
VRMMORPG: Inferno Online

Adam's walk home on a dark Sunday evening leads to chaos and horror as an ominous and purple sky unleashes a thunderstorm. Brave souls face assaults amid strange voices echoing through the heavens. In all of this chaos and discord, Adam is snatched away by grotesque demons as is everyone else, enduring unimaginable torment for sixteen harrowing minutes. But then, he awakens inside the very game he bought ever so eagerly today, torn between elation and confusion. Trapped in a digital hell, Adam must adapt or face an incomprehensible fate. Battling devils and inner demons, he strives to understand his torment and find freedom in this nightmarish existence. Amidst relentless chaos, he vows to break free from this infernal realm at any cost. "This hell," he mutters grimly, "I despise it with every fiber of my being." -- It's worth it -- Uhm... I don't know {Rolls away.}

Mxna_ · Juegos
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18 Chs

Scenario 0.1 (1)

"I'm different. I'm better. I'm superhuman! Rahhhh!" Moon exclaimed, his strange noise at the end leaving Adam flabbergasted as he stumbled back.

"Haha! Get your jester ass back here and start digging. I need a new outfit," Moon said, his left forearm pulsating and oozing a green liquid from a large wound.

As they scraped their nails through the ground, Adam's hand encountered something wooden, and a splinter immediately lodged itself beneath his nail. In pain, he stood up slowly, found a tree, and bashed his head against it to muffle his scream.

"Oh, we hit wood! Nice. What's wrong with you?" Moon asked, clearing the soil, worms, and insects off the decaying coffin. With ease, he opened it up.

"Nothing," Adam replied, carefully using his teeth to remove the splinter, which caused a surge of pain in his neck.

"Wa-hooooo!" Moon yelled out in elation, raising a dagger to the sky.

"What is wrong with you?" Adam frowned, struggling to hold back tears.

"We'll talk about your tone later, but I found a Plague Weapon!" Moon exclaimed, jumping around with excitement.

Adam stared at the weapon, and a System Panel appeared displaying its details.

『Plague Doctor's First Dagger

Durability: 10,000/12,500

Description: A weapon forged by Corrupted Plague doctors, infused with the essence of herbs and roots that repel most diseases and a severely affected Plague Victim. Effective against lower-tier Plague Class Demons, pathogen-based afflictions, and ideal for spreading similar pathogen-based afflictions.』

Adam gazed into the coffin and saw the nearly perfectly preserved body of a lady with long blonde hair, her skin glistening with a substance, presumably the preservative. She adorned dull jewelry with similar descriptions and had weapons placed around her body.

He couldn't discern much from the System Panel that appeared, except for a warning.

『Beatrice's Corpse;

Stay away from Lady Beatrice...』

"Moon, can you see that?" Adam asked, rummaging through and pulling out different weapons.

"What?" Moon asked, continuing to retrieve weapons.

Adam attempted to examine the pile of swords, spears, daggers, and little axes Moon had collected, but the glare from multiple green panels appearing simultaneously nearly burned his eyes.

"Can he not see what I can see?" Adam wondered, considering other possibilities. "Could this be a cheat?" he murmured to himself, but before he could delve into his thoughts, Moon interrupted.

"What the hell are you dumbass mumbling about?" Moon asked, spinning the Plague dagger and playing with it.

"N-Nothing," Adam replied, squatting and reaching for the coffin cover. Moon, however, kicked it open and motioned for Adam to move the lady's body.

"No, no. I'm not accustomed to thrusting as much," Adam said, stepping back slowly, pretending he hadn't seen Moon's gesture.

"Ahh, so you're a virgin?" Moon said oddly, wearing a strange smile on his face.

"What!?" Adam wondered how Moon arrived at such a conclusion until he realized what he had inadvertently said, causing him to recoil in shame.

"You're one of those sword blokes, aren't you? Sure, here," Moon said, tossing a slightly rusted blade at Adam.

Moon climbed into the coffin, stepping on the corpse and using his feet to shift her legs as he retrieved various fabrics. He seemed to contemplate stripping Beatrice of her jewelry and clothes.

"The rest can't be used by males. But then again, we might encounter and scout a woman... But then again, am I really ready to carry all of this? Nah," Moon thought aloud. He sorted through the fabric he had gathered, a frown forming on his face as he grumbled.

