

Voodoo (The Betrayal) Julia was raped as a teenager as a result she despised men. She didn't want anything to do with them. She sees them as destroyers. Her life had always been perfect not until that day her virtue was robbed from her. How she hates that gender. Not only the virtue that was robbed from her. Her uncle- Mr. Anas, was after her life for a document her dad had given her to keep safe. The documents weren't just a mere one, it was the key to ruling the world as the owner of a big technological company. One would do anything to be in that position, just as her uncle had done. From her findings, she had discovered it was her uncle that had murdered her family. Not only was she on the run, but she was also planning her revenge strategies. Shawn, a musician is bent on taking revenge on those that made his life unbearable as a teenager. He made some bad decisions when he was a kid and he promised to make up for it. He eventually met Julie and fell in love with her. Will Julie let her guards down and give Shawn a chance? Read to find out

Theresa_Odoemene · Fantasía
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30 Chs

The Mistake

Julia POV

He helped me put my hair behind my ears. I was uncomfortable and needed a little more space.

"Can you please adjust?" I asked and he grinned and I felt butterflies in my stomach. He had cute dimples.

"Why do you hate us, men?" He asked and I felt my cheeks burn. I was embarrassed and angry at the same time.

I mustered all the energy in me and pushed him away, he fell with a thud but laughed as though it didn't hurt. He had a cut on his knee and blood oozed out.

"If I tell you I like you, what would you do?" He asked sitting back on the couch, but this time, he didn't come too close to me. I ignored him.

Just then, Ciara and Steve came in. "Mom, I've made a new friend. She said as she ran towards me.

"congrats," I said dryly but she didn't notice. She saw the cut on Mr. Shawn's knee and gasped.

"Uncle Shawn, you've injured yourself." She said looking worried. "Don't you guys have first aid materials here?" She asked Steve who said,

"We do. Let's go get it." He said and they ran up the stairs. I felt guilty because of my reaction which made him have a cut. His face was red and I knew it hurt badly.

"I'm sorry," I said looking apologetic.

"I'm the one who should've minded my business." He said not sparing me a glance.

Ciara and Steve were back with the first aid kit. Ciara gave it to me and they both ran upstairs. I wonder what they were doing upstairs.

He was staring intently at me watching me as I took the cotton wool and dipped it in the methylated spirit. He put his injured leg on my lap. That made my gown shift higher, but I ignored it. I had to concentrate on what I was doing so I could get outta here. The contact his leg had with mine sent shivers down my spine. He didn't make any comment all along and I glanced at him and saw that he was just staring at me.

Alas, I was done. I stooped down to clean the blood on the floor, but he stopped me, collected the wool from me, and cleaned it himself. I was about to go to my room but he held my hand

"I'm not angry with you, he said and I nodded. He then left to throw the used cotton wool in a dustbin.

Ciara was asleep, but I couldn't sleep. I took my phone so I could know the trending news. A piece of news caught my attention, it read

'Panic as Anas Gomez warns the citizens of America that he was back. He told the president to step down, else there would he war.'

I was gobsmacked. What made my uncle, Anas think that he'd be able to rule America? He wanted to be lord of all and possess power, that was why he tried to take over my dad's company, because he (that is my dad), specialized in the production of technological facilities. He wanted to take over it to use it for his benefit in the production of nuclear and atomic bombs. I just hope the president isn't a coward

I wasn't in a good mood and I couldn't sleep, so I decided to go to the sitting room and watch a movie.

Shawn was in the sitting room and he was watching the news. The news I had just seen on the internet was being broadcasted on the television. His jaws were tightly clamped together. It seems he was upset by the news, what if he finds out that Anas, the terrorist was my uncle?

I sat on the couch, far away from him. Just then, his phone rang and he creased his forehead. He left immediately and didn't answer the call in my presence. I didn't trust him. Who knows if he works for Anas? Over curiosity made me leave where I was and spy on him.

I walked quietly to his room which was opposite mine. The door was slightly opened so I could get a better view of him. He was whispering harshly over the phone, though I could make out a few words. He held tightly to the window bars and his knuckles were white.

