


/"Someone is hungry./"

Peering up from my dinner plate, I find my mother and grandmother watching me. /"Yeah, I am. Sorry./"

/"No, no, it's a good thing,/" my grandmother assures me. /"Why don't you tell us about your first day at your new school?/"

I nod and set down my fork, but my mom looks to her plate and doesn't lift her gaze again. /"Well,/" I start, a little hurt, /"today I was just shown around the school. I got my schedule and met the Dean. It's really nice. There's this courtyard, and the cafeteria food is amazing, and the people all seem—/"

/"Thanks for dinner, mom, but I have to get back to reviewing. Leave the dishes, I'll do it later,/" my mom says flatly and gets up from the table. I watch her disappear into the hallway. Moments later, we hear the sound of her bedroom door closing.

Grandma shrugs and urges for me to continue. /"So? Did you meet anyone interesting?/"

/"I mean, everyone there is interesting./"