
War of clans

###Introduction Eldoria, a realm once dominated by powerful clans, now finds itself in chaos after the fall of the mighty Asura Clan. The power vacuum left by the Asura's collapse has plunged the land into relentless conflict, with each clan vying for dominance and survival. ### Themes - **Ambition and Power**: The story explores the ambitions of different clans and leaders, and how their quests for power shape the fate of Eldoria. - **Unity and Division**: The narrative highlights the struggles of maintaining alliances and the potential strength found in unity. - **Resilience and Hope**: Despite the chaos and destruction, the enduring hope for peace and the resilience of the leaders drive the story forward. ### Conclusion "War of Clans" is a tale of conflict, ambition, and the enduring quest for peace in a fractured realm. It underscores the complexity of power dynamics and the importance of unity in overcoming chaos, leaving readers with a sense of hope for Eldoria’s future.

D_M_Studio · Cómic
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39 Chs

Chapter 2: Son of Legend

"Betrayal is more dangerous than a sword"

Mou Lin was born as the son of an emperor, destined to inherit the throne. However, due to political intrigue and betrayal, he was secretly switched at birth with the son of a humble villager. Growing up in the village, Mou Lin had no knowledge of his true identity but always felt a deep sense of longing for something more.

It is 1220 BC Mou, now 16 year's old quite known in the village . Mou Lin possessed a natural charisma and intelligence that set him apart from others. He became a beloved figure in the village, known for his kindness and wisdom. Over time, Mou Lin began to curious to went to Quinzeng city academy.

Mou Lin, despite his humble background, dreams of attending the prestigious academy in Quinzeng City. He has heard of the academy's reputation for excellence and believes that it is the key to unlocking his full potential.

However, when Mou Lin applies to the academy, he faces skepticism and prejudice from the admissions committee. They question his qualifications and doubt that someone from his background could succeed at the academy.

Undeterred, Mou Lin sets out to prove them wrong. He studies tirelessly, mastering the subjects required for the entrance exam. He also seeks out mentors and tutors who can help him prepare.