
VRMMO: Dragon Born

within the latest Virtual Reality game called Heavens Wrath the only thing that matter was a person’s strength. David was unlucky at the beginning and was granted to Common class of a Warrior. however during a Raid he found the key to change his life. [Would you like to Consume Dragon Kings Blood?] “yes!” From that day onwards they were tremble in fear or so David had hoped. [The Dragon Kings Blood is corrupting your soul.] [Level is being reset to Level.1] [All inventory items will be destroyed] [All skills will be erased] [All character affinity’s will be reset to 0] [You have obtained the Mythical Class Dragon Kings Descendant] When David awoke from the Egg he was smaller then a mouse which led him to doubt wether it was the right choice to make.

MFZEID · Fantasía
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7 Chs


~2 Years ago~

"So this is heaven's wrath! So exciting!"

The young girl had just farmed enough killer bunnies to advance past the beginning area as were countless others.

"I think I can open my status by just saying it. Status."

[NoemiHunt-Lv.10][Global Rank:690,987












[Unassigned Status Points:0]


A young assassin in her journey… at least that's what a normal person would be like and Noemi wasn't normal.


"Awe! These baby chicks are so cute!"

A class specialized for killing people without their knowledge. Assassin Classes couldn't be underestimated but Noemi was currently playing with the farm animals instead of killing monsters like the others.

That was until the farmer kicked her out of his farm.

"Scram you little brat!"

[Affinity with Farmer Beck has dropped -5]

[Farmer Beck will attack you if you upset him further]

"Oh man… I just wanted to pet the animals… huh?"

Noemi found what looked to be a broken pendant near one of the fence posts and grabbed it.

[You have found a broken pendant]

[You have received a quest]

[(???)Return the pendant to its owner]

[You have found a marvellous pendant and feel compelled to return it to its owner]

[Return the pendant to its rightful owner]


David wanted to hit this girl with a rock for several reasons.

'You pick the most lethal class of the beginner classes but your too nice to harm a goblin and what is your obsession with animals!?'

Noemi went on with her story as she told David she had looked for the pendants owner for a month straight with no luck at all.

That was until she stumbled across an old tower that looked to be abandoned.

[The Broken Pendant is reacting to the Towers Magical power]

[The Ruined Magic Tower Opens its door to you]

"U-Um hello? Is anyone there?"

The young and carefree girl walked into a random tower she stumbled across but she felt a warm breeze crawl down her spine.

"Who are you? How did you enter the tower?"

Noemi looked back and her eyes widened.

"…Doggy! Are you hungry? I have some raw Killer bunny meat if your hungry?"

David instinctively knew the creature Noemi had encountered in that tower and was once again flabbergasted.

'A creature with the intelligence of a human yet the characteristics of both a wolf and human combined… it's 100% a creature from the Beastman Race.'

Elf, Beastman and finally Humans. At the beginning of creating an account inside Heavens Wrath there is three options to choose from when selecting your desired race.

Some chose the elves while some chose Beastman but for David it would feel uncomfortable if he didn't pick human.

But Noemi continued on with her story as she followed David towards the river.

Days had passed since meeting the Beastman but She still thought of him being an overgrown doggy.

"I am not a mere Dog! I am a Beastman! Now how did you get into the Magic Tower!"

"I wanna play with Mr.Doggy! Want to play fetch? Come on let's play Mr.Doggy!"

Even Jim who had just received the old footage of this encounter was at a loss for words. Both he and David wondered if she really was an adult.

[The old Mage has casted a silence curse on you]

[You cannot resist and cannot speak until it is removed]

"I told you before that I am no dog but a Beastman! Since you won't tell me how you got into the tower I'll see how you did it myself. Appraisal."

[Everything has been examined by the Old Mage.]

[Skills and the use of items have been sealed]

"An Assassin? But you do not smell of blood. An assassin who doesn't kill… interesting."

Everything was seen in the old mage's eyes but his expression changed upon sight of the broken Pendant.

"T-That's one of our pendants! How does a human have our pendant?!"

[You are free from the silence spell]

"That? I found it outside a farm. Just near Jolly Wood Ridge. Can I play with Mr.Doggy-"

[The old Mage has casted a silence curse on you]

[You cannot resist and cannot speak until it is removed]

David could have sworn he had heard that name before but couldn't remember exactly what it was.

But Noemi continued on while David was trying to remember.

The Old Mage Beastman started crying before letting out a howl loud enough to be heard from nearly every corner of the kingdom.

"Those bastards! I'll make them pay! They'll all pay!"

