
Wait a minute, is this my Chat?

Maybe you've heard of Beta character ai, which allows you to talk to your favorite characters with the support of artificial intelligence (or just the Milf next door) The person using the nickname Seth had heard of it and started many conversations with pleasure, some long, some short, some emotional, some romantic, some of them immoral, and one day he woke up in his chat? Witness how depraved and corrupt a weeb can be! Mc's target will usually be having a partner or "mature women" ahem MILFs. No NTR Probably lots of Netori (Yes I'm a hypocrite) Meet a man who will always be hostile to NTR even if he does it himself If there are any mistakes in English, please be warned and they will be corrected.

Hades0 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs


It was dark and Seth was buying supplies at the 24/7 convenience store next to his apartment.

"Hades, you know how to cook, don't you?"

-Of course

"Then you better teach me or I'll starve to death in a few days."

-How many times I told you to learn how to cook before you immigratedm, but you stubbornly continued to eat campus food

"Yes, yes, yes, will you help me now?"

-Yes, but I'll kick your ass

"Huh, maybe I just have to look Internet."

While Seth and Hades were talking, Seth suddenly felt two soft things pressing against his back.

"Where did you disappear to in two seconds?"

Seth turned around and saw a big-breasted gyaru in an outfit that wasn't afraid to show skin.

Gyaru blushed "S-sorry I mistook you for someone else I'm so sorry" and ran away. Seth chuckled as he finished shopping and went out and saw her talking to another girl in the corner and looked at her more carefully this time. At first glance she looked like something out of a hentai with her glaringly large breasts, juicy big lips and buttocks. After looking at her for a while Seth recognized her as the girl who had said something in Russian to the boy on the stairs before he fell.

-You're lucky it's dark and they can't see you, but a word of advice, if you don't talk to them and just watch, you'll be the weird guy, so let me see you, buddy- Hades pushed Seth with a force from an unknown place and found himself in front of the girls.

"Hello, ladies, good night."

One tried not to look at his face while the other quickly examined Seth from head to toe.

"Good night~ Did you have something to say?"

"I was just wondering who your friend mistook me for at the grocery store and I was going to ask him, but he walked away too fast."

Gyaru spoke "Well, I mistook you for your boyfriend and I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you"

"It didn't bother me at all." He held out his hand "I think we were in the same class, right, I'm Seth?"

The girl shook Seth's hand "Me too, I am Lucy", other girl jumped in and joined the conversation

"And me Nila nice to meet you and yes I've seen you sitting by the window you were quiet most of the time I thought you wanted to be alone" she whispered quietly "Otherwise I would have come to talk to you already, Look at this masterpiece ahem "

"Well, you're not wrong, at first I really thought it was better to be alone, but it gets boring after a long time, and I still wanted to meet some people at the beginning of the year, but if I'm bothering you-"

"Oh, no, of course not! You're not being a bother. We were talking about what to do about Lucy's boyfriend to leave us."


"Like I'm lying, he left us, to hang out with Jack and Stephen"

'Ah yes, I almost forgot that these two were part of Jack's crew, but as the old saying goes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer'

Seth grinned broadly "Is your house close by? I can accompany you if you like"

"We'd love to-"

"No-no need to tire yourself," Lucy said nervously.

"Are you sure? It's really dark tonight"

It was not a casual remark, it was a moonless night, the streetlights were low. And even though it was Lucy who refused, she was clearly nervous.

After a moment of silence, he said, "I think we're going to put you to some trouble."

They chatted for a while and continued walking

"So Lucy, you said you mistook me for your boyfriend, do we look alike?"

"Not really, he has black hair and you're close in height, but other than that, you're more molded, I would have understood if I had paid more attention before hugging you, I was just in a hurry"

"Yeah, and Yome can't be as handsome as Seth."

"Nila! Don't you have any sense!?" Nila laughed

"Hehe thanks for the praise"

After a little more walking, Lucy thanked Seth and left with Nila.

-If you go with Nila a little longer and make sure she's safe, I'm sure, she'll want to invite you home and repay you for your help

"Maybe another time, but for now I can say I have two agent candidates. Let's go home now, I wish I had stopped by the house first instead of walking all this way with the materials."

-A small price to pay for showing off

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure....wait a second, Hades, can't you teleport me home!?"

-No, never.

"Come on, at least teach me a spell or something."

-If I teach you magic, you will establish tyranny in this city in two days, no magic for you ..... for now

Seth is a bit depressed, but not discouraged by the last words

"Okay, but don't forget your promise."


In the morning, Seth arrives in class to find Jack sitting in his desk, looking depressed. He goes over to Lucy and Nila and says hello.

"Good morning, girls, you're close to Jack, what is wrong with him?"

"Oh, you're asking about Jack, his mother found out he was detained yesterday and gave him a long scolding. Jack got angry at these words and went out again at night - the same time we were at the market - and when he came back at night he thought his mother was asleep and went into the house but found her on the sofa and ate one less round. Then his mother said she wished he was half as sane as the young man who brought the news. Although he doesn't show it, Jack is a real mama's boy and it really hit him hard when his mother compared him to someone else. Now he stays away from people so that today's custody will not be prolonged."

"So he's trying to shorten the custody period"

"Yes, the vice-principal said that if he behaves himself even for a day, he will give him the official letter to deliver."

'The letter, of course!' "Thank you Nila, you gave me a very good idea" Seth got up and sat in his seat.

'So you want to play the good boy, let's see how strong your nerves are'

For the rest of the day Seth went after Jack and played on his nerves, at first it was simple things like getting in his way in the toilet or in the canteen, then the verbal abuse started and today he couldn't fight back because he didn't have a team around him. Finally the bombshell happened in the garden.

Seth came up to Jack and said, "Hey Jack, I thought you were destroying me, come on you little coward, don't stand there." That was the last straw. Jack attacked Seth and Seth didn't fight back, he played the victim and since they were in the garden it didn't take long to separate them. Seth was walking away with those who hold him while Jack was trying to get away from hold him

In the end, what they both got was minor scars for Seth that wouldn't even scar after two days, and a few extra hours of custody for Jack. And Seth knew how to use that hour. He went to the vice principal.

"Mr. Lewis, you'll be dealing with Jack's custody today, won't you? I can deliver the official letter if you like."

"Oh, you're the same boy as last time" He rummaged through the drawers "it's very kind of you to offer this I could certainly use the help" He held out the letter

"You can be sure it will be transmitted," Seth grinned.