
Wandering to be Found

Read the tales of Endirwald and Tesmania. The magical and human domains with a tragic, bloodstained history behind them. One crucial night, as the rulers of both kingdoms extended their hands and chose to unite as one after years of feuds, the night took a toll. The forethought that was to bring peace to the land instead struck it with catastrophe. Leaving Endirwald dismantled and driving magic wielders to the point of near extinction. What happened that night? That is a mystery yet to be unraveled. Young magic wielder, Adeline Zechariah along with her brother, struggles to survive through the vengeful human world. Nearly two decades since that unfortunate night, 18 year old Adeline has been on the run all her life with danger awaiting her on every turn. All she can think of is getting through this unwelcomed adventure she calls life - to what extent? She doesn't even know. But what happens when she discover she and her brother aren't the only surviving magic wielders after all. And finds fellow wielders with a safe haven at stock too. A home, something very out of the ordinary to her which she welcomes with open arms. Further more she finds herself embraced in an enthralling romance - yes romance, something she couldn't have dreamt of having the time nor luxury to spare to be indulged in. That too with entrancing, amiable Ezekiel Gallagher with the face of a delinquent angel coupled with his mysterious, bewildering persona. **Published on Wattpad as well**

Laiba_Saeed · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
2 Chs

Wandering to be Found

Chapter 1

Adeline pressed herself against the narrow alley's wall, straining her ears for the sound of the guards' retreating footsteps.

She sucked in breath. By the mouth of the alleyway the masculine shadow of a guard loomed, stark against the yellow light emitted by the street lamp.

She craned her neck from her spot by the corner. And surely there was a guard, sweat beaded his forehead, his breathing shallow and eyes wide. He dreaded the idea of facing his prey.

"Wise enough." she breathed. A wicked smirk made its way to her fine boned face.

She flexed her fingers, a swirl of frost dancing around them. She closed her eyes, breathing through her nose.

You got this, you are in control. She coaxed herself.

Before she could so much as blink, an invisible force knocked the guard off his feet, slamming his head against the stone wall and rendering him unconscious.

The invisible body began flickering and shimmering till her gaze was met with her older brother solidifying before her.

Adeline rolled her eyes, bemused. "Always with the dramatics."

But Conner didn't seem very amused, no he was furious.

"You shouldn't have taken a chance like that." he snarled.

Adeline's temper flared up.

"Its my magic Conner, I think I know what I'm dealing with."

He barked a harsh laugh. One that had her bracing herself for his riposte.

"Oh is that so?" he says cocking an eyebrow, feigning innocent curiosity "We both know where that's got us over the years."

Adeline glared at him concealing the old wounds his words mawed opened deep within her conscience, but there was no hiding the hurt that flashed in her blue green eyes.

Conner winced, regretting his sharp words and cursing his short temper. He slumped against the stonewall running a frustrated hand through his black strands a few shades lighter than Adeline's raven, silken mass plaited at the nape of her neck.

"That was awfully low of me." he murmured in a defeated voice, sighing. "But we're in no positions to take risks like that."

She snorted, "Well I've got to give it to you, atleast you tried for some decency and not be so blunt about it. I spot improvement."

But she supposed she ought to forgive him. Today's been a hard day on the both of them and that's saying something since every other day of their miserable lives was foreign to the concept of being referred to as ordinary. But travelling from city to city in a span of two days followed by being chased by the guards upon reaching your destination wasn't exactly enlightening.

Conner groaned, "Like I said you've got to be more careful, Liney. Just the other day..." He trailed off unsure.

On their travel from the desert city Xebanne to here, the port city Amundria, they were confronted by the royal guards. They were yet again recognized as the pair of the dark haired, magic wielding siblings flouncing around all of Tesmania. That night while Conner dealt with the rest of the royal guards, two had cornered Adeline. Naturally, she had chose to call up her magic except that it came up too fast and too fierce like it always did. Almost killing her attackers.

Murder and death of humans was forbidden, atleast to those magic wielders who still respected their fallen kingdom's royal family. As for the rebels during the reign of the royal family took delight in spilling human blood. Those wielders gaining the term of 'Sabre'. Of course her actions being associated to that of a Sabre's horrified Adeline, but chose to not let the guilt get to her.

"They'll live." she says, shrugging.

She chuckled as she watched her brother throw up his hands in exasperation.

* * * *

Throwing their hoods over their head, they stalked towards the bar amidst the slums. The night was fairly humid, with the light sea breeze blowing the slum's unwashed scent towards them.

Adeline scrunched her nose in distaste giving her surroundings a skeptical look. Conner chuckled under his breath.

"The lumpen bar awaits you.", he taunts.

"If I were you I'd be more concerned for myself, brother. Captain of the royal guards' lovely daughter awaits you." she drawls giving him a smile, dripping with venom.