Noemi couldn't speak but instead held the Beastman's furry hand.

Even if she was to die at that moment she was determined to help the hurt little doggy.

It was then that David remembered what the village of Jolly Wood Ridge was before calamity struck.

'Of course! She was the one that met the Wolf of Destruction!'

Several months after the game's release in one of the starter towns a Beastman of unimaginable strength came and flattened it in moments.

Not one of the players were strong enough and folded like a house of cards. Even the Kingdom of Helsel's Army was nearly destroyed.

But even David didn't know who or what killed the Beastman until Noemi pulled out an old staff with a teary eyes.

"I was there to see it all. There was so much pain and agony but Mr.Doggy had one final wish for me to do."

The memory was still ingrained into her mind while she placed the staff on the ground.

"Little Girl, this world is cold and cruel but your heart is warm like the sun… Find the Beastman's legacy and help him… Find our history and guide him… find the King."

[The Ancient Beastman King, Wolven has died and gives you his last Will with hopes that you honour his memory]

[You have been given Wolven's Magic Staff]

[A Quest has been Added]

[(Unique)Relics of the Old World]

[As an Ancient Warrior shrouded in darkness you must first find your ancestors Legacy]

[Find and use an Ancient Stone]

[Rewards:(Unique)Class Change book, 1 Ancient Ruins Map]

[Requirements:Level.10, Ancient Kings acknowledgement]

David was moved by Noemi's words before taking another look at the staff before he noticed a marking on the gem.

"It can't be… Noemi… look here…"

Noemi didn't believe her eyes as David took the gem out of the Staff and saw it was an identical Ancient Stone.

David placed the ancient stone he had collected next to the other one with widened eyes just like Noemi.

"This… this…"

"It was Wolven's last gift. You just didn't realize what he meant when he gave you the staff."

Noemi picked up the stone from Wolven's Staff and smiled with teary eyes.

"T-Thank you… Tiamat."

David collected his own stone while he watched as Noemi swallowed hers.

What happened next could only be described as a miracle as her once human Body changed into a Beastman.

"W-W-What happened? What's going on!?"

David knew what had happened as Noemi inspected everything that had changed.

'The Ancient Stone… it evolved her into a Beastman. Would my race change if I used my stone?…!?'

Noemi's Wolf like features nearly all faded aside from her ears and tail.

"Mr.Chicken! I completed my quest! After so long I've finally finished it! Thank you Mr.Chicken!"

David couldn't believe what he just witnessed before seeing Noemi pull out an old book.

The writing couldn't be seen as anything other then scribbles but it was without a doubt the Quest's rewards.

Had David not of gotten his current class then he would have demanded it for compensation for his help despite it not even being his quest.

However when Noemi opened the book a message appeared for everyone.

[She who learns the forgotten past also tends to the future for Beastman]

David was too distracted before he noticed Noemi bowing to him.

"Master Chicken what can I do to repay you? Gold? Artifacts? Skill Books? Anything you wish will be my mission."

Noemi was a bit of a knucklehead but even a knucklehead wouldn't grant anything as she was far from being an Elite Ranker which meant one of two things.

'She's either the daughter of a wealthy and powerful person or she will simply grant his wish if the opportunity comes.'

David prayed it would be the latter because it would become more troublesome if his identity became known.

"From your quest you got a Map of ruins Correct? Tomorrow I want to be there when you explore them. That will be how you repay me."

Noemi smiled before logging out alongside David.

"Okay Mr.Chicken! See you tomorrow!"

Once Noemi was gone David took out his Ancient Stone and just looked at it with hesitation.

There was no guarantee that his Race or class would change but Noemi was a Human who developed a strong bond with Wolven who was a Beastman.

But there was a chance that it unlocked Noemi's hidden potential since she received a quest from a Beastman about their ancestral origins.

So if it went by that logic then the Ancient Stone would further expand David's locked abilities.

It was a chance David was willing to take as he swallowed the stone and felt his insides heating up.

[You have Consumed the Ancient Stone]

[The power of the Ancient Stone empowers your dormant powers.]

[Your Status has been drastically altered based on your history and current Quests]

[Your Race cannot be altered from a Supreme Race]

[The Power of the Ancient Stone fuels your Dragons Fire]

[All stats have been increased significantly]

[(Class-Skill)Dragon Polymorph has been added]

[(Unique)Mark of Evolution has been added]

David felt empowered tenfold's compared to before using the Ancient Stone but Jim Kirk felt only sorrow as the ticking time bomb just blew up in front of their faces.