
Wake up in parallel earth after exhausted from non stop gaming

Story about young man pass out from exhaust of over gaming and wake up in the parallel earth as unfamiliar body and his new life full of adventure are start (Warning!! it my first time writing so have some Mercy on me Ok English is not my first or second language properly bad grammar for sure) (What can you expect from this story well you can get cool and intelligent overpower mc without struggling or tragedy No drama No Bullshit I try to make My mc enjoyable after many hour of reading and research the type of mc people will be like) Thank for reading my story

JohnMoeSatt · Cómic
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19 Chs

Shepherd didn’t lost his 30000 men anymore in a blink of eye

Ilberis and his team are head to the village church to avoid from air strike.They stay in the church while AC-130 gunship brutally destroy their enemies.

The sound of canon fire from the sky are shaking the ground.Ultranationalists solders are become piece of meats by 25mm gun,40mm gun and 105 mm canon from above.Now they know why this gunship is call hell from sky,outside of the Church is become hell for Russian soldiers,the gunship are very high and they can't shoot it down without anti-aircraft or fighter jets,they can't run or hide,their body temperature are already show on thermal imaging TV operator and they are like animals who waits to get slaughter.

It not a battle anymore,it is one side massacre,the team see two civilians vehicles on the road and borrow it from the drivers who scared the shit off and shacking.

They escape from village with two car but more enemies are coming and this time armored vehicles are include.Still they can't stop 105 mm canon and get destroy.

They left the car and move to junkyard where two CH-47 Chinook transport helicopter are come to pick team.More enemies personal are come but gunship is taking care of them.They successfully escaped with the escort of gunship and return to their base.Unlucky day for Russia soldiers,not only they have to watch their enemies escape in front of theirs eye,they also lose more than hundred of casualties in the fight.

On the Middle East,the war are still going, heavy fighting continue throughout the night as US Marines continue to push toward the capital city in pursuit of Khaled-Al-Asad.

Sporadic fighting can be heard as bulk of Al-Asad's forces fall back towards the Presidential Place.With the support of their newly repaired tanks,Sergeant Paul Jackson and his soldiers are push forward into the enemy territory.

"Gunner!Three story building! 11 o'clock!2nd floor!"

"Target acquired!"



Upgrade version of US M1A4 Abram tanks, code name "war pig" become new nightmare of resistance on the building.They losing their morale and start pulling back in order of survive.

A enemy T-72 tank is join the battle to cover his soldiers but get destroy immediately by war pig.

After they win the fight a CH-46 sea knight come to pig them to join the attack to possible location of Al-Assd in Basrah,Iraq.

"Marine,we have possible fix on Al-Asad in the Capital city 1 battalion [connection suddenly cut off]

Ilberis is in safe house in Hamburg.After he learning US marine are head to capture Al-Asad in his capital city,Ilberis start his plan.

During first day of invasion,Ilberis teleport to Basrah,Iraq and find the location of a nuke warhead.He take the photo and video evidence of the nuke alongside with Ultranationalists who give the nuke and plan to detonate it.He use one of reality playing faction call camera mode which make him allow to take photo or record wherever the location as long as in the game world.He also record the evidence of Al-Asad is already escaping with the help of Russia ultranationalists.

Ilberis hack the US military commanding office and give them that information.Lieutenant General Shepherd get panicked for the first time of his life, he knew something is wrong from the start ,like they(Ultranationalist's)are luring them)Imilitary) by executing the president in front of national TV.

Al-Asad and his force are just a pawn,the one who playing behind all the time is Makarov.He plan to lure the US military with the bait(Al-Asad) and give them surprise.

He want not only US military losing their reputation but also losing a huge amount of casualties and military equipments from nuclear explosion.He want them become weak by all mean.

When he realised that Shepherd order his troops who are on the way of Basrah city to retreat immediately.

After a while,Makarov who is miles away from Basrah city ,he was ure the US military are still searching for Al-Asad and felling to his trap.

He get final reports that US military are already in the city and "checkmate"he said with a mocking smile and detonated the nuclear warhead.Sadly for him,his final report is come from Ilberis ,he really believe US military are in the city and turning dust,he even celebrate.

Now we can see a mushroom shape cloud on the sky of Middle East.The whole Basrah city are affected by nuclear blast and completely destroy.

Thousands of Al-Asad forces and some civilians who still in the city are disappear,properly turn to dust.The whole environment are affect by radioactive and nuclear fallout.

Shepherd and his troops got chilling to the bone while watching the scene.They can't imagine what will happen to them if they did not retreat.Shepherd secretly curse the CIA for knowing nothing and almost put more than 30000 of his soldiers life in danger.He also swear who ever behind that will be pay with big price when the time come.

After the match,Their informant Nikolai told them Al-Asad is probably in the safe house of his, in a small village of Azerbaijan where he is already hide in there multiple time.

Ilberis,Soap,Gaz,Price are heading to the small village and meeting with Russian loyalists who will helping them.

"Al-Asad is in the village, the ultranationalists are protecting him"

"Perfect,Move out"

On their way,they hear gun sounds and found Ultranationalists are killing the villager, so they start killing them all.

There are plenty of soldiers protecting Al-Asad,they didn't allow to waste many time or that fucker will escape again.So Price told Soap to call air support.

A attack helicopter show up and start shooting the enemies.

They even have tanks but not for long,Ilberis blow it with C4.The teams finally found Al-Asad is hiding in the barn with his two bodyguards.Price throw a flash grenade through the door and killing two bodyguards who are blind for movement and punching Al-Asad like a sand bag for a while.

Al-Asad is keep shouting in Arabic while Price keep punching him and ask him who give him the nuke,He want a name.

Suddenly Al-Asad phone ring and Price pick up.His expression turn ugly and piss off.He pick pistol aim to Al-Asad head and kill him with one shoot.

"Who was that sir?" Gaz asked.


"Imran Zakhaev"