
Wake Your Dreams

The female lead, a seventeen-year-old high-school student residing in Kyoto Prefecture, held a secret. Beneath her seemingly ordinary facade, she harbored a passion for crafting adult stories, a thrill she ardently kept hidden. Like any other typical teenager who will soon graduate, she is confused about what to do in future. Known to be an aloof and arrogant girl in school, a persona she had cultivated as a defense mechanism against the judgemental gazes of her peers. Loneliness gnawed at her, leaving her with an undeniable sense of worry. Coinciding with her cousin brother’s return to Kyoto after a lengthy nine-year absence, her life took an unexpected turn. Unlike her, he was vibrant and outgoing nature, a captivating foil to her own reserved facade. And what seems to be worrying is that she seems to see her cousin brother not as a "cousin brother". As the threads of their lives intertwined, an internal struggle grew within her, for she could not deny the attraction that bloomed in her heart. ~She feared that she was falling head over heels for the person in front of her. He is someone she should not love.~ The path ahead remained uncertain , an unfolding story waiting to be written.

MoonlitNightRoxana · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
48 Chs

He is someone she should not love




"Kiyoko, open the door…"

The boy knocked on the door again. He carried a packet of potato buns in his left hand.

"I am coming inside."

With a slight creek the door opened ajar, the boy walked inside.

He smiled, feeling a rush of affection for the person sleeping. She was sitting on the chair and her head rested on the study table. The boy slowly walked towards the sleeping person.

The boy reached out and gently shook the person's shoulder, hoping to wake them up. The girl stirred but didn't wake up completely.


Carefully, he brushed a strand of hair away from her face, revealing her peaceful sleeping expression.

"Kiyoko…Wake up!"

The boy softly whispered.

But Kiyoko only mumbled in her sleep.

His eyes lingered on the figure of the person fast asleep.

'A Koala bear…?' He thought.



It was the sound of the phone ringing which roused Kiyoko from her sleep.

With half opened eyes, she dragged herself towards the phone which was on the bed. On seeing the caller Id she hastily woke up from her drowsiness.


'10 missed calls'

'Strange! He never calls me.'

That's what Kiyoko was thinking when her phone rang again.


It was her Mother.

"Hello Mom." Kiyoko said after she picked up the call.

The caller from other side said in a rather monotonous voice.

"Kiyoko were you sleeping again? Why were you not studying? I was calling you from your Dad's phone but you didn't pick up! Please focus on your studies."

Kiyoko wanted to hang up the call right there.

She sighed and said. "Sorry, mom…"

"Yes. And I think we won't be able to come during the summer holidays. Your brother will have to go for a summer competition and I will be going there to cheer him up. That's what I had to inform. Study well and take care of Zehan."

The caller hung up the call immediately.

Kiyoko threw the phone on the bed.

She smiled bitterly.

'She never came to cheer me up when I went to those competitions.'

Earlier Kiyoko used to go to many competitions to impress her parents. But now she does not bother to that anymore.

'Oh why will her parents praise her? I am not their 'son.'

Kiyoko's eyes drifted towards her laptop. She was writing her new novel. It was when she fell asleep thinking about how to improve the plot.

On the side table lay a packet of potato buns.

'That was here earlier?'

Her eyes moved back to her laptop screen.

Intense-erotic-smut descriptive words covered the entire screen.


"I don't think he would read…ha ha", Kiyoko smiled. Her face was reddening.

She closed the laptop and immediately stormed out of the room.

'I should have closed the room.'

'He would not have read.'

'He is not petty to mention these to mom even if he had read.'


Kiyoko wanted to cry.

She climbed down the stairs hurriedly.

Zehan, who was in the kitchen, glanced at Kiyoko. He was setting down the dinnerware on the table.

The sight made Kiyoko all giddy up even though she was anguished just moments ago. She shook her head and then hurried towards the kitchen.

Zehan smirked.

"Kiyoko, Dinner is ready!"

Kiyoko glared at the smiling boy, wearing a pink apron with flower polkas which did not suit him at all.

"What's with that look? Sit down. I made your favorite yaki udon."

Kiyoko momentarily sighed in relief.

'I don't think he read it.'

'I will make sure to lock the door from now on before writing.' She made a quick promise to herself.

She sat down and glanced at the delicacies in front of her.

"Where did you get this kimchi soup? It looks yummy."

"Aunt Kaze gave me yesterday when I was returning from the club."

"Oh.", Kiyoko said. 'Who is that Aunt Kaze?'

Zehan as if sensing Kiyoko's question said," She is the lady who lives opposite to our house."

"Oh", Kiyoko replied and concentrated on eating her food.

Zehan was polar opposite to her. Kiyoko has been living here since childhood and yet she does not know or talk to her neighbors as much as Zehan, who has just started living here since two years ago.

Zehan was Kiyoko's cousin brother. His father Tomo Watanabe is Kiyoko's second grandfather's son .Toto Watanabe, Kiyoko's father and Tomo Watanabe grew up together as brothers in the same house.

Zehan also grew up in the same house. He was Kiyoko's first friend. They were quite close as they were only three years apart in their age .That was until Zehan's parent divorce. Zehan and his elder brother, Hiroshi moved out with their mother and settled down in Tokyo.

It has been twelve years since then.

Zehan came back two years ago to attend school in Kyoto. It's the same institution Kiyoko attends. The reason why he was attending the institution was because of its art facilities.

Zehan wants to become an artist.

At times, Kiyoko gets jealous of Zehan. Zehan's mother is quite supportive of him pursuing his dream. That was what her parents would never ever do.

"Here have some more!" Zehan said and put some more food on Kiyoko's plate.

Kiyoko glanced back at the boy sitting opposite to her.

"Do you want to make me piggy?" Kiyoko said and gobbled down some more udon.

"You will be a very cute pig." Zehan smiled and passed some more food towards Kiyoko.

Kiyoko scoffed and continued eating.

"Did you eat those potato buns? I kept those on your study table."

Kiyoko momentarily tensed up and then replied," Naah, I will eat it later."

'Did he read…..?Oh my GOD! I think he definitely read those! Shit!'

"But what surprised me was that you write that adult stuff. I thought you are naïve in those areas but I guess you are not."

Zehan nonchalantly said and smirked.

Kiyoko gulped nervously.

'Yes, I knew my gut feeling is always right!'

"I did not mean to read it but some words just caught my eyes and then I could not help myself but read ….I am sorry!"

Zehan continued.

"I searched for your novel. I will sure read it once."

Kiyoko signed in despair.

"Now you know it what will you do? Will you tell my Mom?!"

"Let's see…"

"Please Don't."

Kiyoko yelled. Zehan glanced at her eyes. They were filled with fear and anguish. Fear of losing something she cherishes.

Zehan grabbed some udon veggies with his chopsticks and put them on Kiyoko's bowl.

"Alright, I won't .Now continue eating."

Kiyoko fought back the tears that were about to gather in her eyes.

"Do want to come with me tomorrow?" Zehan asked.

"Where will we go?" Kiyoko asked.

"Umm…My friends and I will visit the new karaoke shop .Do you want to join? Tamaka was asking if you could join us."

Kiyoko really liked Tamaka Fu.

Tamaka Fu, a friend of Zehan reading in the same grade as him. She was really a good ane-chan to Kiyoko.

"Alright.", Kiyoko replied after some thought.

Zehan's lips curved upwards. His eyes lit up with tenderness.

Kiyoko was infatuated at the sight of tender smile which adamantly lingered on Zehan's face.

She feared that she was falling head over heels for the person in front of her. He is someone she should not love.


End of Chapter 1