
Wandering the Borderlands

They called me a murderer, I called them dead. Walking past their dead bodies, stacks of money-filled my pockets. Reborn I seek to roam this world. May it be for the worst or the best. The novel has been posted on Royal Road under the account name TheDevilsNightmare. Art isn't mine found it off google images.

GodofTruth · Derivados de juegos
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35 Chs

War starts with Terror (5)


"What was that?" Athena asked hearing a large explosion from outside.

"There are people outside wearing suits and Masquerade masks. There are some others wearing V-Tech armor. Mechs and robots are also on stand by. They are also carrying Plasma Rifles and personal shields. There's a literal army outside the Drakensberg. Whoever they are, they are packing some mean trouble." Pickle called in.

"Oh, my V-tech?" Claptrap exclaimed shocked.

"The hell is V-tech?" Athena asked.

"V-tech is a type of armor really expensive. Ex dahl super soldiers use to wear the things but after the cracking, they stopped sending the super soldiers here. The amour is kinda just a hunk of metal which boost endurance and strength kinda like an armoured steroid machine in a way. The type of people who use those things is either rich or ex super soldiers. I believe it's both in this case," Pickle chimed in.

"So they found me... Oh, boy... Oh, boy... How funny of you to send your dogs to me," Dracule smiled hearing pickle.

"There's more coming but I have to go... I think some of them saw me. Pickle out. Stay safe will yah!" Pickle warned before retreating the sound of static coming from his comms.

"I tell you what guys. Here Athena, take the skipper and travel to The coordinates. I'll deal with the enemies outside and claptrap protect Athena, I know you are more than capable of handling yourself High-five friend see you soon," Dracule smiled high-fiving claptrap and walking away.

"Hey, wai-... and he's gone... Let's go Claptrap. I think he'll be fine," Athena sighed seeing Dracule vibrate and then disappear. walking they quickly made their way towards the ship on the roof.


Dracule reaching outside looked up to see the gang fly away. Seeing the successfully depart he exited to see large craters on the side of Drakonberg with many armed men now aiming their weapons towards Dracule.
















Unloading their clip onto Dracule. Dracule fell onto the ground like a puppet with no strings. It's life drifting away. Everyone finishing their clips reloaded and fired again creating a large crater on the ledge.

"Sir? Are you sure we need to keep firing? I'm pretty sure he's dead..." A soldier asked.

"Do you even know who we're shooting at? That fucker down there is Revenant!" A Person responded from the V-Tech suit. (AN: Think of Halo armor)

"Wait... The Revenant? The guy worth one billion dollars?" The soldier asked.

"Of course why do you think we're going Overkill?" Another responded.

"Yeah but he doesn't seem much I mean we just used three-quarters of our ammunition on a dead guy. There is, like, nothing there, we basically incenera-" A mobster responded before a large arm extruded from his chest his heart pierced from the other end.

"Think again." A dark raspy voice replied chuckling and throwing a large emp removing everyone's shields in the area leaving them vulnerable.

The arm not finished pulled up splitting the man into a giant V his upper body now in two. Everyone turning around was shocked to see dark mist with a dark arm extruded outward. (An: Know how Revenant can turn into mist? Welp instead of making this form useless and only used for an emergency this form is the perfect assassin now. Is it smoke or death? You'll never know what you're choking on. hehe.)

"How did that sneak upon us? Quickly fire ughah! It's inside of me! My god, please someone HE- Blugh" Another mobster shouted before exploding outward his limbs and guts flying onto other mobsters and allies.

"Another meat suit gone and to think I was going to take a break..." Dracule muttered shifting form body to body before coming across the robots and V-tech armored soldiers.

"I'll just keep one of you alive wait... What is that light," Dracule muttered seeing a small shine of light coming from afar. Seeing it he smiled devilishly.

"Nevermind, all of you are dying here today," Dracule continued his rampage now increasing in pace.

'Die! Die! Die! Die you bloody monster! Stay AWAY FROM ME- AH UGH," A V-tech armored soldier spat before being left legless and armless leaving him looking like a bloody nugget. left bleeding the others now finally activated their shields after the shock.

"So you shield have recharged how bothersome that grenade cost a lot." Dracule sighed.

Grabbing a plasma rifle from the floor he flicked on a switch and fired toward the enemy bot who was shielded like a bubble, pushing the shielded target against another, causing them to rebound off each other fast like two magnets with the same side.

The target now pushed back towards Draucle was sliced in half the bubble shield now entering Dracule's space, Its metallic frame clinking on the ground. Seeing that the V-tech armoured units flared up they rushed Dracule with the remaining bots also pushing forward electricity pulsing from their hands.

Dracule seeing them shift plans Quickly jumper to a nearby corpse strapping grenades to its mouth before kicking it towards the enemy cracking their shields. The V-tech armoured units unfazed by the shock moved in.

"Oh? You're approaching me?" Dracule smiled before tossing another emp and slashing the remaining enemies killing them and causing a massive shockwave throughout the area. Walking to the shining light he was met with a camera.

"I'll be seeing you soon." Dracule smiled before pulling out the power cells and GTD- Processer.

"Oh, my so you're that far huh," Dracule smiled seeing the GTD- chip. (AN: Galatic transmitter data chip)

"This will come in handy when uploading the skipper into whatever she's going into," Dracule muttered.