
War Between Mafia and Yakuza

In the business world everyman had to fight for himself, business became so dangerous, that CEO's started seeking help from agencies like the mafia and Yakuza, Mr. walker was one of these business men, well-known for his diligency in business, he was the ceo of Walker group of jewellery designers and producers, and he also owned an oil company, he was formally signed to the Yakuza, they did a good job protecting him, but their leader Ottis Reign soon passes away leaving the Yakuza to the hands of his wife Haeli Reign, let's sit back and watch as all sorts of drama occur.

neema567 · Fantasía
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9 Chs

6 new school new friends

It has already been a month since Aria started business school, hence she hadn't had enough time to meet with her best friend Brissa, actually she had only met her Brissa's mom once, her parents had never met her before, her mom was always busy 24/7.

She planned to go over to her restaurant near her former school to meet with Brissa later that week, Ari brought up the topic of going along with her, his sister could also tag along, Ari's sister was also in Ethan's class.

That was how at the end of the week Aria was stuck in a restaurant with Ari, Liam, Levi, Ethan, Matilda, Azura and Brissa, it was awkward at first but they all later got along well, and decided to hang out more often.

Aria mistakenly spilled some juice on her skirt and went away to he washroom, she took too long making everyone worry, Levi volunteered to check on her, he rushed over to the washroom, he knocked on the door but their was no reply.

He opened the door out of worry, his expression darkened as he saw Aria unconscious on the floor, a snake was busy slithering its way into the WC, he carried her and walked back to where the others were sitted.

"does she have Ophidophobia"Levi asked for he was sure the snae hadn't bitten her, the only clear reason would be there she had a phobia for sbkes so she passed out immediately she saw it.

"yeah, she has both enochlophobia (fear of crowd) and Ophidophobia (fear of snakes), she also has a rear condition where there are consequences of her being too emotional, she'll loose lots of blood, she almost died the last time it happened if not for you and your brothers help"Ethan said looking devastated, he couldn't afford to loose his sister.

"I understand, my mom also had that condition"Levi opened up a little, Matilda knew this was a hard reminder of his mom's death, she could only squeeze his shoulder a bit as an attempt to comfort him.

They tried to wake her up, when she finally did everyone let out a sigh of relief as Ethan pulled his sister in for a hug, Ari felt so relieved, how would he live peacefully knowing one of his classmates and friend died in his presence, he wasn't ready for that, besides Aria was a kind person.

When she got home Ethan narrated everything that happened to their mom, she was so freaked out when she heard what happened, but also thankful to Levi for always helping her daughter, she was very grateful.

They decided not to tell her dad anything, he would freak out knowing this might not have happened if he was signed to an agency already he already felt pressured they couldn't add to his problems, no way.

The following days she became really close to her brother's classmates, Levi was calm, collected, hard to understand, smart, virtuous, kind and had a warm personality, but he looked like someone who would lose all his cool when angry.

Liam on the other hand was playful, open like a book, smart, warm personality, will also lose his cool when angry just like his brother. Matilda was calm, hard to understand, smart, nice, overprotective and heartless at times.

bAri was spoilt but nice, always believes money can buy anything, loves the people around him can be inconsiderate and selfish at times. Azura was calm, shy smart, nice and the best person to talk to and the best version of her brother, a really good friend.

To Aria she was happy to have made new friends, although they had diverse attitudes they still got along, Levi had been helping her with things she didn't understand just like he promised and that obviously didn't sit well with Matilda.

"this is really difficult, I can't understand a thing"Aria complained, but all Levi did was shrug, and he continued explaining it, they heard the bell for lunch and decided to go to the cafeteria together, Aria was starving and she felt extremely bored of having to study during a freaking free period.

"what would you like to eat"Levi asked immediately they got into the cafeteria, Liam waved at his brother and ran up to them, he hadn't really seen his brother in the last 2 hours and that bothered him.

"hey, what have you been up to, you make me feel like you ran away or something"Liam complained while smiling cheekily at his brother, which was accompanied with a wink, which startled Levi and Aria.

"he's been helping me understand some difficult topics" Aria said and hit Liam playfully on the shoulder before walking away to join Ari whi was sitting alone in a corner.

"you finally done with today's tutoring lessons"Ari asked, he was staring at his food, like there was some unwanted germ on it, and this caught Aria's attention, she vacane slightly worried and decided to question him if everything was alright.

"we're done for today, what's wrong with your food"Aria asked making Ari's brows squeeze in confusion, he wasn't really used to having anyone care about him apart from his sister and father.

"did you just ask me if anything is wrong with my food"Ari questioned and Aria was forced to hold in her laughter.

"feeling touched, don't end up falling inlove with me, I'm taken by my spirit husband"Aria jokingly teased causing Ari to blush a little, which only made Aria's laughter grow a lot louder attracting unwanted attention towards herself.

"keep your voice down, or else you'll be the ridicule of the week"Ari warned as his gaze shifted back to his food, this newbie was really hard to contain, Aria was self-willed, reckless, childish and everything you could use to describe an unserios person.

That day when Levi got home, he was feeling a little off, like something was going to happen and it definitely wasn't in his favour, the smell if bad omen was very clear, and he couldn't escape whatever was going to happen he just had to accept it.

Julian was still busy making plans on how to fall inlove with his WIFE, he just wanted his family to become happier, he wanted to be happy too, nada the only way for that to happen was to learn to forget Haeli no matter the cost.

Besides Adeline wasn't a bad person, she was nice, she used to be a tomboy but marriage changed her, she was good at skateboarding, she was kind and had a warm personality, a fun person to be with.

He actually used to be close friends with Adeline, but their marriage spoilt it all, he hated her for the fact that she was the one who took Haeli's position as his wife, and also because he hated himself.

Adeline had been surprised with her husband's behaviour the past few days, he would hug her to sleep while holding her tightly like he didn't want to let go, he would whisper the words sorry into her ear each night, but still would ignorenher the whole day what was he trying to do.

She felt helpless in this situation, it's okay if he didn't love her but for him to be trampling on her already broken heart she wouldn't allow that, she didn't love him before but it started after their marriage, she kept trying her best to make him fall for her but she guessed it was time to give up on baseless dreams.

Her first child was already 19 years old, the second was 16, she had been stuck in this loveless marriage for over 20 years, now she was 43 she was too old for this sort if things she had to learn to give up some important things, it's high time I gave up, right?, she thought to herself, she kept thinking till she fell asleep on the bed.