

Jin: *Turns to devil*

Jimin: Oh sorry iam getting you angry but y/n is mine. Bye bye.

*And he disappeared*

Jin: *looking at you angry* was he the one In your room yesterday?

Y/n: *little scared* yes.

Jin: And of course he told you that iam the enemy right?

*He gets closer to you untill he pinned you at the wall again*

Y/n: Are you really protecting me because my power?

Jin: No its not like that.

Y/n: But why when I confessed to you you ignored me? Ha, so you protect me for my power.

Jin: I didn't ignore you, please stop thinking like that.

Y/n: Jin please leave me alone.

                 THIRD PERSON (pov)

You are about to leave but he grapped your hand and pushed you to the wall and then he kissed you. Your eyes stares widely, you were very surprised then you closed your eyes feeling his warm lips into yours. He cut the kiss and look into your eyes deeply saying: I love you then he grapped your waist making you too close to him and your lips connected again. You wrapped your hands around his neck. He leaned his forehead into yours and smiling to you.

Jin: Now change your clothes. I'll be waiting for you to do the breakfast.

Y/n: okay *smiling*

*he left the room*

Y/n (pov): oh my god he take my first kiss, iam so embarrassed. Is he doing that to not make me think that he want my power. I don't know but he seems loving me. I grapped my comfortable clothes and wear it then I went down stairs to the kitchen. Jin: oh you come. I made for you pancakes.

Y/n: wow give me iam so hungry.

Jin: here you are.

<eating your breakfast>

Y/n: *eating in a cute way*

Jin: *watching you and smile*

Y/n: Hey why are you watching me like that?

Jin: You know when you are eating I want to eat your cheeks.

*he leaned to you and kiss your cheeks*

Jin: someone here is like a tomatoes *winks*

Y/n: *smiling* let's sit in the garden.

Jin: okay I'll come after you.

Y/n (pov): I went to the garden. I sit on the seesaw thinking about jin, I really loves him. He came with his smile that I love the most and sit next to me. I lay on his thigh and he begans to play with my hair looking at each other with love. Then...

Jungguk: You see that hosek hyung.

Hosek: Yes, I can't belive my eyes.

Jungguk: let's play *winks*

Hosek: *evil laugh*

^From no where^

Jungguk: Oh jin hyung you are so romantic. Please play with my hair too.

Jin: *jumping from the seesaw* stop doing that all the time.

Y/n: *laughing*

Jungguk: why y/n only? Play with my hair too.

Hosek: Yes, why y/n? *acting crying*

                  THIRD PERSON (pov)

Jin kept running after them and you were laughing at his cute reaction then you started to run again. Jin catch you and carry you, you were laughing happily. Jungguk began to sprinkle water. You all have fun untill the sunset.

Jin: Now that's enough for today.

Y/n: yes iam also so wet.

Jungguk: Don't worry Jin hyung will dry you *winks*

Jin: *hits his head* now good night.

<After getting in the house>

Y/n: It was so funny today, right?

Jin: *back hug you* yes.

Y/n: Jin.....what are you doing?

Jin: *breathing on your neck* hugging You, let's cuddle.

                  THIRD PERSON (pov)

You sit in his embrace on the couch. He is holding your hand sometimes he kiss your neck and sometimes he breathing in it.

Jin: iam sorry for ignoring your confessing but I can't explain my feelings fast. Aishhh I was fallin in love with you since you hang out with jungguk but i gets angry because you were happy with him too.

Y/n: * looking at him*

Jin: And that tae tae too.

Y/n: Jin I love you *You pecked his lips for a kiss*

Jin: me too *kisses you again*

<In a place not so far>

Jimin: *smirks* this will not last long.