"What! Are you damn serious?... Yes, she is... You must be joking, right?... Never, no way, I wouldn't let that happen... He told you to call me? Why didn't he just call me directly?... He's a coward... I saw it... If I set my eyes on that bastard, I swear I'll kill him, if it's to kill him with my hands, I'll do just that... I left a long time ago and there's no way I'm coming back... Don't try to dissuade me, Chance. The fact that I'm one man against a hundred or thousand doesn't guarantee the fact that I'm not going to defeat you and your cohorts...don't you call my line again." He said, hung up, and threw the phone on the bed.

Who was he angry with and who did he want to kill? I had never trusted the guy ever since I set my eyes on him. He's a killer, I don't think I can stay in the home of a killer. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't see him coming towards the door. It was already late, he saw me and his eyes widened in shock.

Oh my goodness! I'm done for. I turned around, wanting to head to my room but he dragged me by the hair and I shrieked. He pulled me into his room and what! He locked the door. He made me face him and his eyes were red.

"You were sent to spy on me, right? He asked and I shook my head. "What did you hear? Tell me what you heard right now." He said still clutching my hair. My scalp was hurting. I wonder what I've gotten myself into. I just came today and I've put myself in such a mess. Oh! How I wish I could turn back the hands of time.

"Nothing, I heard nothing," I said and he pushed me. I landed on his bed with my arm hitting the bedpost. He came towards me and sat on the bed.

Memories of the past, one I wouldn't forget in a lifetime came flooding in.

"Who sent you?" He asked icily. "Don't let me do something we would both regret, who sent you?" I was damn angry.

"Who sent me? I don't understand." I retorted. I didn't even know where the courage came from.

He stood up and went to the window, his two hands at the back of his head.

See what curiosity has gotten me into, had I known, I wouldn't have done what I did. I could escape since he was facing the window.

I stood up with all the strength I had left, I hadn't even gone halfway when I felt his hand hold my clothing.

"Tell me the truth, or I'll kill you here and now," he said through clenched teeth.

I had always known, he was a killer and he wanted to kill me. I won't let him do that and leave Ciara motherless. I pushed him away with all the strength I could muster and he lost his balance. Then I used that opportunity. I saw a glass cup on the table, I rushed to pick it so I could use it on him, but he was faster. He charged towards me, dragged me to himself then pushed me to the bed.

He stayed on me, my legs between his knees. His hands were on my neck, ready to strangulate me. I shrieked as memories of the past came flooding in.

I remembered a man on top of me tearing, tearing my clothes before I blanked out. I was losing it.

I thought it was over since it happened almost six years ago, but no, it wasn't. I was seventeen then. I was transported back to those days.

I started cursing and insulting. I heard the laughter of men, and the stench of alcohol, it was horrible. By the time I was calm, I opened my eyes and saw that Mr. Shawn was looking at me, worried. I sat up on the bed, shame eating me up. No one had ever seen me in this condition.

Few months after I had escaped from their hostage, it was always a norm, until it stopped about four years ago, but now it's repeating itself again and in the presence of this jerk.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking worried.

Does he think I am an idiot? I slapped him and his face contorted with rage. I made to move away, but he held me tightly.

"You're going nowhere until you tell me what your relationship with Anas is. He said and I was dumbfounded. How did he get to know?

"He's my uncle," I said whispering.

"Then it's true. You came here to spy on me." He said and I tried to defend myself.

"Whoever told you that is a liar. How'll I work for someone that killed my parents?" I asked and he exploded.

"That's it." He said. "Exactly what the caller said would be your excuse. Get out." He thundered. "I don't ever want to see you in this house, in fact, you're fired. I'm going out, if I come back and find out that you're still here, you wouldn't find it funny." He said unlocking the door.

I was busy crying all through because I had lost my job and there was no place to live. I went on my knees.

