
Wandering Through Dimensions

when a paradox is created, the world is destroyed. creators of the paradox are referred to as "impossible". when our main character becomes one of the impossible, he is sent one journey through random worlds, in search of something unattainable

Bradley_Jacques · Cómic
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10 Chs

Lyres and Liars

I step through the corridor, with the traveler, paimon, venti, and diluc following behind.

"So Uh, you seem pretty good at combat. Where'd you learn to do all that?"

Paimon says, in a attempt to cut through the tense atmosphere.

"And how'd you do that attack that hit the fatui while you were so far away? You don't seem to have a vision on you, so how did you do it?"

'She has a talent in ruining the mood. Now is not the time for small talk. We are in a fatui camp, where someone could be listening at any time.'

'Well. This could be a opportunity to feed false info to the fatui. I don't want them having an advantage over me, and this could help me out later down the line.'

"You see paimon, it's quite simple. When I moved back, I picked up a small rock, and flicked it at him."

"What?! You're telling paimon that you can launch a stone that fast? But do you have a vision?"

"I have a electro vision, but I left it at my inn. You see, when you saw me in the tavern I had just woken up from a hangover, and since I went to a bar, not expecting a fight, I chose to leave it."

"I will admit, that was rather foolish of you. What vision user doesn't take their vision with them everywhere they go?"

Diluc says, narrowing his eyes.

"Never knew that. I just got my vision a few months back. Never heard of any vision etiquette."

"You only received your vision a few months ago? Then how did you fight off dvalin during past attacks with it if you had just received it? It's quite a feat to fight off one of the 4 great winds with a new vision."

Venti speaks up. He has been kind of quiet, but now he chooses to speak up? Talk about bad timing.

"I learn quickly. Now let's focus, we are in an enemy base."

We enter the room, and see the lyre just right there, on a pedestal.

'There's no way this isn't a trap.'

"Lumine, how about you go take the lyre?"

I say, with a deadpan expression.

'It shouldn't be anything too bad. The lyre was just stolen, so they should have had time to set up any lethal traps. Better safe than sorry though.'

She walks forward, and reaches out for the lyre. As she touches it, a cage slams down around the lyre. She quickly moves back, and fatui begin to surround us.

"Venti, can you use your vision to create a swirl at the center of the room?"

"I can't. The only thing I can really do is play songs.

'He's useless. Why did he even come if he has no combat capabilities?'

"Fine then. Diluc, can I trust you to watch my back for me? I'll take on the leader."


"Lumine, take the left and right"

"I'll do my best!"

'Now, let's experiment, shall we?'

I grab a stone from the ground, and clench my fist around it. I make my fist into an O shape, and cover the bottom with my other hand. I then discretly create a cube in the space behind the rock, and summon forth flames.

I Compress them, and then aim at a fauti.

I Launch the rock forward.

The fatui's head explodes.


"Anyone want more from where that came from?"


I take the same position, and the fatui begin to scatter, and 2 attempt to rush forward at me, trying to stop me from launching an attack.

"You fool. You've fallen into my trap!"

I quickly cover my fists in a light coating of gravity, and catch both of the swords aimed at my head.

I shatter them in my hands, and then grab one of the retreating fatui by the leg and send my knee into their spine.

A satisfying *Crunch* can be heard. I drop him, and go directly into toward the leader. It's an electro mage this time, but I'm not gonna give her the chance to do anything.

She shoots a bolt of lightning at me. I dodge to the left, but she launches 2 more at me mid roll.

'This is gonna hurt, but it'll be worth it.'

As the lightning strikes me, an flash of heat accompanys it. I Slam my fist into the ground, creating a cloud of dust.

"That is what happens when you go against the will of the Tsaria. HOHOHO!"

She begins to celebrate, but I cut that short when I dash out of the smoke, slightly singed. I grab her arm, pull her toward me, and Slam her head into the ground.

I quickly follow up with a stomp to the neck, incapacitating her.

The rest of the fatui are light work. We take them out, and leave with the lyre. I left the ringleader alive for Jean to imprison and interrogate them. We leave the hideout, and return to the angel's share. Although the lyre is broken, the traveler uses one of dvalins tears to partially fix it.

"Jacques, would you assist me in this endeavor of finding the tears of dvalin?"

Venti asks me.

"No. I don't do fetch quests. Let me know when the lyre is fixed though."

I promptly walk out before anyone can say anything, I don't have time to do fetch quests, I have to experience and research this Pyro that I've absorbed into my cube. I plan for another short trip out of mondestat, only a day or two, to learn what I can really do.

I leave the gates once again, with a smile on my face. Thinking about how I could use my cube to beat Dvalin, and future opponents.

feedback is approved.

please tell me if this fight scene was good

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