Snickering at his answering grimace, Adeline pushed the rickety door open. Their senses were instantly assaulted by the foul smell of ale and sweat along with the sound of drunken, slurry chattering and tuneless, jarring music.

Seated in a far corner looking awfully out of place, was a doe-eyed brunette. Her big brown eyes searching the room, that instantly brightened up upon spotting Conner. Adeline fought to stifle a snort on beholding his pained expression.

Adeline stayed back as Conner made his way to her. The petty girl was swooning over a man her father hunts down for a living. Adeline supposed Conner could pass for good-looking with his tall, lean, well muscled built and broad set of shoulders. Accompanied by his rich, golden tan skin, liquid brown eyes, full lips and defined cheekbones.

Conner gently took her outstretched hand and leaned down brushing his lips to her knuckles, his lips lingering a moment too long.

Adeline rolled her eyes. Oh, he'll be a pleasing chap to the enemy's ladies if it meant getting the information they so desperately searched for.

Adeline edged near their table, within hearing range.

"I'm glad you could make it." Conner said with an easy smile, once they were seated.

"Not that it was easy." She informed dramatically. "Why pick such a place though?"

Conner chuckled, sitting back. "You need to live a little, love."

Truth be told, it was because this area was free of the guard patrols. This bit of knowledge Conner wooed her into giving the first time they encountered her. And then the dimwit readily agreed to meet him here, tonight.

She gave him a small smile, twirling a lock of hair around her finger. "Well then show me. Show me everything there's to offer."

Adeline frowned, not liking one bit what this girl had in mind. But Conner managed a smile through his teeth.

"But first love, tell me what the royals are on about." his voice growing urgent. And though his posture seemed in control and relaxed, his eyes gave away his dread and hope.

The girl stiffened, her expression going from clouded desire to cynical.

"I think it's only fair that the common folk are well aware of the danger that awaits them." he continues.

"Besides," he purrs "we need your safety assured for all the....adventures that await us."

His fingers caressing her arm. A lover's touch.

All doubts flew out the window and she eagerly leaned in. Her eyes scanned for intruders all the while Adeline hid herself in the shadows.

"They say they spotted the symbol." she whispers.

Adeline's breath caught in her throat. Not allowing her wild imagination of all the possibilities get ahead of her.

She directed her concentration on the conversation ahead.

"The symbol?" Conner asked, feigning confusion.

"The symbol of the magic wielders." she repeated, sliding a piece of parchment towards him.

Tilting her head for a better view, Adeline regarded the symbol of her homeland. Of which she'd heard tales, romanticization and forewarnings all alike. But was yet to set eyes on. And it made her heart swell.

A phoenix with it's wings unfurled and curved, connecting over it's head in an arch. It's tail perpendicular to it's wings with the rigidity of an arrow and its tip downcast.

The phoenix being the sacred animal of magic wielders and symbolizing the magic of their fallen rulers. Children of the sun is what they had been called, for drawing power from the sun itself. Their flames so pure and fierce.

Of course Adeline was never there to witness them in all their glory. All she knew was from the legends her mother would narrate to her. A starving peoples lost mythos.

Conner was left struck and speechless. His gaze fixated on the parchment with wide eyes.

The girl quirked an eyebrow, "What is it?"

"Where?" he blurted. His voice hoarse, his cleverly constructed demeanor falling.

She looked hesitant. But meeting his forlorn, devasted eyes, raw of emotion she mistook his countenance for fear.

Taking his hand in both of hers, she exclaimed, "Don't be scared! I'll have father work on it immediately-"

He snatched his hand away

"Where." he ground out, his eyes growing cold and stony.

Her face grew wary but she answered nonetheless, "By the pier at the Yeti beach."

Adeline's heart hammered against her chest and her breathing ragged. She felt lightheaded all together.

She stumbled, slumping on a nearby barstool. Squeezing her eyes shut as she clutched at her chest, a strangled sob escaping her. Pressing her head against the cool, filthy counter she calmed her breathing.

She wondered how long she'd been there when she felt a gaze fixated on her. She pried her eyes open to find a boy sitting across from her, regarding her with keen interest.

Cocking her head, she surveyed the boy who seemed to be around her age.

Coming from a lone window, the pouring in moonlight bathed him. Glazing his pale hair, illuminating his smooth skin and giving the illusion of his silver-gray eyes aglow. Giving him an ethereal aura.

"Those are some pretty unusual eyes you got there. At first glance blue..." he breathed, his breath reeked of alcohol. "And then you spot these green hues around the iris..."

She cocked an eyebrow, amusement evident across her face.

"You're quiet observant for a tippler." she remarks.

A small smile played on his lips.

"Beauty never goes unnoticed. Atleast never by a drunk man in need of companionship." he croons, inching closer. His gaze dropping to her lips.

She jolted off the stool, narrowing her eyes.

"Too bad I'm not a drunkard wanting companionship." she mutters taking her departure.