"I'm so sorry. Do any other thing to me, but please, don't sack me. I've got nowhere to go." I pleaded but he dragged me up, roughly and pushed me down the stairs to the sitting room.

Mrs. Ashley and Ciara were watching television. They saw us and Ciara looked confused.

"Mommy, are you okay?" She asked and ran to hug me. I scooped her up in my arms.

"Mom," Shawn called. "They've got to leave."

"What!" Mrs. Ashley and Ciara exclaimed simultaneously.

"Yes mom, she's a spy, sent from an enemy of mine."

Mrs.. Ashley stood up slowly from where she sat.

"What has come over you?" She asked "They are going nowhere. I employed Julia, you didn't, remember, and whereas she hasn't even spent up to a day here."

"Mom, don't test my patience, if I come back and meet them here, you wouldn't like what I'll do, I promise." He said and stomped out of the sitting room.

I dropped Ciara down and went to sit on one of the couches.

"Mom, are you okay?" Ciara asked looking worried and I forced out a smile.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me."

"Julia," Mrs.. Ashley called "what exactly did you do to him?"

"I don't know." I Lied.

"You shouldn't mind him, okay? He's sometimes like that, short-tempered and all. Hope you are not angry."

"Not at all, why should I be?" I lied again although I was boiling with rage but tried to keep my emotions under control.

I needed to rest because I was physically and emotionally distressed.

What hurt me most was that Shawn saw my weakness. I went to the room to take a nap and Ciara followed me, she was overly protective.

Shawn pov

I and my friends scheduled to meet in a bar. Jack and three other friends whose names were Shoria, Cisco, and Tom. I had met them in the police force where I worked as an undercover agent. I was a musician, but I suspended it in the meantime.

"You're late," Cisco said to me as I approached them.

"I'm sorry, I had some things to take care of".

"Apologies accepted." He replied.

"So why did you and Jack summon us here?" Tom asked getting impatient.

Jack cleared his throat and asked, "Did you all hear the news today?" He asked and they all shook their heads.

"You're cops and you don't watch the news or read the papers?" He asked surprised.

"We're not cops, but undercover agents," Tom said.

"What's the difference?" Jack asked. "Anyways," he continued, "Anas Gomez the terrorist is back and he's coming in full force. He gave the president a given date, only one month, to step down, else he'll proclaim war. The funniest thing is that no one can track him." Jack said ending his speech.

"So? How has that got to do with us?" Cisco asked.

"We can't handle him on our own," Tom added. "Whereas, we've got the cops. We're undercover agents, not cops." He said but Jack ignored him.

"He wants to take over America. If he succeeds, we the citizens will suffer." Jack said.

"It has something to do with me." I said speaking for the first time."

"That's right," Jack said. "In case you need to know, one of Anas' men called Shawn today, saying he sent someone to spy on Shawn. The lady is in his house right now."

"Let's go get her arrested then," Cisco said.

"There's something fishy about all these," Shoria said speaking for the first time. "Tell us who the lady is," Jack said and I sighed.

"Remember the lady you tried to woo in the restaurant some time ago?" l asked but he shook his head.

"I can't remember any 'cause there are lots of them I tried to woo in a restaurant." He said and they all burst out laughing except me because I didn't find it funny.

"Remember the lady you warned me not to meet 'cause she turned you down? The one with a little girl."

"Oh!" He exclaimed. "The lady with a big backside." He said and winked at me. "The one who turned me down, right?"

"Exactly," I replied. "She's the one that was sent to spy on me. She's Anas' niece." I said and they all looked shocked.

"Why will Anas send someone to spy on you? What did you do to him?" Cisco asked and as I was about replying, Jac,k said, "it's a long story."

They all nodded because they understood that I wasn't ready to talk about it.

"I think the guy was lying to you," Tom said.

"Come to think of it, how'll someone send a person to spy on you and still tell you that he sent a spy?" Jack asked and suddenly, I felt stupid for what I did earlier.

"She's his niece," I said not wanting to believe them.

