
Class System and Master

He finally got to the character creation.... scanning human male. What type Dao would you like to Study Spiritual, or Martial. That was an interesting question, I'm guessing this is part of the class system. He chose Martial, then four options came out in front of him Monk, Weapon Specialist, Hunter, or Knight. He opened the description for monk first.

Monk- Master of Martial arts dealing with feet and hands. Most of these choose to work for a religion or sect with a certain principle incorporating their religion and martial powers together.

Weapon Specialist- Choose a type of weapon and become one with it. Learn the ways of your chosen weapon and become unparallel with the skill of your weapon style.

Hunter- Learn to blend into your environment, track down you prey and attack without mercy. Hunter excels in the arts of beast taming get a demon beast to help you fight.

Knight- True to thier cause learn the ways of the heavy weapons and armor to protect yourself and those around you. Your faith is your shield.

Robert looked at the four classes and decided on Weapon Master. A list of almost all the weapons you could think of came out....

Some of the weapons were grayed out like swords and sabers katanas and some other very popular ones. I'm guessing its first come first serve on this. There was still a relatively long list and even some weapons he had never heard about what the hell is a kyoketsu-shoge, there were also guns rifle bazookas and other weapons listed. WTH wasn't this a fantasy game???? He went with tonfa's he always liked the weapon and it was Raphael's new weapon in TMNT, he always liked Raph. Therefore, he named his character Raph.

The game finished his registration and a clock appeared 18 hours until server opening...

He removed his VR Gear and hung out for a couple of hours. Talking to some of his friends in the same ward, they were a bit envious that he got beta a new game. The day flew by quickly, then he woke up the next day ready to go. He received a text from his brother earlier that day, "Hey I'm ready to go over here I got a copy I'll meet you in game." How the hell did he get a copy. Weren't the limited?

"How did you get a copy did you sell your kidney on the black market?"

"Actually, I was talking about it to a friend in a restaurant when the owner overheard me... He asked me first how I had heard about it. Then I explained it to him and why I was looking for a copy. We got to talking and I told him I was top in my class in the accounting department. He asked if I could look help him with his tax documents so, I did. He needed a lot of help I took all night but I finished some the work on excel, he was so happy he gave me his copy saying that he didn't need anyways as he had no disciple to give to or something. Anyways I agreed to look over his accounts for the next month and help out at the restaurant. He also told me I had to choose Martial class Knight order of the grand spear or something like that. Anyways my in-game name KnightShiny so make sure you add me"

The text was actually quiet long..... It seems his brother was somewhat lucky, he seemed to find a way to play with him. He replied telling his name was Raph and to add him to his friends list when he had a chance.

He then readied himself after a few hours. The cool thing about the VR program was that you can play while you sleep now, so you wouldn't have to worry about getting tired while playing. He got ready to go to sleep and put on his VR Headset.


Welcome to World of Cultivation

You shall now meet your weapons masters please have a fun gaming experience.

Raph awoke in front of a small dojo with twin tonfas on the sign. A middle aged man was approaching him he was fairly tall wearing some kind of gi that was used in martial arts, had a bald head, and had a face that stone couldn't break. He opened up his character window to check his status

Raph Class: Weapon Master

HP:100% Spirit: None

Str: 8-7=1

Wis: 4

Con: 8-7=1

Dex: 5-4=1

Chr: 6

Int: 6

Cultivation Techniques: None

Status Effect: Weakened body (All physical stats reduced to 1) Dangerous bodily decease 1. Chance of decease flaring up 75% per hour 2. Weakened body effect 3. Movement and attack speed reduced by 90% 4. Extreme muscle degradation

Muscle degradation- loss of physical stats –1 per 3 months

What the hell was this the game had set up his decease in with him. He felt extremely tired he could barely walk around, then his body fell to the floor. What was going on he only felt this weak when he was at the hospital. The man quickly caught him noticing something was wrong.

"Hmm," the middle aged man had a worried look on his face. He quickly placed Raph on the floor and too out some needles. Hey! Wait what are you doing don't poke me with those, but the needles hit certain areas of his body and he began to feel better. He took his time making sure he got the right areas.

"Don't move, I'll be right back." He jumped into the sky and flew away. Raph felt way better than he had felt in months. He actually wanted to get up but did as instructed. He opened his character window again.

Raph Class: Weapon Master

HP:100% Spirit: None

Str: 8-7=2

Wis: 4

Con: 8-7=2

Dex: 5-4=2

Chr: 6

Int: 6

Cultivation Techniques: None

Status Effect: Weakened body (All physical stats reduced to 1) Dangerous bodily decease 1. Chance of decease flaring up 75% per hour 2. Weakened body effect 3. Movement and attack speed reduced by 90% 4. Extreme muscle degradation

Ki Needle- +1 physical stats, protects from abnormal effects other than weakened body

It was a really good effect, and his body was no longer in danger. He tried to log out but the system said it was impossible as he had a status effect on him? He tried to force log out but it wouldn't let him either, was this a bug? He tried to contact a gm with a ticket. Your que will 1 hour we have a high number of users asking for GM assistance.

