

Namjoon (pov): I saw a skeleton down my legs. I called y/n and she came. She was so frightened. Suddenly I catched her and I carried her bride style and went to the kingdom. I went to jin he was sitting in his room.

Jin: What happened?

Namjoon: we should move now, halsey killed mari. Her skeleton is in her house. Y/n couldn't handle what she saw.

Jin: let her rest alittle. She saw alot today. *he took you from namjoon arm and put you on his bed* let us leave now.












Y/n (pov): NO NO NO NOOOOOO I wake up breathing hardly, where am I? I looked at each corner in the room and then the door opened, jin and namjoon came.

Jin: *smiling* good morning, how are you now?

Y/n: I am fine.

Jin: Did you sleep well?

Y/n: Not at all I was having a nightmares.

Jin: I see.

Namjoon: We can go now.

Y/n: Where?

Namjoon: To jin's house

Y/n: oh yes, iam ready.

Y/n (pov): That time we disappeared in a car and jin was driving. Namjoon said goodbye to us and leave. We was silent all the way, I was thoughtful untill we arrived at a villa. It was so different from the kingdom.

Jin: here we go.

Y/n (pov): I get out from the car and he too. He get out a keys from his pocket and we get in. The villa is so big and I love the furniture.

Jin: Do you like it?

Y/n: Yes,so much. But can I ask you something?

Jin: yes

Y/n: Why you live like humans?

Jin:Because their life is good but they don't know that we love their life, look at you I think you love it too,aren't you?

Y/n: It's another point I lived all my life as a human I didn't know untill yesterday so I don't feel like you feel.

Jin: I see, come to see your room.

Y/n: okay.

Y/n (pov): I went with jin to my room it was angelic. I love it the baby pink is so cute.

Jin (pov):  her heart beats so fast looks like she is happy. I know that pink don't lose.

Jin: uhm uhm, now feel home.

Y/n: Where are you going?

Jin: watching tv I think

Y/n: oh yes okay.

Y/n (pov): Jin left and closed the door behind him. I grapped my bag to empty it. I put all my clothes in the wordrope and decided to take a shower. I was soo tired so I grapped a comfortable cloth and go for a shower


Jin: Did you do what I order you?

Hosek: yes sir, I put all the power to protect the villa but I can't be sure that the red devils can't go inside it's not strong enough.

Jin: It's not a problem, protect y/n is from my mission. Be at the service if anything happened.

Hosek: *bowing* yes sir

<Back to y/n>

Y/n (pov): I went to the bathroom, I take off all my clothes and fell the bathtub with hot water and get in. I was so surprised why I wasn't a human ahhh I said like jin said. Human life is better than this. I am now afraid. Can halsey kill me or what if jin was the evil one in this story. For a while I fell asleep.






I wake terrified this nightmare again but this time there was another word "killing" this nightmare was with me since my mom and dad killed I remember the first time it happened to me.

<Flash back from 20 years>

*At night*

Y/n: *crying loudly* Ahhh I want my mom now.

Mari: *coming to you fast* what happened my little girl? *come And hug you*

Y/n: Anti Iam so scared please be with me.

Mari: Iam with you, why you are scared?

Y/n: I saw a nightmare.It was so scary it's a scary voice says: Darkness, screaming, blood, crying,Devils. And it reply with a scary tone.

Mari: Don't think about it sweetie, iam with you now.

Y/n: Can you play with my hair untill I sleep?

Mari: yes my little girl *give you a soft kiss in your hair and play with it*

<End of flash back>

Y/n (pov): I huged my knees and sleep in the bathtub.

Hosek: One of the white devils and he is helper of jin.