"One thing I dislike about you, Shawn is that you always jump to conclusions. At least you'd have asked for a piece of advice." Jack said

"Who knows if Anas is after the lady just as he's after Shawn," Cisco said and they all nodded.

I felt bad as I heard them say that. I had even hurt her and she was innocent. Would she ever forgive me?

"What do you think we should do?" Cisco asked and I replied, "we're taking up the case. Anas must be brought to book."

We all stood up and shook hands. Then they all left except Jack. I sat down slowly and placed my head on the table. I felt like killing myself because of what I did. I was planning on how to make her love me, yet see what my foolishness has caused

"I hurt her," I said to Jack as I raised my head.

"You finally hooked up with her?" Jack asked, surprise written on his face.

"Not really. But now, she'll hate me more." I said and he shook his head.

"Wow!" He exclaimed. "Are you in love?" He asked but I ignored him. "I'll help you talk to her." He said and I scoffed.

"Who told you she was gonna listen to you?" I asked.

"She'll if I explain what happened to her." He said trying to convince me."

"You're such a good friend," I said standing up. "What are friends for?" He asked as we hugged.


We arrived at my house and I pressed the doorbell. Erastus, one of the cooks opened the door for us and I was surprised to see that there were guests, but I couldn't see who they were exactly from my vantage position.

I glanced at Jack and he urged me to keep going, which I did. We went towards the table and I was surprised to see my sister and her husband. I planted a kiss on Sophia, my sister's forehead.

"Hey Shawn, take it easy. Her husband is here." Jack said and they all burst into laughter.

I stole a glance at Julia, but she seemed unaffected. "You've added a few pounds," I said complimenting Sophia and she chuckled and said,

"While you've grown thinner. You had better look for a wife who'll take good care of you."

I shook hands with Cadde, my brother-in-law. I glanced at Julia but she ignored me all along. Even Ciara was quiet, which was unlike her.

Julia must've told her what transpired between us. Jack had sat on an empty seat beside the maid, Mia. She was pretty, but not as pretty as Julia.

I sat on an empty chair beside Julia, what she did shocked me, she stood up immediately as though I stank or she had been bitten by an ant and went to sit beside Erastus, her co-worker. I lost my appetite immediately and excused myself saying I wanted to use the restroom

Julia POV

I saw Mr. Shawn come in with a guy whom I recognized immediately. The guy from the restaurant tried to woo me. Just seeing Mr. Shawn made bile rise my throat. I glanced at Ciara, but she was oblivious of the fact that Mr. Shawn just entered.

When Mr. Shawn had left, Ciara kept saying she would never talk to him again because he planned to throw us out. I tried talking to her, but she wouldn't listen. I didn't want her to start hating someone at such a tender age.

I just pretended as though he didn't exist. Just then, Shawn sat beside me. Anger soared through me. How dare he have the guts to sit beside me after all that he did? I stood up immediately and sat beside Erastus. I glanced at Mr. Shawn and saw that his countenance had changed.

"Good for him," I said to myself.

He excused himself, saying he wanted to use the restroom. No one noticed what transpired aside from Erastus and Jack. Jack also excused himself and went after Shawn.

"Where did Shawn and Jack go to?" Sophia, his sister asked. "They didn't even touch their food."

I admired Sophia. She was good-looking and had a nice set of teeth, high cheeked bones, brown eyes like her brother's. There was a resemblance between the two.

"But he said he wanted to use the restroom," Cadde said.

"Then why did Jack accompany him? Something is wrong with him." Mrs. Ashley said giving me a knowing look, but I shrugged.

"I'll go and check upon him," Sophia said standing up but Cadde restricted her, holding her hand.

" Babe, don't worry, I'll go myself. You don't have to stress yourself, okay?"

"Okay then" she replied sitting down.

Cadde pecked her and left. I felt a bit jealous but I shrugged it off. I had lost my appetite, but I had to force myself to keep on eating so as not to arouse suspicion.

A few minutes later, they all came approached us. Mr. Shawn's eyes were red as though he had been crying. He sat on an empty seat beside Ciara and he started whispering something to her.