
Waking in the world of Teyvat

Mathias Emmit, a 26 year old male, multi-talented Omni-vert is suddenly stricken with depression. Struggling to enjoy life, Mathias finds comfort in one last activity. Sleep. Before to long he begins having a reoccurring night terror , where he falls from some enormous structure only to wake up screaming right before hitting the ground. Mathias’ life is forever changed when one night during his night terror… he doesn’t wake up, instead he breaks through the ground as if it were glass and is greeted by some unnamed entity. The Entity explains that Mathias died in his sleep. Heart attack. And his soul was stuck from passing on. The Entity mentions that there is a way out of his situation, but with a condition. The entity could only send his soul into another realm’s life-death cycle. Upon agreeing to the Entity’s terms, Mathias is sent with a few ‘blessings’ to the realm of Teyvat, a world of magic and monsters. However this ‘benevolent’ entity is a befallen god. A god of chaos. A god of chaos with a grudge against the ‘Usurper’ of Teyvat and her heavenly principles. With a new name and body to go with his new life, what has Mathias un-willingly agreed to? What perils await him in a world with living gods? *** DISCLAIMER! *** I do not own rights to Genshin Impact, nor it’s characters. I only claim responsibility for my OC character: Mathias Emit/ Mathias Nox. Credit for Artwork attached to this Fanfic goes to its respective artist(s) ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Comments, and criticism are welcomed! This is my first attempt at a fanfic, so any feedback is appreciated.

And_Ven · Derivados de juegos
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13 Chs

Chapter: Strange Enemies

Paimon didn't care for the options she had

to choose from, but her friend was in

trouble… and Nox did offer to help…

"Alright! Paimon will take you up on your

offer. But if you try anything funny… you'll

have to answer to Paimon!" She groaned

reluctantly accepting his help, returning his

kindness with an idle threat.

"And we wouldn't want that now, would we?"

Mathias laughed making light of Paimon.

"Gggrrrhhh!!" huffed Paimon; already

regretting Nox's help.

Taking his time and a fair amount of effort

Mathias managed to hoist Lumine onto his

back, piggyback style. Making a significant

effort to hold her up without touching her

thighs, by having her slit dress act as a

barrier between his hands and her legs…

something Mathias made paimon astutely

aware of for he maintained awkward eye

contact through out the actions entirety.

"Okay lead the way!" He smirked

Paimon suspiciously narrowed her eyes at

Nox, backpedaling in the air towards the

city of Mondstadt. Mathias followed, the

urge to tease her dissipated with each step

towards Mondstadt. Paimon kept her

narrowed eyes on Nox till he caught up with

her, a detail mathias picked up on for

when he did catch up with her, she turned

her attention to the path ahead.

Her head swiveled back and forth, actively

scanning the foliage like she anticipated

something to come jumping out. In the

distance, through the trees Mathias saw

slow spinning sails; a question sprang to

mind 'Are those windmills?' Soon he would

clearly see the city of Freedom. Coming to a

short cliff that over looked another clearing

with a dirt road that forked left or right,

Paimon stopped and pointed to the isolated

city that sat on the edge of Cider Lake, with

its giant stone walls, its sturdy cobblestone

bridge connecting the city to land.

"That's the city of freedom: Mondstadt"

She explained, floating back and forth in the

air. To Mathias the city resembled a European

Fortress from the medieval era, with

monolithic windmills scattered within the

city. It was the kind of place that could be

found in fantasy RPG's.

"And right below where we are standing, is

the domain known as the Temple of the

Falcon." Informed Paimon.Marveling at the

sight of the city, questions drifted into

Mathias' curious mind: 'what's a domain?' 'Why

is there a temple dedicated to aFalcon?' 'What's

the significance of this?' For now these

questions would stay un-asked as there

were matters of greater importance at hand.

"Now, let's hurry! We're almost there"

Paimon urged, heading towards the side of

the hill leading to the trail. Preparing to

follow through with his offer of taking

Lumine to get help, Mathias figured he

ought to be thinking about what he was

going to do next 'step 1: gain some capital,

step 2: food, step 3: lodging' Having only a

vague plan mentally prepared Mathias felt

Lumine was beginning to slip, Without much

thought, He gently hopped as too secure

her tightly against him. Lumine's chest

pressed against his back, Mathias' face

flushed with embarrassment as his manly-

hood became aroused 'WoahWoahWoah

What the hell?! Why am I so turned on? This

isn't anything new!' He screamed mentally.

However! there is one key detail that Mathis

seemed to have forgotten… He was no

longer in his matured, 26 year old body! He

was in a developing, hormonal, teenage body.

With his attention elsewhere Mathias didn't

notice Paimon not only stopped,but she

had also taken cover behind a tree as

strange creatures blocked the road! These

Humanoid creatures were relatively the size

of a-preteen human, except shorter, and

scrawnier. They had blackened skin

with primitive tattered clothing covering

their bodies. Each and everyone of these

creatures have lush manes and wear a

white mask that covered the entirety of their

faces. These beings were known as

Hilichurls, and Hilichurls did not like

humans! In fact they were outright hostile

towards them.

"Nox!!" Paimon softly shouted trying to get

his attention without alerting the pack of

Hilichurls. Her warning had fallen on deaf

ears as Mathias continued onto the road.

"Huh, Funny looking creatures…" he mused

looking at the small creatures he would

soon know as hilichurls. He continued

towards the creatures

"Du, ika ya ya!!" A Hilichurl shouted pointing

at mathias and lumine, the three other

Hilichurls in the pack pulled out sticks,

igniting them with fire as they blitzed