Great 1 hour must have to do with the problem of logging out. He just waited for the middle aged man to return about 15 minutes later he arrived with an older looking woman around her 50's. She had short grey hair, was very short and was wearing a kimono. She examined him looking grave.

"This is a big problem," she said "this boy has been here five minutes and you already have him half dead. Hmm it seems like your first and maybe only disciple is very weak. After this is done you will owe me three low grade spirit cores." She looked at him and the middle aged man nodded.

"Alright boy drink up you seem to have had very good luck today." She poured a strange liquid down his throat his body felt extremely hot and burning the impurities out of his body. He was actually seeing smoke come out of it, then the middle aged man removed the needles thank the old lady and helped him stand up.

"That should be better how do you feel now."

He felt as if he had never been sick his body was back to normal. "I feel fine now."

"Good I don't know what you had encountered before you got a copy of this game but your life is no longer in danger. Would you like to sign a contract to become my disciple? If you do you may call me Master Kimura." Kimura Said taking out a contract

"Well if you are the tonfa master I will."

"Good, just sign here and we can begin."

Raph signed, "Alright what's the first lesson."

"I will hand you a cultivation technique and teach you how to use it as you should now all your other cultivation techniques that you learned in the outside world will be locked so everyone starts at zero, but you will be able to get some nice rewards from the game."

<received tonfa school beginners' cultivation technique>- begin your way to be a better cultivator!!

<Tonfa hand to hand technique>- 5% additional damage with tonfas

<Tonfa Dash>- 200% damage and knock up the opponent

<received low grade tonfas, Low Grade beginners Gi>

Low grade tonfas Dmg:5-10

Low grade Beginners Gi Def:5

What did he mean about other Techniques he learned out oh well never mind he continued to listen to his explanation.

"Begin by studying your materials, I'll help you along the way."

He opened up his beginners tonfa cultivation technique and began to read:

"To begin feel the life energy around you this is called Ki close your eyes. Find the root..." it continued for about five pages it seemed very easy but it was incredibly tough. Alright let's try the he followed the instructions on the scroll. About 3 minutes later he received a notification.

<ding you have begun to feel the energy around you 1/100 progress>

1/100!!! That means he would have to sit here for 300 minutes to begin the first level of cultivation no way that's 6 hours. He looked at his master. "It seems like I'm 1% done."

"1%!!! Already that's a little faster than older brother you must have some talent. You must come from a larger sect why did you choose tonfas they are not very popular. Anyways once you pass through the first stage you should be able to learn those techniques and go hunting."

Larger sect, what was he talking about but if he had good talent I would hate to see what bad talent was like.... so, this was the start of the game I guess it was to teach patience or something. Oh well, he had nothing else to do today anyways so he continued about two hours in he felt extremely weak and tired so he decided to take a break.

<ding you have begun to integrate the energy around you 34/100 progress>

"2 hours straight not bad, you have some talent. must have been because of the disease you carried hardship does improve one's self. Alright let's go through some tonfa stances and movements while you rest your Ki."

Kimura began with basic tonfa stances and Raph shadowed him. Kimura began to fix his stances, it took a bit of time but Raph began to get the hang of the stances. About an hour later they stopped to have some food.

"Not bad, for a beginner but it seems you have never used a weapon before you picked it fairly fast. I'm going to have to up your regimen a little bit after lunch." Kimura said with a wicked smile.

For the next hour it was hell on earth for Raph, although he felt great to be able to move so freely once again Kimura had begun to spar with him. Telling him to use his stances, to stop flailing around, keep his guard up. By the end of the hour Raph had one thing engraved on his mind don't break your stance and keep focused because every time he failed to do that pain soon followed.

Raph sat down looking like Mike Tyson after a boxing match and began to feel the energy in the universe this was much better than getting beat up after 2 hours he was getting tired once again but this time he powered through.

<ding the worldly force is in your body is close to completion 80/100>

He was actually getting a little bit better at absorbing the energy around him that was very rare to see, Kimura had guessed he wasn't from a sect or outside martial community a while ago when they were fighting. he was actually just a regular person which was very strange how he had received the game., but this was very good news for Kimura. This boy didn't have another Master other than him he could actually become his disciple and train in his small sect in Okinawa. He noticed the kid began to push through into the first stage. "Hmmm, what a tough kid I'm going to have to stop going easy on him." Kimura noticed.

Raph could log out but there nothing else to do today anyways he should have kept that ticket open, he closed once he was cured and he could log out. Now he knew why there must have been so many tickets. These teachers where hella frightening.