COMPLETED Getting engaged at a young age had been a nightmare for Alexander, so he stayed away as much so he could shirk his duties. Camellia, on the other hand, looked forward to the day they would get joined in matrimony forever. So when Alexander came back without acknowledging her existence, Camellia took it as a challenge to make him fall deeply in love with her.
Tammy ran out from the room holding her anger. She was so mad she felt like crying. It was the third day she was replacing Elizabeth, and she really had enough. The first day, she got a sharp glare when she just reminded him about the meeting. Seriously, she didn't know which part she did wrong to receive the sudden glare and today, she even felt like quitting on that right moment. How could Elizabeth handle this moody and unreasonable boss? Guess, a handsome face didn't help in covering for bad personality.
"I don't care, I'm going to quit if you're still going to make me replace Ely for the time being. He is…" She leaned her head closer to the manager of HR, Zelda, and continued, "really crazy!"
"But…Tammy…you know, everyone else's department secretary had already taken their turn before. Replacing Ely's place, can't you hold-"