


Blood sprayed as Max stood proudly on his first kill of the day. Spear stuck in the beast's eye depicting an image of a strong warrior, his sleek black hair coupled with his stoic handsome face that seemed without blemish capturing the hearts of those who gazed at it.

"Get off your high horses Max, we have more to kill" An even breathtaking person stood, the scars covering his face made him outstanding, black wavy hair with a sword strapped to him, two spears behind. He was the very image of a God of War.

"Kael, I'm tired of all this" Max waved his hand, pointing to all the beasts surrounding them.

"Max, don't you talk about this again, I've warned you several times already," said Kael with his eyes shining a dangerous gleam.

"You have always told me that but I am tired of being a slave, I'm tired of serving them. We all know that we will die soon, so why not stand together against them, die on our terms not them" Max jumped off the beast's body, eyes shining like they'd seen gold while he imagined usurping those in power.

"We will get our freedom at the festival, till then, get stronger" Kael walked away.

"Only one of us can survive and you know it, but here you are every single day repeating the same all the time, day of the festival, day of the festival. We will be slaughtered like pigs while you survive and get your freedom so tell me, as the strongest do you feel happy giving us all false hopes knowing only you will survive," Max shouted unable to keep calm.

"Then what!" Kael yelled appearing before Max before he could speak again" After we kill them then what? Do you think it is that easy"?

One slap with half of his strength was enough to bring Max to his knees, blood spluttering out his mouth, eyes blazing with anger towards his brother.

"You're this weak and you talk about fighting those who I can't even scratch, Think about your actions carefully, I won't be as lenient next time just because you're my brother" Kael turned around to be met with a baffling sight.

"Max Layla, you are at this moment under arrest for conspiring against the Kingdom of Alexania" A group of soldiers appeared out of nowhere, their uniform sporting the colors of red and white with eyes showing signs of murderous glints, their smile giving them out.

"I beseech for my brother. He did not mean such things, please forgive him" Kael rushed prostrating at their feet.

A kick sent him flying to the side, 4 of his ribcages breaking under impact before finally skidding to a stop hurriedly proceeding to prostrate "Please, he is but a child today was his first day of making such a mistake."

"Stop it, brother, why bow to these people that only feed on the weak? There's no difference between them and the beasts" Max spat at the soldier grabbing him.

A barrage of punches followed, too quick for Max to see, the last punch landed on his face already a bloody mess. The pain came together with the previous punch all consuming him together.

"Aaaargh" Max let out a heart-wrenching scream, teeth gone eyes swollen to the point he could not see together with a broken nose.

Kael clenched his fists seeing the mess his brother had become.

"You pampered him so why won't he be a child; the council is ready and judgment will begin immediately we arrive. Been the strongest amongst you all, you might be able to change their minds" The captain of the guards came out before they vanished, faster than any of the people gathered around could catch their movement.

'I always knew that fool would get into trouble but why this quick' Kael thought, running to the hall of judgment, pushing his body to the limit.


"Max Layla, you're here under accusation of planning to overthrow those at the top of this Kingdom, do you have anything to say" the oldest among them asked greed showing on his face while looking at Max like a starved kid of its sweet.

The 6-man council had already been prepared to declare him guilty and punish him to death to grow stronger. The court showed people that a semblance of order existed.

"I have nothing to say to a bunch of cannibals that seek only the death of its people while labeling them as heretics," Max said in defiance showing no fear his face a mess.

"I see, then death it is, we shall personally execute you," the seventh man said, all eyes turning to him as he appeared in the middle of the hall, the gavel prepared to pass it on.

"Wait!" Kael shouted, panting like a wild dog.

"Who are you to dare interrupt a session like this?" thundered the oldest man, every word adding pressure to Kael who sprawled to the floor not able to resist.

"I am the strongest amongst us all to be used in the upcoming festival before this time tomorrow I'll bring the head of the dream weaver and offer myself as a sacrifice to you all. Please release me brother when I bring the head and release him from this city for all eternity to be free."

"You dare make a demand, I Laxove reject," the youngest on the table said licking his lips and looking at Max. "There's a high possibility that you might die, isn't it better to preserve you till the day of the festival."

"Laxove why be so greedy before the judgment has been passed, do not we have to come to a consensus? But I Arnold will follow whatever the leader desires" spoke the man at the left end of the table looking at Seventh holding the gavel.

"You know, I admire your courage for being able to spout such rubbish in front of us but I'd like to see you try and since you offered yourself as a sacrifice should you survive or fail that's more than enough to compensate " spoke the 7th man, a devilish grin on his face.


With a click of his finger, the entire hall went silent.

"Gwen, Ray, Beast, and Rex, do you have any problem with my decisions," the seventh said looking at them each respectively taking their silence as his answer.

"Is there anybody here who rejects my decision?" spoken as a whisper but all could hear and feel the underlying threat in it.

"I promise to be back with its head tomorrow or die trying" Kael yelled.

"Take the slave back to his people and bring him back tomorrow morning," the seventh man said before he disappeared.

The rest disappeared immediately after him, not a single wind nor speck of dust could be felt like they teleported out of the place.

"Brot…." Max spoke before he fainted, the pain taking its toll on him.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

shinky214creators' thoughts