"I need a seamstress to make good use of this!" Moon groaned, tearing off a piece of fabric, ripping a significant portion with his dagger, and tying it around his naked body.

"Adam, let's leave," Moon said, packing the remaining weapons in the fabric and carrying it on his back as he sprinted out.

Adam had no time to focus on the System Panel of the fabric. However, as soon as he ran out, he immediately ran back in.

"Lemme just take my dumb ass right the fuck back in here," Moon said, seemingly hiding, while a swarm of demonic rodents flooded past the crevice into the graveyard.

While this occurred, Adam noticed the oozing wound on Moon's hand glowing even brighter, causing Moon to endure unbearable pain, evident from his facial expressions and changing demeanor.

Moon hastily tore off a piece of fabric, tightly wrapping it around the wound, and gestured for Adam to hide or duck.

Adam sprinted towards the exit, pressed his back against a tree, and squatted down, imitating Moon's posture on the opposite end. He could feel a malevolent presence as the stampede of rodents rumbled through the muddy terrain, blocking the entrance.

Adam wondered what caused this malicious ambiance and attempted to peek out of the opening. However, Moon widened his eyes in fear, clenching his teeth and using his hands to signal Adam to stay down.

"El tonto. Estupido, Estupido, Estupido! Nos has matado, Stupid!" Moon exclaimed quietly in his mother tongue.

From the crevice emerged a slender, tall man with long black hair slithering across the ground. Stitches held his eyes open, and two large chains kept his thin, slender arms restrained due to gravity.

The skeletal figure had no muscle mass, only a tall, bony frame. Its wide open eyes contained a flickering green flame deep within.

[Hmm, I swear I sensed a Disciple of the Plague in here. Must've been my mind playing tricks on me] the slender beast said, looking around from the opening. Rats swarmed past, and a few stuck by its feet.

Adam recoiled deeper into the collection of trees that formed a makeshift wall. He frantically searched for even the tiniest opening to hide better, but the tightly packed trees provided no escape.

"Why does the fear feel so real?" Adam asked, inadvertently speaking his thoughts aloud.

[Because it is real,] the Demon replied, bending its back and twisting its neck abnormally to meet Adam's gaze.

Moon, on the other end, clenched his teeth on his dagger and shook his head in frustration. He was on the verge of a breakdown because of this blue jester.

Adam faced the very existence that science had disproven years ago. As a child, he had witnessed simulations in classrooms, discrediting the supernatural, denying the existence of gods, and extinguishing belief by the early 2040s. Yet, here stood a demon right before him.

[Your filthy kind has been sentenced to be here. I couldn't wait. I know many of you are pros; too many might survive the initial mild scenarios. So, I want to take care of that. You are truly dying, I am genuinely killing all of you, you are truly in hell, I am genuinely a Demon, and you are genuinely Damned souls. This is your reality. Did you expect your fear to be fake? I am genuinely dangerous,] the Demon taunted, a wide, toothy smile forming as its razor-sharp teeth gleamed

Adam held up the Sword that Moon gave him as he turned his face away from the beast trying to avoid the putrid odor of the devil's teeth.

[Ooooh, I'm so scared.] The Demon said sarcastically as it stepped back and it weirdly twisted body twisted even more.

It caught sight of Moon frantically looking around for a place to escape from.

[This is a Safe zone-] The demon said to Moon, as if telling it to relax knowing that it couldn't harm them here.

Adam took advantage of the situation and held his blade with all of his strength, the words of the Demon sinking into his head, as he swung the sword with all his might at the Demon, cutting straight through one of its arms.

'El tonto. Estupido, Estupido, Estupido!' Moon thought to himself.

[Oh, you can hurt me in safe zones-] The demon said as it slithered out of it and returned to standing near the entrance.

[I cant waste time on you two-] it said as it jumped back into the swarm of rodents and left.

Moon exhaled loudly and exclaimed, yelling out random curses in his mother tongue to Adam.

"Estupido. Why can't newbies just. Oh lawd!" He said finally and laid down on the floor, trying to catch his breath.

While Adam was having a violent realization.

"This isn't a game." Adam said to himself, as images of the System Panel that was atop the head of the Devil kept playing in his head.




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