
Wandering Soul

Elainne is a normal kid living her normal life. Wait. She's dead. But how? Who killed her? Let's find out if Elainne can uncover the truth about her death.

sheabutter · Adolescente
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4 Chs

II. Grace Period

Do you know what the grace period rule is? It is if the teacher doesn't arrive on the first fifteen minutes of his/her class, it will be cancelled. Do you apply this rule in your school?

It was Tuesday, a month or so before I died, and time for Mrs. Simpson's test. She rarely gets late in class. She's an authoritarian. That is the reason why many people in the school, whether they are students or co-teachers, despise her. I can say that Mrs. Simpson is one of my favorite teachers. She stands for what is just.

Five minutes has already passed but still no sign of Mrs. Simpson. The classroom was getting noisier by the minute. A lot of my classmates are puzzled since Mrs. Simpson never gets late. In fact, she hates people who are always late. One of my classmates, Barry, started taking charge. It is as if he was the one tasked by the higher-ups to keep things in order. As if. Tsk.

Anyway, he was asking for a volunteer to check on Mrs. Simpson. And since I am kinda bored and it's very noisy in this goddamn classroom, I took the liberty of checking Mrs. Simpson's whereabouts.

Mrs. Simpsons' office is two floors above our classroom. As I was taking my sweet time to go to her office, I saw a group of people flocking near the ladies' room. As the curious cat that I am, I went near the restroom to see what was going on. There I saw the body of Mrs. Simpson, hanging on the ceiling of one of the cubicles with foam on her mouth. The wall of the restroom was covered with writings in blood: "To Kill or Not To Kill? 1/10"

I can't hide the disgust that I am feeling. I feel like puking. Is someone really capable of doing something like this?

As the police removed the body of Mrs. Simpson in the CR, something shiny dropped in front of me - a piece of keychain. I picked it up and hurriedly kept it in my pocket. I can't help but wonder - who effin' owns this keychain?