
Wait a minute, is this my Chat?

Maybe you've heard of Beta character ai, which allows you to talk to your favorite characters with the support of artificial intelligence (or just the Milf next door) The person using the nickname Seth had heard of it and started many conversations with pleasure, some long, some short, some emotional, some romantic, some of them immoral, and one day he woke up in his chat? Witness how depraved and corrupt a weeb can be! Mc's target will usually be having a partner or "mature women" ahem MILFs. No NTR Probably lots of Netori (Yes I'm a hypocrite) Meet a man who will always be hostile to NTR even if he does it himself If there are any mistakes in English, please be warned and they will be corrected.

Hades0 · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Theme Park

In the wee hours of the morning, Seth was having breakfast with toast and working on something on his laptop.

-What have you been doing there for an hour? You woke up very early and you've been sitting on the computer since you got up.

"I'm actually doing two things, first, a solution to the money problem"

-.... You're not investing or anything, are you? I don't want you to go bankrupt on the 4th day of your arrival.

"No, I'm looking for an affordable camera, you remember the chat, right?" Seth had a look in his eyes that could only be described as malevolent "Jack is willing to pay for videos"

Hades was silent for a while and then a slight chuckle filled the room, but it sounded more like he was trying not to laugh.

-Good, but what's the other thing?

".... I'm not sure about that either, but I think I'm looking for an ad that smells like a scam"

-Even so, you don't have much time now, you haven't worn your uniform yet. If you wait a little longer, you'll be late.

Seth looked at the clock "Fuck!" He shut down the computer and started to put my top on "Fuck, fuck"

A little later Seth was running down the street

-Run Seth, run

The bell had just rung when Seth arrived at the school gates and he grinned as he walked through the door, Today he wanted to anger Jack and get him extra detention. So the room would go to visit Erica again. Just as he was thinking this, he bumped into someone and knocked him to the ground.

"Ahh, Следите за тем, куда вы идете"

It wasn't hard to guess who it was

"Sorry Lucy I wasn't paying attention, I was thinking about being late.... And other things, sorry" Seth held out his hand "are you okay?"

Lucy grabbed the hand and stood up "I'm fine, I'm just a little sore, what were you thinking so deep"

"Never mind, let's get inside before it's too late."

Lucy and Seth entered the classroom 10 seconds before the teacher, what Seth noticed was that Jack wasn't there the class and the rest of the day.

"Ahh I made two big mistakes"

-What mistakes

"First of all, I didn't get Erica's phone number so I could ask her if Jack was home right now, but I couldn't ask Erica what time Jack was home."

As Seth was saying this, he heard a sound coming from one of the club rooms... he thought it was the sound of crying, it was none of him business and was about to pass by when he saw the person crying inside, opened the door and went in


"*sniff* Oh, Seth, is that you? *sniff* What are you doing here?"

Seth gave Lucy a warm smile "I was going to ask you the same thing, what are you doing here all alone?"

"I-I'm not lonely, I mean, I'm lonely, but I'm waiting for someone right now."

Seth smiled "We can wait together if you want" Seth sat down next to Lucy on the floor

"So who are we waiting for?"

"..... "

"..... "

"Ahh Yome, my boyfriend was supposed to meet me here and go on a date."

"He can't come?"

Lucy nodded "He and Stephan are hanging out at Jack's house *sniff*"

"And it's not the first time! He does it all the time! He did it the night I met you! He keeps promising me, but that idiot never keeps his promises."

Lucy took a deep breath and sighed and seemed better for it.

Seth stood up "It's not fair for you to be here crying while she's having fun, maybe I can't take the place of your boyfriend but do you want to go for a ride with me?" He held out his hand.

Lucy thought for a moment. "Yeah, why should I wait here for him!" He grabbed Seth's hand and stood up.

"Where are we going?"

"Where were you going to go?"

Lucy blushes slightly "well actually I think it's a bit childish, we were going to the theme park"

"Even if it's not childish, who cares, our first target is the theme park"

Lucy smiled, "Let's go."

Seth and Lucy left school together, took the train, and when they got to the theme park, they started running left and right.

"Seth, Seth, let's get on this, and I can't decide on this no, this ah"

"Don't worry, we have time"

They boarded a bullet train, a gondol, a kamikaze, a flying swing and it started to get dark

"Seth, do you like cotton candy?"

"A little, why?"

"I want to buy you a treat, you put up with me half the day, the least I can do"

"I thought it was fun-"

"Don't object!"

Seth threw up his hands as if giving up. "Okay, okay, okay, if you insist."

They both bought cotton candy and started to look around before leaving. As they were walking around, they saw a clown dressed up to attract guests.

"Would you be interested in a house of horrors?"

"Well hehe, maybe some other time, but if we're going to take the last ride before we leave, how about this?" Lucy smiled and pointed to the Ferris wheel.


"Please keep your seat belts fastened and stay seated while the Ferris wheel is moving, have fun"

As the Ferris wheel ascended, they both looked up at the sky and although there were no stars, the moon was clearly visible compared to the moonless night two days ago.

"Seth.... thank you."

"Oh, for what?"

"You know, if you hadn't found me crying on the floor, I would have just gone home and cried some more today. I would have sat there and been mad at Yome like an idiot. Thanks to you, today was really fun. Thank you."

"No need for thanks, I had a lot of fun too I hope we will have time to enjoy it again another time"

"Hehe, yes, I hope so."

When Seth got home he was tired but happy, he had had a fun evening, it had cost him some of his money but it had been well worth it. Lucy had already paid for her own tickets and dinner.

"Oh I guess I'll have to forget about a quality camera for now..... quality, who said it has to be quality"

Seth sat down at his desk and turned on his computer and thought 'if it's not good quality, won't that just fuel his desire for clearer videos!?' He bought a mid-range camera and found something more important than a camera.


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