

Y/n (pov): Everything disappeared I can't feel myself. What I remember is halsey wants my power After that I can't feel anything. I just see light all around me then a woman appear with long black hair, brown eyes wearing a red dress and she is smiling at me. She get closer to me. Her face is familiar to me.

Loona: Hi, y/n. How are you?

Y/n: Mom? Is it you?

Loona: Yes my love, come to me.

*you run to her hug*

Y/n: *crying* mom, why you left me? I need you, I will die now.

Loona: Don't worry iam with you. Nothing can hurt you. Iam inside you y/n no one can take your power.

*suddenly loona's eyes turned light*

Y/n: Mom is everything okay? *gets far from her*

Loona: you will regret it.

Y/n (pov): Then everything disappeared again. Where am I? Everything is dark, where is jin and the others? Am I dead now? Then a small light appear and from it mom appeared again.

Loona: Now honey, you are safe.Your power appeared.

Y/n: But where am I?

Loona: you are now sleeping.

Loona: *hold your chin softly* Be careful about yourself honey and don't be afraid jin is with you.

*she began to disappear*

Y/n: Mom, not again.

Loona: bye honey, bye.

*And She disappeared completely*

Jin (pov): I was fighting with all my strength but this bastard halsey is so strong than me. My body almost bleeding. I couldn't continue after receiving a strong blow from her. I fell into the ground. But I can see what she do to y/n. I can't save her but suddenly a strong light came out from y/n's body. Everything become light I closed my eyes feeling death. But I opened my eyes again and iam in my bed. What happened? I'm in my room? Where is the others? Where is y/n? I can't even move, I closed my eyes again and didn't feel myself.

^The next day^

Y/n (pov): I opened my eyes slowly and iam in the bed. How did I come her? I stood up from the bed and went to the wordrope grapping my clothes and went to the bathroom taking my shower and wear my clothes. I get out from the bathroom and from the room. I went to jin's room and thank to God his here. I get closer to his bed. He is sleeping and his face looks so tired. I get next to him holding his hand and my other hand play with his hair. Sorry jin I made all that. I let myself sleep beside him. I love you jin.


<In another side>

Jimin: *Bleeding* That fucking power was about to kill me.

Halsey: jimin help me iam dying, help me.

Jimin: *smirks* Yes, babe I will help you from this torment.

Halsey: Yes, hurry up.

* He suddenly stapped his claws in her stomach and then he drink the blood in his hand*

Jimin: that what you wanted babe. I wanted to kill you for along time but loona did her mission. Now y/n is mine and the kingdom of red devils too.