knew that they were evenly matched and that

neither would be able to defeat the other.

With a nod of mutual respect, the two women lowered their hands and stepped back. The

battle was over, but the war continued, and they both knew that they would have to fight with

all their might if they were to emerge victorious.

Fairy Ollie and the Queen continued to exchange spells, each one trying to gain the upper

hand. The ground shook as their magic clashed, sending shockwaves through the air.

Fairy Ollie unleashed a wave of energy that sent the Queen flying back, but she quickly

regained her balance and countered with a barrage of fireballs. Fairy Ollie dodged and

weaved through the flames, launching her own counterattack with a beam of light.

The Queen conjured a shield to protect herself, but it was quickly shattered by Fairy Ollie's

assault. The Queen gritted her teeth and channeled her magic, summoning a powerful storm

that raged around them. Fairy Ollie tried to fight back, but the winds and rain made it difficult to maintain her balance.

The Queen saw her opening and unleashed a final burst of lightning, which struck Fairy Ollie

squarely in the chest.

For a moment, it seemed like the battle was over, but Fairy Ollie refused to give up. With a

fierce cry, she unleashed a beam of pure energy that collided with the Queen's lightning,

causing a blinding explosion of light.

When the smoke cleared, both combatants were still standing, but they were both exhausted

from the intense battle. The Queen and Fairy Ollie stared at each other for a moment, and

then simultaneously lowered their hands.

"It seems we are evenly matched," said Fairy Ollie.

"I guess also!" as they tried to stand up

fairy Ollie consume the seed of life her mana slowly coming back

"foul bastard!!" the Queen exclaimed as she was about to release a spell, Haven appeared and

carry the Queen away